8 research outputs found

    Determination of physical and chemical properties of oleogels prepared with olive oil and olive-based emulsifier

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    This study aimed to investigate the use of olive-based emulsifier (OBE), as an oleogelator, in the production of olive oil oleogels and to determine some physical and chemical properties of oleogels. For this purpose, olive oil was mixed with a different ratio of OBE (0.5%-10% wt/wt), and analyses of minimum gelation concentration, gelation time, oil-binding capacity, and stability of oleogels were undertaken. In addition, free fatty acid, peroxide value, color analysis, and textural properties of oleogels were investigated during the storage period (90 days). According to the results, the minimum gelation concentration of OBE was found as 4%. The gelation time decreased with increased OBE content, and it was found 5 min 42 s at 10% concentration. Furthermore, oil-binding capacity and stability increased in parallel to OBE concentration. According to rheological analysis, oleogels have elastic-dominant behavior, and gel point (T-g) of the oleogels was founded around 40 degrees C. In color analysis, greenery, yellowness, and brightness decreased with increasing OBE concentration, resulting in opaque oleogels. Free fatty acid and peroxide value analyses demonstrated the suitability of the produced oleogels for storage. In brief, oleogels containing OBE can be successfully used in the food industry with their favorable physical, chemical, and textural properties

    Different sized wheat bran fibers as fat mimetic in biscuits: its effects on dough rheology and biscuit quality

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of various particle sized and different amount of plant fibers as fat mimetic for biscuit formulations instead of biscuit fat. The fibers with different particle sizes were obtained from wheat bran and used instead of fat in biscuit formulations. The texture, rheology and quality analyses of low-fat biscuit (30, 20 and 10% fat) were performed and compared with those of the full-fat control sample (40% fat). Results showed that wheat bran fiber with bigger particle size (Long Fiber, LF) were more favorable in terms of textural properties of the dough and the quality parameters of biscuits while the fibers with smaller particle size (Medium Fiber, MF and Small Fiber, SF) improved viscoelastic properties of dough similar to the control. Although the use of these fibers in the production of low-fat biscuits were suitable in terms of workability of dough increasing fiber content and/or reducing fiber size resulted in harder biscuits with lower spread ratio. This study showed that the texture of biscuits was greatly dependent on the texture of the dough

    Changes in Olive and Olive Oil Characteristics During Maturation

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    WOS: 000320434100005Changes in olive properties and oil quality, oxidative stability, phenolic and chemical composition of two common Turkish varieties (Memecik and Edremit) during maturation were investigated. Olive samples were collected in their own growing region for five different harvest dates and processed to oil with a laboratory scale mill. Metabolic behaviors of these two varieties along with the maturation were different in terms of some compositional parameters. Oleic acid, triolein, b-sitosterol, oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, and tyrosol contents of olive or olive oils fluctuated with maturation. However, changes in average weight, flesh/pit ratio, water and oil contents of the olives were observed. Phenolics such as trans cinnamic acid contents of both olive fruits decreased whereas cyanidin 3-O-glucoside and cyanidin 3-O-rutinoside anthocyanins increased. Free fatty acids of virgin olive oils were found independent of maturity although some slight changes were determined in peroxide value, dien and trien conjugations. Some compositional parameters such as pigment concentration, tocopherols, stearic acid, linolenic acid, palmitodiolein and monounsaturated/polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio decreased while linoleic acid, dioleolinolein, palmitooleolinolein and Delta-5-avenasterol percentages increased with the maturation. A clear discrimination was observed with principal component analysis. The data obtained can also be considered useful for providing information to determine the ideal maturity stage

    Rheological and Microscopic Properties of Fat Blends with Similar Solid Fat Content but Different Trans Composition

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    In this study, two different groups of fat samples were prepared in a way that samples of each group had different trans fatty acid (TFA) composition but similar solid fat content (SFC). Samples of the first group (named group A) had TFA between 0.0 and 56.23 %, while the samples of the second group (group B) contained trans isomers ranging from 0.0 to 44.4 %. A polarized microscope was used to monitor the differences between the samples in terms of crystal size and crystal number during isothermal crystallization. In general, increasing TFA resulted in formation of larger crystals in a shorter time. Similar findings were also observed when small deformation time and frequency sweep experiments were conducted. A higher TFA content led to higher complex modulus values during isothermal crystallization. On the other hand, when the samples were stored at 4 degrees C for 48 h, the samples with the lower trans isomer had higher hardness values

    Mandibular molar dişlerde kanal duvarı kalınlığının dental volümetrik tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, mandibular 1. ve 2. molar dişlere ait kanalların interradiküler bölgeye olan uzaklığını dental volümetrik tomografi (DVT) üzerinde ölçmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Seksen hastaya ait mandibular DVT görüntülerindeki 50 adet 1. molar ve 50 adet 2. molar diş retrospektif olarak incelendi. Aksiyel kesitlerde bifurkasyon seviyesinin 2 mm altından, tüm kanalların dış sınırından interradiküler bölgeye olan en kısa mesafe kanal duvar kalınlığı ölçülerek kaydedildi. Ölçümler 2 radyolog tarafından yapıldı ve her alan için aritmetik ortalama alındı. Gruplar arasındaki farklar iki yönlü varyans analizi kullanılarak karşılaştırıldı. İkili karşılaştırmalar için ise Tukey HSD testi kullanıldı (p=0.05). Bulgular: Mandibular 1. ve 2. molar diş kanallarına ait ölçümler grup olarak değerlendirildiğinde aralarındaki farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu gözlendi (p=0.009). Buna göre, 1. molar dişlerin kanalları interradiküler bölgeye, 2. molar dişlere göre daha yakındı. Kanal duvarı kalınlıkları, her bir molar grubunun kendi içerisinde birbirleriyle ikili olarak karşılaştırıldığında, meziobukkal (MB) kanalın en düşük değere sahip olduğu gözlendi (p<0.05). Distal kanalın bifurkasyona uzaklığı MB ve meziolingual (ML) kanallardan daha fazlaydı (p=0.000). Distobukkal (DB) ve distolingual (DL) kanallar arasında ise herhangi bir istatistiksel fark saptanmadı (p>0.05). Sonuç: Mandibular 1. molar dişlerin kanallarının interradiküler bölgeye ortalama uzaklıkları, 2. molar dişlere göre daha azdı. Tüm mandibular molar dişlerdeki kanalların interradiküler bölgeye ortalama uzaklık değerleri açısından sıralanışları MB<ML<DL<DB<D şeklindedir. Buna göre, strip perforasyon ve vertikal kırık gibi komplikasyonları önlemek için yüksek açılı ve çaplı döner aletlerin kullanımından kaçınılmalıdır

    Effect of Mandibular Angulation on Pre-Implant Site Measurement Accuracy Using CBCT

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    Purpose: To evaluate the accuracy of available bone width, height, and length measurements on preplanned implant sites using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images scanned at different angulations of the mandible. Materials and Methods: Standard cylindrical holes were prepared on six dry human mandibles and filled with warm gutta-percha to create spherical markers for measurements of available bone width, height, and length. Mandibles were first scanned with a CBCT device in the ideal position with the occlusal plane parallel to the horizontal plane. Then, images of the mandibles were obtained in rotation, tilt, flexion, and extension positions using 5-and 10-degree angulations. Measurements were done on a total of 54 images. Original dimensions of the available bone for planned implant sites were measured with a digital caliper on dry mandibles as the gold standard. The absolute values of the differences between each measurement and the gold standard were obtained for measurement errors. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and Dunnett's multiple comparisons test were used for comparisons (P=.05). Intraobserver and interobserver agreement was calculated using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: ICC was excellent for both intraobserver and interobserver reproducibility. No significant difference was found between length and height measurements in the ideal position and in rotation, tilt, flexion, and extension movements of mandibles at two different angulations (P > .05). Width measurements revealed a significant difference among the ideal position and measurements at the 10-degree flexion, 10-degree extension, 10-degree rotation, and 10-degree tilted mandibular positions (P .05). Conclusion: The position of the occlusal plane with respect to the floor during the CBCT scan may have a clinically significant effect on dental implant site dimensions

    Rheological and Microscopic Properties of Fat Blends with Similar Solid Fat Content but Different Trans Composition

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    In this study, two different groups of fat samples were prepared in a way that samples of each group had different trans fatty acid (TFA) composition but similar solid fat content (SFC). Samples of the first group (named group A) had TFA between 0.0 and 56.23 %, while the samples of the second group (group B) contained trans isomers ranging from 0.0 to 44.4 %. A polarized microscope was used to monitor the differences between the samples in terms of crystal size and crystal number during isothermal crystallization. In general, increasing TFA resulted in formation of larger crystals in a shorter time. Similar findings were also observed when small deformation time and frequency sweep experiments were conducted. A higher TFA content led to higher complex modulus values during isothermal crystallization. On the other hand, when the samples were stored at 4 degrees C for 48 h, the samples with the lower trans isomer had higher hardness values