5 research outputs found

    Molekularno otkrivanje i genomska svojstva psećeg virusa Torque teno u Turskoj

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    Torque teno virus (TTV) was first detected in humans, and since then it has been reported in many host species, such as monkeys, cats, pigs, seagulls and dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Torque teno canis virus (TTCaV) in shelter dogs housed in Sivas Municipal Animal Shelter, Turkey. Faecal specimens, including diarrheic and non-diarrheic (n=202), were collected from dogs of various age groups. In total, 32.18% (65/202) of samples were found positive for TTCaV. Out of the 65 positive samples, 34.64% (44/127) samples were from adult diarrheic dogs and 26.09% (6/23) belonged to diarrheic puppies. On the other hand, 28.84% (15/52) positive samples were detected from clinically healthy dogs. Eight sequences showed close homology among themselves, however, the sequences of two samples (CANEL130 and CANEL140) were genetically distinct from other published sequences. This is the first report on the detection of TTCaV in adult dogs and puppies in Turkey, and provides evidence that TTCaV cannot be considered as the sole cause of diarrhea.Virus Torque teno (TTV) otkriven je najprije u ljudi, no otada je zabilježen i u mnogim drugim domaćinima kao što su majmuni, mačke, svinje, galebovi i psi. Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti prisutnost psećeg virusa Torque teno (TTCaV) u pasa u azilu Sivas Municipal Animal Shelter u Turskoj. Uzorci izmeta (n = 202), uključujući one s proljevom i bez proljeva, prikupljeni su od pasa različitih dobnih skupina. Ukupno je 32,18 % (65/202) uzoraka bilo pozitivno na TTCaV. Od 65 pozitivnih uzoraka njih 34,64 % (44/127) potjecalo je od odraslih pasa s proljevom, a 26,09 % (6/23) od štenadi s proljevom. S druge strane, 28,84 % (15/52) pozitivnih uzoraka utvrđeno je u klinički zdravih pasa. Osam je sekvencija pokazalo međusobnu blisku srodnost, no sekvencije dvaju uzoraka (CANEL130 i CANEL140) genetski su se razlikovale od drugih sekvencija. Ovo je prvi nalaz TTCaV u odraslih pasa i štenadi u Turskoj i dokazuje da se TTCaV ne može smatrati jedinim uzročnikom proljeva

    Türkiye'deki köy tavuklarında i̇nfeksiyöz laringotrakeitis virüsünün moleküler tespiti ve karakterizasyonu

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    Gallid herpesvirus I (GaHV1) is etiological agent of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) and ILT is one of the important disease that included in respiratory infections of chickens. Few studies have been conducted in Turkey and there is no data about the existence of ILT in backyards. The purpose of the study was to document the detection and characterization of GaHV1 in backyard chickens using PCR, RFLP and sequencing. Of the163 tracheal swap samples which were taken from 43 backyard flocks 5 (3.07%) were found to be positive for ILT infection. Positivity was 4.65 % (2/43) at flock level. The nucleic acid sequences of the ICP4 gene compared with ILTV sequences in GenBank and the level of identity differed from 96.82 to 100%. When the sequences of samples compared with TCO strains 99.77-100% homology was observed. The virtual RFLP analysis with the HgaI restriction enzyme characterized strains as having a pattern similar to the vaccine strain TCO. This is the first study that presents presence and characterization of GaHV1 in backyards. Large scale studies are needed to estimate prevalence of ILT in Turkey. Chickens should be monitored and growers should avoid to contacting vaccinated birds with non-vaccinated chickens, to control ILTV outbreaks.Gallid herpesvirüs I (GaHV1), infeksiyöz laringotrakeitisin (ILT) etiyolojik ajanıdır ve ILT, tavukların solunum yolu enfeksiyonları arasında yer alan önemli hastalıklardan biridir. Türkiye'de çok az çalışma yapılmış ve köy tavuklarında ILT'nin varlığına dair veri bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmada, köy tavuklarında PCR, RFLP ve sekans verileri kullanarak GaHV1'in tespitini ve karakterizasyonu amaçlandı. Toplamda 43 köy tavuğu işletmesinden alınan 163 trakeal swap örneğinin 5'inde (% 3,07) ILT enfeksiyonu pozitif bulundu. Sürü düzeyinde pozitiflik % 4,65 (2/43) idi. ICP4 geninin nükleik asit dizileri GenBank'taki ILTV dizileri ile karşılaştırıldığında benzerlik % 96.82 ile % 100 arasında değiştiği görüldü. Örneklerin sekans dizileri TCO suşları ile karşılaştırıldığında % 99.77- 100 homoloji gözlemlendi. HgaI enzimi ile yapılan sanal RFLP analizinde, çalışmadaki suşlar TCO aşı suşuna benzer bir paterne sahip olarak karakterize edildi. Bu araştırma, köy tavuklarında GaHV1'in varlığını ve karakterizasyonunu ortaya koyan ilk çalışmadır. Türkiye'de ILT prevalansını tahmin etmek için büyük ölçekli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. ILTV salgınlarını kontrol etmek için tavuklar izlenmeli ve yetiştiriciler aşılanmamış tavuklarla aşılanmış olanların temas etmesinden kaçınmalıdır

    Genotyping and Pathogenicity of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus from Free-Living Turbot (Psetta maxima) in a Turkish Coastal Area of the Black Sea

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    Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) is one of the most serious fish viral diseases for cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), although VHS virus (VHSV) seems to be ubiquitous among marine fishes. In the present study, VHSV isolation was performed with free-living and cultured turbot (Psetta maxima) in the Trabzon coastal area of the Black Sea to evaluate participation of VHSV in mass mortalities of seed-produced turbot larvae. VHSV was detected in 14 of 66 free-living spawners (positive ratio, 21.2%), 1 of 65 free-living immature fish (1.5%) and 7 of 40 cultured brood stock (17.5%), respectively. Based on a partial glycoprotein gene nucleotide sequence, Turkish VHSV isolates were classified into the class I-e of genotype I and were the most closely related to the GE-1.2 isolate (>98% identity), which was found >20 years ago in Georgia. Thus, it was revealed that Turkish VHSV isolates were not introduced from European countries, it could be an indigenous type of VHSV distributing in the Black Sea environment. In pathogenicity tests, the Turkish isolates did not induce mortality in turbot larvae and rainbow trout fingerlings. Mass mortalities at a rate of approximately 90% occurred in turbot larvae produced by experimental seeding, although VHSV was not detected in any dead fish. Thus, it was concluded that mass mortality in the seed-produced turbot larvae was not caused by VHSV infection