12 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to examine the reflections of China's One Belt One Road Project in US press from the date when the project was announced to 2019 through content analysis technique. For this purpose, the news in The New York Times which is the oldest and leading newspaper in the field of economy in USA and has audiences who have liberal and at the left of the center political values, has been analyzed. Some of the codes and categories extracted have become prominent for all those years. These are; Maritime Silk Road, Pakistan, China and Kazakhstan codes under OBOR Member Countries category; Facilities Connectivity, Financial Integration, Policy Coordination and Industrial Cooperation codes under OBOR Project Priorities category and Italy and America codes under Other Countries category.Bu çalışmanın amacı, Çin'in Tek Kuşak Tek Yol Projesi'nin projesini, duyurulduğu tarihten 2019 yılına kadar içerik analizi tekniği ile yansımalarını incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda ABD’de ekonomi alanında en eski ve önde gelen bununla birlikte liberal ve merkez siyasi değerlerin solunda okuyucuları bulunan The New York Times'daki haberler analiz edilmiştir. Tüm yılları kapsayan analizde bazı kategori ve kodların ön plana çıktığı görülmektedir. Bunlar: Deniz İpek Yolu, OBOR Üye Ülkeler kategorisi altında Pakistan, Çin ve Kazakistan kodları, OBOR Proje Öncelikleri kategorisi altında Altyapı Entegrasyonu, Finansal Entegrasyon, Politik İlişkiler ve Sektörel İşbirliği kodları ve Diğer Ülkeler kategorisi altındaki İtalya ve Amerika kodlarıdır

    The Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Perceived Corruption, Foreign Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in the Context of International Indices

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    The aim of this study is to reveal the transformation of corruption into an economic problem in the historical process and the effects of international economic relations (foreign trade and foreign direct investment) on corruption. In accordance with this purpose, the relationship between perceived corruption, measured by ICRG and CPI indices, and foreign trade and foreign direct investment is evaluated through panel data analysis. Within the scope of analysis, the countries are evaluated in four basic categories according to 2017 income classification of the World Bank. The model established for the ICRG index is found significant in low-income countries. In these countries, increase in exports causes increase the corruption. In low-middle income countries increase in imports reduces the corruption while increase in exports causes increasing the corruption in high-middle income countries. In order to assess the impact of the customs duties ICRG and CPI models for the 60 countries that aren't categorized in 2003-2015 periods have significant results. In both models, it is seen that increase in exports decreases the corruption while increase in customs duties rates increase the corruption

    Analysis Satisfaction Level of the Students with Instructors

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    The primary objective of the paper is to discuss whether class differences have an impact on the differences have an impact on the factors determining the satisfaction with instructors. The data set of the study consists of questionnaires in which all students at International Trade Department of Sakarya University Business School taking courses in all semesters between 2014 - 2018 evaluate the lecturers of each semester and thus longitudinal data is used in the study. There are two different classes and who attended to all the courses of the program one year apart. According to results significant differences on the factors determined between the students in different classes were observed

    Should be Frightened of Change in Freight Rates? A Casuality Analysis Between International Maritime Transportation Costs and Industrial Stock Market Returns

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    This paper examines on the linkage among stock indexes and transportation costs in global financial crisis. Therefore, we aim to find out whether Dow Jones Composite Average (DJA) and Istanbul Stock Exchange Industrial (BIST-Ind.) have causality relation with Baltic Dry Index (BDI) in 2007-2009 global financial crisis by performing Toda-Yamamoto (1995) causality test with weekly returns of indexes. Tests confirm unidirectional causality from BIST-Ind. to BDI and bidirectional causality between DJA and BDI. Test results show that BIST-Ind. decoupled from DJA in the 2008 global financial crisis when international maritime transportation cost are taken into account. Thus, the impact of international freight rates is influential over more globalized industrial stock markets

    Finansal krizlerin işletmelere etkisi (Bir sektör analizi)

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Globalleşme ile birlikte, 19801i yılların ikinci yansından itibaren gittikçe sıklaşan aralıklarla ortaya çıkan finansal krizler, sadece makroekonomik değişkenleri etkilememekte, aynı zamanda reel sektör işletmelerinin finansman yapısmda ve kararlarında da önemli etkiler oluşturmaktadır. "Finansal Krizlerin İşletmelere Etkisi"ni inceleyen bu çalışmayı teşvik eden unsur; Türkiye'de ortaya çıkan finansal krizler sebebiyle, artık finansal yönetimin, bir anlamda belirsizlik yönetimi haline gelmeye başlamasıdır. Bir başka sebep ise, literatürde genellikle işletmelerin krizden etkilenmesi ve kriz yönetiminin, örgüt yönetimi açısından ele alınması, ancak işletmelerin finansal yapısının bozulma süreci ve iyileştirme yöntemlerinin yeterince incelenmemiş olmasıdır. Çalışma beş ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. "Finansal İstikrarsızlık" başlığını taşıyan birinci bölümde; ekonomik istikrar teorileri, finansal sistemin istikrarsızlığı, finansal krizlerin özellikleri, finansal kriz teorileri ve krizlerin aşamaları incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde, dünyada ve Türkiye'de son 20 yılda ortaya çıkan finansal krizlerin sebepleri, süreçleri ve özellikle reel sektör işletmeleri üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. "Finansal Krizlerin İşletmelere Etkisi" adını taşıyan çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde ise; işletmelerin risk kaynaklan, işletmelerde finansal sıkıntı ve krizlerin işletmelerin bilançoları üzerinde oluşturduğu etki, aktif ve pasif yapılan üzerinden açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın "İşletmelerde Kriz Yönetimi" adlı dördüncü bölümünde, finansal kriz dönemlerinde; çalışma sermayesi, sabit sermaye, borç ve özsermaye yönetimi konulan ele alınmış ve alternatif finansal yönetim teknikleri analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın son bölümünde ise, 2001 Şubat Krizi'nde İMKB Metal Eşya - Makine ve Teçhizat Sektörü ve bu sektörde yer alan işletmelerin performanslan incelenmiştir. Bu bölümün ilk kısmında, işletmelerin kriz öncesi ve kriz sırasındaki mali tablolan kullanılarak; krizden etkilenmesi, krize karşı aldıklan finansal kararlanın içeren davramşlan, karşılaştırmalı, dikey ve rasyo analizleri kullanarak incelenmiştir. Bölümün son kısmında ise, İMKB Metal Eşya - Makine ve Teçhizat Sektörü'ade yer alan ve döviz krizlerinde belirleyici olduğu farzedilen kriterlere göre gruplanduılan işletmelerin kriz dönemi performansı, parametrik olmayan Wilcoxon ve Mann - Whitney testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.With the effect of globalization, the financial crises, that has gradually become more frequent dating from the second half of 1980's, not only affects the macroeconomic factors but also make major changes in the financial structure and decisions of non - financial business organizations. What encouraged the research on the "Effects of Financial Crisis on Business" is that financial management has turned to be uncertainty management in an aspect, because of financial crises in Turkey. The another reason is that in literature the effect and management of crisis are generally analysed from the view of organizational aspect, but deterioration of financial structure and financial recovery policies have been neglected. This research consists of five main parts. In the first part; titled "Financial Instability", economic stability theories, instability of the financial system, properties of financial crisis, the theories of financial crisis and the phases of crisis are discussed. In the second part; the reasons, phases and effects of financial crisises, especially on business organizations, emerged at the second half of 1980's in the world and in Turkey are analysed. In the third part, titled "The Effect of Financial Crisis on Business" the risk resources of business, corporate financial distress and the effects of financial crisis on the financial statements have been researched. In the fourth part titled "Crisis Management in Business" the management of working capital, fixed capital, debt and equity during financial crisis are analysed and alternative financial crisis management technics are discussed. In the last part; performances of firms which are listed in İstanbul Stock Exchange Market and manufacturing durable goods - machine and equipment during February 2001 Crisis are analysed. In the first section of this part, corporates' attitude consisting of their financial decisions against the crisis and to what extent they are effected is analysed by using comparative, vertical and ratio analysis of financial statements which have been released before and during crisis. In the last section of this part, crisis period performances of the firms in the sector, grouped according to criteria which are supposed to be important in a currency crisis, are analysed by applying nonparametric Wilcoxon and Mann - Whitney tests

    Computer Aided Design of The Cooling System for Plastic Injection Molds

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    The design of plastic injection molds and their cooling systems affect both the dimension, the shape, the quality of a plastic part and the cycle time of process and the cost of mold. In this study, the solid model design of a plastic injection mold and the design of cooling sysytem were possibly carried out without the designer interaction. Developed program permited the use of three types of the cooling system and the different cavity orientations and the multible plastic part placement into the mold cores. The program which was developed by using Visual LISP language and the VBA (Visual BASIC for Application) modules, was applicated in the AutoCAD software domain. Trial studies were presented that the solid model design of plastic injection molds and the cooling systems increased the reliability, the flexibility and the speed of the design

    Plastik Enjeksiyon Kalıpları İçin Bilgisayar Destekli Soğutma Sistemi Tasarımı

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    Plastik enjeksiyon kalıplarının ve soğutma sisteminin tasarımı, hem ürünün boyut, biçim ve kalitesini, hem de çevrim zamanını ve kalıbın maliyetini doğrudan etkilemektedir. Yapılan çalışmada, plastik enjeksiyon kalıplarının ve soğutma sisteminin katı model olarak tasarımı, mümkün olduğu kadar kullanıcı etkileşiminden uzak olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hazırlanan program, kalıp çekirdeklerinin üç farklı tipte soğutma sistemine, farklı göz yerleşimlerine ve parça sayılarına bağlı olarak tasarımının yapılmasına izin vermektedir. Program akışında, AutoCAD 2007 paket programının yanında Visual LISP ve VBA (Visual BASIC for Application) dilleri de kullanılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında yürütülen deneme uygulamaları ile plastik enjeksiyon kalıplarının tasarımında hız, esneklik ve tasarım güvenilirliğinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir

    Wyznaczniki wielkości przewozów i sprawności w transporcie i magazynowaniu

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    Background: It is observed, in the studies on the factors affecting productivity and performance of the firms, that foreign firms are more successful than domestic firms thanks to their advantages of technological know-how, easy access to capital and modern management practices. Based on these findings, this study aims to measure the efficiency and performance of the companies in transportation and storage sector, which has an increasing share in the GDP of countries, with other industry-specific variables such as nationality and freight volume which are not in the literature. Methods: To reveal the determinants of the freight volume and efficiency of the transportation and storage sector, the study employs Fixed Effect Model for analyzing the aggregate data of the companies in 30 European countries obtained from Eurostat from 2008 to 2018. Results: The main findings in this study indicate that foreign controlled enterprises make a significant difference in terms of both efficiency and freight volume in the sector compared to domestic firms. The empirical results also suggest that investment in tangible goods and apparent productivity of labor serve as factors that are effective on both international and national freight volume. However, we have not found out any evidence for an impact of national enterprises on international and national freight volume. Conclusions: The study shows the importance of nationality of the companies, loaded national and international transportation and apparent labor productivity as the determinants of freight volume and efficiency of the transportation and storage sector. The future researches can extend this study by conducting a firm level analysis.Wstęp: Na podstawie analizy publikowanych prac dotyczących czynników mających wpływ na ich produktywność można stwierdzić, że firmy o kapitale zagranicznym osiągają większe sukcesy aniżeli firmy krajowe, dzięki posiadanemu technologicznemu know-how, łatwiejszemu dostępu do kapitału oraz nowoczesnych sposób zarządzania. Celem pracy jest, w oparciu o te badania, zmierzenie efektywności i sprawności przedsiębiorstw w sektorze transportowym oraz magazynowym, mający coraz większy udział w GDP w porównaniu do innych specyficznych dla przemysłu zmiennych takich jak narodowość czy wielkość przewozów, niewystępujących jednak w literaturze naukowej. Metody: W celu wytypowania determinantów wielkości przewozów i efektywności dla sektora transportowego i magazynowania, do badania użyto modelu Fixed Effect Model. Za jego pomocą poddano analizie zagregowane dane z przedsiębiorstw w 30 krajach europejskich, uzyskanych na podstawie Eurostatu z okresu 2008-2018. Wyniki: Uzyskane w pracy wyniki wskazują, że przedsiębiorstwa zagraniczne wykazują istotną różnice w stosunku do przedsiębiorstwach krajowych w obszarze zarówno efektywności jak i wielkości przewozów w badanych obszarach. Dane empiryczne sugerują, że inwestycje w dobra materialne jak również wzrost produktywności pracy to czynniki mające wpływ na wielkość transportu zarówno krajowego, jaki międzynarodowego. Nie stwierdzono jednak wpływu czynnika narodowościowego na wielkość transportu zarówno krajowego, jaki międzynarodowego. Wnioski: Praca wykazuje istotność czynnika narodowościowego dla przedsiębiorstw, udziału krajowego jak i międzynarodowego w transporcie, produktywności pracy, jako determinantów wielkości przewozów oraz efektywności branży transportowej i magazynowej. Badania te powinny być kontynuowane przy uwzględnieniu w analizie poziomu przedsiębiorstwa

    Havayolu sirketlerinin finansal risk duzeylerinin bulanik mantik yontemi ile karsilastirmali analizi

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    Civil aviation sector has entered a rapid development process in the globalized world and increased competition has forced companies to be included in the different alliances. Furthermore, the low cost airline companies appeared in the nineties has changed the structure of the sector and the competition has become more difficult. The costs of minimum standards on flight safety as well as this tough competitive conditions make it difficult for companies to manage their financial risk. This study aims the comparative analysis of financial risk levels, measured over their financial ratios, of Star Alliance, One World and Sky Team; the world's three largest global airline alliances and the airlines that sell cheap tickets through low cost strategy by performing fuzzy logic method. Two different analysis are made using two different models. The first analysis results show that there is no difference between alliances and low-cost airlines in terms of financial risk levels for the period of 2010-2014. However the second analysis results show that there is difference between alliaces and low-cost airlines in terms of financial risk levels.peer-reviewe

    Measuring the globalization of cities from the new regionalism perspective

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    The study aims to analyze the export performance of countries and of cities within them to identify synchronized or unsynchronized movement between them. In the empirical part of the study, the measurements used to analyze the export performance of the countries included in the literature are applied to establish the export performance of a single city-Sakarya, Turkey. These measurements include the Herfindahl-Hirchman product and market concentration indices, the Lawrence index, the trade complementarity index, and the Grubel-Lloyd intra-industry index, as well as additional indicators with local or regional contexts. The limited number of studies analyzing the export competitiveness of a single city with relevant formats in the literature reveal the significance of the study