7 research outputs found

    Case Study: Limits of Powers of Public Prosecutors on Determination of Brain Death and Judicial Responsibility

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    Organ azlığı organ naklinin en önemli problemlerindendir. Birçok ülke bu problemi çözmeye yönelik adımlar atmaktadır. Kadavradan or- gan alımı bu bakımdan en iyi yöntem olmakla beraber etkin bir organi- zasyonu da çok güçtür. Bu nedenle Türkiye’de organ naklinin %80’i canlılardan yapılmaktadır. Beyin ölümünün belirlenmesi de kadavradan naklin en önemli sü- recidir. Beyin ölümünün tespiti, yasal süreç, ölenin bakımı, organın alımı ve dağıtımı bu süreçte en önemli adımlardır. Bazen organ naklinin önündeki engel yasal engel olabilmektedir. Süreci ve mevzuatı bilmeyen bir savcı süreci tıkayabilmekte ve organın heba olmasına neden olabil- mektedir. Burada tartışılacak vaka gerçek bir vakadır. Ülkemiz organ bağı- şında çok geri sıralarda yer almasına rağmen, bu vakada aile organları bağışlamış, ancak maalesef savcının tutumu nedeniyle organlar heba olmuştur.Organ shortage is one of the most important problems in transplantation. All countries in the world are making great efforts to solve this problem in an effective way. Deceased donation is the best way to find suitable organs for transplantation but they are very difficult to organize effectively. Due to the involved difficulties, living donor organs are used in 80% of the transplantations in Turkey. Detection of brain death cases in intensive care units and immediate referrals carry great importance in the deceased donation process. Detecting the brain death in time, the legislative process, the donor care, the organ procurement and allocation are all very important steps in this process. Sometimes the only reason for not being able to actualize a deceased organ donation is legislative. A prosecutor who doesn’t have any idea about the procedure and regulations regarding deceased donation may block the process and the organs can be wasted. The case we are going to discuss here was an actual legal case . In spite of the family’s consent about the organ donation, organ retrieval could not be actualized because of the obstruction of the prosecutor

    The Criminal Justice Approach : Case Exemples

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    This article provides an overview of the various forms of proceedings available within 11 European criminal justice systems and reflects upon their core features. It also provides a picture of how far alternative, non-criminal proceedings are used by some of the systems as a different path to imposing a state reaction upon wrong-doers

    When the line is crossed...: paths to control and sanction behaviour necessitating a state reaction

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    The article presents a special form of a European comparative synopsis. For this case examples have been chosen ranging from administrative or minor (criminal) offences to increasingly serious offences and offenders. In this way it can be comparatively demonstrated how the criminal justice systems studied handle specific cases and whether they do so in a similar or different way