17 research outputs found

    Fearfulness associates with problematic behaviors and poor socialization in cats

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    Funding Information: This study was funded by Suomen Kissaliitto ry , Kinship Partners Inc , Academy of Finland ( 308887 ), and Agria and Swedish Kennel Club research fund ( N2019-0005 ). We acknowledge Julia Niskanen for developing the airGLMs for a model selection process. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Author(s)Problematic behavior is a remarkable welfare issue in cats (Felis catus), as it is one of the most common reasons for relinquishment. The probability of developing problematic behaviors is likely influenced by several variables, but these remain little studied. In this study, we examined the associations of fearfulness, aggression toward humans, and excessive grooming with nearly thirty variables in a survey dataset of over 3,200 cats. To identify the most important variables influencing these behaviors, we used generalized linear models. All behaviors were associated with each other suggesting comorbidity between problematic behaviors. Breed and several environmental variables were also associated with behaviors. Poor socialization with humans and a history of being a rescue cat were associated with higher fearfulness, indicating that the proper socialization of kittens is beneficial for avoiding fear-related problematic behaviors. Overall, our study highlights the complexity of three problematic behaviors in cats.Peer reviewe

    Personality traits associate with behavioral problems in pet dogs

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    Personality traits, especially neuroticism, strongly predict psychopathology. The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris Linnaeus, 1758) is used as a natural model for psychiatric disorders, but the similarity between dog and human personality and the association between dog personality and unwanted behavioral traits, such as fearfulness, aggressiveness, and impulsivity/inattention, remain unknown. This study utilized structural equation modeling (SEM) with survey data of 11,360 dogs to examine the associations and correlations between seven personality and ten unwanted behavioral traits. Personality traits included insecurity, energy, training focus, aggressiveness/dominance, human sociability, dog sociability, and perseverance. Unwanted behavioral traits included fearfulness, noise sensitivity, fear of surfaces/heights, separation anxiety, barking, stranger-directed aggression, owner-directed aggression, dog-directed aggression, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and inattention. We first fitted confirmatory factor models for the unwanted behavioral traits and the best model grouped unwanted behaviors into four latent traits: fear-related behavior, fear-aggression, aggression, and impulsivity/inattention and used this structure in the subsequent SEM model. Especially, insecurity, which resembles the human neuroticism trait, was strongly associated with unwanted behavior, paralleling the association between neuroticism and psychopathology. Similarly, training focus, resembling conscientiousness, was negatively related to impulsivity/inattention, and aggressiveness/dominance was associated with aggressive behaviors, resembling associations of conscientiousness and agreeableness with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and aggression-related psychopathology, respectively. These results indicate that dog personality traits resemble human personality traits, suggesting that their neurological and genetic basis may also be similar and making the dog a suitable animal model for human behavior and psychiatric disorders.Peer reviewe

    Aggressive behaviour is affected by demographic, environmental and behavioural factors in purebred dogs

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    Aggressive behaviour is an unwanted and serious problem in pet dogs, negatively influencing canine welfare, management and public acceptance. We aimed to identify demographic and environmental factors associated with aggressive behaviour toward people in Finnish purebred pet dogs. We collected behavioural data from 13,715 dogs with an owner-completed online questionnaire. Here we used a dataset of 9270 dogs which included 1791 dogs with frequent aggressive behaviour toward people and 7479 dogs without aggressive behaviour toward people. We studied the effect of several explanatory variables on aggressive behaviour with multiple logistic regression. Several factors increased the probability of aggressive behaviour toward people: older age, being male, fearfulness, small body size, lack of conspecific company, and being the owner's first dog. The probability of aggressive behaviour also differed between breeds. These results replicate previous studies and suggest that improvements in the owner education and breeding practices could alleviate aggressive behaviour toward people while genetic studies could reveal associated hereditary factors.Peer reviewe

    Active and social life is associated with lower non-social fearfulness in pet dogs

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    Behavioural problems are leading welfare issues in domestic dogs. In particular, anxiety-related behavioural problems, such as fearfulness and noise sensitivity are highly prevalent conditions that cause distress to fearful dogs. To better understand the environmental factors associated with non-social fear, including noise sensitivity, fear of novel situations, and fear of surfaces and heights, a large online survey including data on 13,700 Finnish pet dogs was performed by the dog owners. After fulfilling inclusion criteria, this data consisted of 9,613 dogs with fear of fireworks, 9,513 dogs with fear of thunder, 6,945 dogs with fear of novel situations, and 2,932 dogs with fear of surfaces and heights. Logistic regression analyses revealed that dogs with frequent non-social fear had experienced less socialisation during puppyhood, were more often neutered, had inexperienced owners, lived without conspecifics, participated less frequently in activities or training, and lived in more urban environments. In addition, we identified several breed differences, and a tendency of more common non-social fear in small dog breeds, which suggests a genetic background. Non-social fearfulness has a negative effect on well-being of the dogs. Our findings suggest that the socialisation and the living environment and the value of other dogs' company and owner interaction via activities and training may improve the well-being of the dogs.Peer reviewe

    Aggressiveness, ADHD-like behaviour, and environment influence repetitive behaviour in dogs

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    Repetitive behaviour ranges from variants of normal repetitive behaviours to abnormal repetitive behaviours. The domestic dog spontaneously performs different repetitive behaviours, which can be severe and impair the quality of life and the dog-owner relationship. We collected comprehensive behavioural questionnaire data from almost 4500 Finnish pet dogs and studied the effect of several demographic, environmental, and behavioural factors on canine repetitive behaviour with logistic regression. We replicated findings from previous studies by revealing comorbidity between repetitive behaviour and behavioural factors aggressiveness, hyperactivity/impulsivity, and inattention. We also found a novel association between repetitive behaviour and the owner's dog experience. In addition, we showed that repetitive behaviour is more common in dogs that live without conspecifics, dogs that were given a low amount of exercise, dogs that lived in larger families, young dogs and elderly dogs, and neutered dogs. Finally, we identified breed differences in repetitive behaviour, suggesting that some breeds are more vulnerable to repetitive behaviour and indicate a genetic susceptibility. As abnormal repetitive behaviour can considerably worsen the well-being of dogs and impair the dog-owner relationship, a better understanding of the environmental, lifestyle, and molecular factors affecting canine repetitive behaviour can benefit both dogs and humans.Peer reviewe

    Inadequate socialisation, inactivity, and urban living environment are associated with social fearfulness in pet dogs

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    Problematic behaviours are severe welfare issues for one of the world's most popular pets, the domestic dog. One of the most prevalent behavioural problem that causes distress to dogs is social fearfulness, meaning fear of conspecifics or unfamiliar people. To identify demographic and environmental factors associated with fear of dogs and strangers, logistic regression was utilised with a large dataset of 6,000 pet dogs collected through an owner-filled behavioural survey. Social fearfulness was associated with several factors, including urban environment, poor socialisation during puppyhood, infrequent participation in training and other activities, small body size, female sex, and neutering. In addition, we identified several breed differences, suggesting a genetic contribution to social fearfulness. These findings highlight the role of inadequate socialisation, inactivity, and urban living environmental in fear-related behavioural problems in dogs. Improvements in the management and breeding practices of dogs could, therefore, enhance the welfare of man's best friend.Peer reviewe

    Urban environment predisposes dogs and their owners to allergic symptoms

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    Our companion-animals, dogs, suffer increasingly from non-communicable diseases, analogous to those common in humans, such as allergic manifestations. In humans, living in rural environments is associated with lower risk of allergic diseases. Our aim was to explore whether a similar pattern can be found in dogs, using a nation-wide survey in Finland (n = 5722). We characterised the land-use around dog's home at the time of birth as well as around its current home, and described several lifestyle factors. The severity of owner-reported allergic symptoms in dogs was estimated with a comprehensive set of questions, developed by experts of canine dermatology. Also, the prevalence of diagnosed allergies in dog owners was recorded. The results indicate that allergic symptoms are more prevalent in urban environments both in dog owners and in dogs (accounting the effect of dog breed). Several factors related to rural living, such as bigger family size and regular contact with farm animals and other pets, were also protective against allergic symptoms in dogs. Interestingly, allergic dogs were more likely to have allergic owners than healthy dogs were. Therefore, we suggest that the mutual presence of allergic symptoms in both species indicates common underlying causal factors of allergic diseases.Peer reviewe

    Prevalence, comorbidity, and breed differences in canine anxiety in 13,700 Finnish pet dogs

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    Behaviour problems and anxieties in dogs decrease their quality of life and may lead to relinquishment or euthanasia. Considering the large number of pet dogs and the commonness of these problematic behaviours, a better understanding of the epidemiology and related molecular and environmental factors is needed. We have here studied the prevalence, comorbidity, and breed specificity of seven canine anxiety-like traits: noise sensitivity, fearfulness, fear of surfaces and heights, inattention/impulsivity, compulsion, separation related behaviour and aggression with an online behaviour questionnaire answered by dog owners. Our results show that noise sensitivity is the most common anxiety-related trait with a prevalence of 32% in 13,700 Finnish pet dogs. Due to the high prevalence of noise sensitivity and fear, they were the most common comorbidities. However, when comparing the relative risk, the largest risk ratios were seen between hyperactivity/inattention, separation related behaviour and compulsion, and between fear and aggression. Furthermore, dog breeds showed large differences in prevalence of all anxiety-related traits, suggesting a strong genetic contribution. As a result, selective breeding focusing on behaviour may reduce the prevalence of canine anxieties. Anxious animals may suffer from chronic stress and thus, modified breeding policies could improve the welfare of our companion dogs.Peer reviewe

    Kuvitettu viikko-ohjelma Tukena Kultasiipeen

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli päivittää Tukena Kultasiiven yksikön kuvitettu viikko-ohjelma. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada viikko-ohjelma osaksi ohjaajien työn suunnittelua ja Kultasiiven asukkaat osallistumaan yhteisen toiminnan suunnitteluun. Viikko-ohjelman tehtävänä on jäsentää ja ennakoida viikon tapahtumien kulkua Kultasiiven asukkaille sekä toimia ohjaajille työn suunnittelun työkaluna. Kultasiipi tarjoaa tehostettua ympärivuorokautista palveluasumista seitsemälle erityistä tukea tarvitsevalle lapselle ja nuorelle Jyväskylässä. Kehittämistarve nousi esiin työelämäkumppanilta. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuus koostuu kehitysvammaisuudesta, autismikirjon häiriöstä, puhetta tukevista ja korvaavista menetelmistä, kuvakommunikaatiosta ja strukturoinnista. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin tuotekehitysprosessin mukaisesti. Aineistonkeruumenetelmäksi valikoitui ideapajan toteuttaminen Kultasiiven ohjaajille. Ideapajan tarkoituksena oli kerätä ohjaajilta ideoita ja ajatuksia lopullista tuotosta ja sen käyttöä koskien. Viikko-ohjelman sisältö koottiin ideapajasta saaduista vastauksista sekä hyödyntämällä aikaisemmin käytössä olleen viikko-ohjelman tietoa. Viikko-ohjelmaan käytettiin PCS-kuvia, koska ne olivat entuudestaan yksikössä ja Kultasiiven asukkailla käytössä. PCS-kuvat ovat yksinkertaisia piirroskuvia ja niitä käytetään yleisesti kuvakommunikoinnissa. Opinnäytetyöhön hyödynnettiin yksikössä jo olemassa olevia PCS-kuvia ja hankittiin uusia Boardmaker-ohjelman avulla. Lopullinen tuotos eli kuvitettu viikko-ohjelma asetettiin Kultasiiven yksikön yleisen tilan seinälle. Tuotos arvioitiin yhdessä työelämäkumppanin edustajan sekä Kultasiiven ohjaajien kanssa. Tuotoksen käytöstä vastaavat Kultasiiven ohjaajat. Kuvitettu viikko-ohjelma otettiin yksikössä päivittäiseen käyttöön ja työkaluksi yhteisen toiminnan suunnitteluun

    Pakohuone lapsipotilaan ensihoidon oppimisympäristönä

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    Pakohuonepelit ovat suosittuja tosielämän pelejä, joissa pelaajat ryhmässä selvittävät arvoituksia, vihjeitä ja tehtäviä. Isossa osassa pakohuoneen selvittämiselle ovat ryhmädynamiikka, ongelmien ratkaisukyky ja ryhmän sisäinen kommunikaatio. Pakohuone on pääsääntöisesti suljettu tila, josta pitää päästä määräajassa ulos. Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten pakohuone tyyppinen tila toimii oppimisympäristönä sekä kuinka ensihoitajaopiskelijat osaavat arvioida lapsipotilaan hoidon tarvetta. Opinnäytetyön toiminnallisen osuuden lisäksi työstämme jää huoneen suunnitteluun liittyvä materiaali (liite 1) Tampereen ammattikorkeakoululle (TAMK), joka toimii opinnäytetyön yhteistyökumppanina. Toteutus ja pakohuone-oppimisympäristö suunniteltiin TAMK:n ensihoidon perusosaamisen opiskelijoille. Oppimisympäristöä testattiin kahdella neljän opiskelijan ryhmällä ja suorituksen jälkeen osallistujilta kerättiin palaute (liite 2). Palautteessa oppimisympäristönä ”pakohuone” koettiin positiiviseksi ja mielenkiintoiseksi opiskelu muodoksi. Lisäksi tämän kaltaisen opiskelumuodon koettiin sopivan ensihoitajaopiskelijoiden koulutukseen. Huoneessa olevien lukkojen numerosarjojen epäloogisuus koettiin haastavaksi ja tähän toivottiin selkeyttä. Pakohuone peli opiskelumuotona on vielä suhteellisen uusi ja sitä on tutkittu vielä rajallisesti. Tulevaisuudessa, kun tutkimustyötä tehdään enemmän, pakohuoneista saadaan vaihtoehto ja hyvä lisä nykyisten opiskelumuotojen rinnalle. Opinnäytetyön tekijöinä koimme itse, että tämän kaltainen opetusmuoto on hyvä ja virkistävä lisä jo olemassa olevien opetusmetodien rinnalle.Escape games are popular real-life games, where team of players solve puzzles, discover clues and accomplish tasks. A big part of escaping is group dynamics, problem-solving ability and intra-group communication. An escape room is usually a closed space, that must be in a limited amount of time. The purpose of this practice-based thesis was to find out how an escape room acts as a learning environment and how paramedic students can assess the need for pediatric care. In addition to the functional part of the thesis, our work will include room design material (attachment 1) for Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK), which will be the partner of the thesis. Implementation and learning environment were designed for TAMK primary care students. The learning environment was tested with two groups of four students and feedback (attachment 2) was collected from participants after completion. In the feedback, the room was seen as a positive and interesting form of study. In addition, this form of study was considered appropriate for the training of paramedic students. The illogicality of the series of locks in the room was considered challenging and clarity was desired. The escape game as a form of study is still relatively new and has been the subject of limited research. In the future, as more research is done, escape rooms will be an alternative and a good addition to existing forms of study. As authors of the thesis, we found that this type of studying is a good and refreshing addition to the existing teaching methods