8 research outputs found

    Mesure de l'uranium dans un ensemble d'Ă©chantillons de formations naturelles au Maroc : implications environnementales

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    Measure of uranium in some samples of natural deposits in Morocco: environmental implications. In this work, we report the measurement results of uranium content in some natural formation samples in Morocco. The such results are used in several studies concerning the Earth sciences and the Environment such as geochronology, archaeology, geophysical and geophysical studies and prospecting of radioactive pollution. The analyses were carried out on some of natural deposits samples such as the corals, the fossil shells molluscs, the phosphates, the travertines, the lichens and of the impure carbonate deposits. Measurements were realized by spectrometry alpha for fossil shell molluscs, corals, travertines and impure carbonates, by Gamma spectrometry using a well detector with scintillation NaI for phosphates and by neutron activation for lichens. Isotopic 234U/238U ratio was also measured and discussed

    Technique de datation des échantillons riches en uranium par les séries de l'uranium en utilisant la spectrométrie gamma à basse énergie

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    Dating technique of samples rich in uranium by the series of the uranium by using the gamma spectrometry with low energyIn this work, a dating technique by the series of the uranium using the gamma spectrometry with Flow energy

    Activités de l’uranium et du radium dans des échantillons d’eau naturelle au Sahara marocain

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    Measure of uranium and radium activities in some natural watersamples from Moroccan SaharaThe preliminary results of  238U, 234U, 226Ra, 228Ra and 228Th activities and of 234U/238U,228Ra/226Ra, 228Th/228Ra and 226Ra/238U activity ratios obtained for 8 wells, 5 drillings, 2 springs and 3 tap water samples collected in Laayoune and Es-Smara regions in the Moroccan Sahara are given in this work. The analyzed natural water samples have been  collected from sources situated in a desert region rich in phosphates. Except for the one water drilling sample no used by population, the calculation of  equivalent doses to the maximal activities for each isotope show that all measured activities are inferior to the maximum contaminant levels recommended by the International Commission of Radioprotection and they don't present any risk for population health. The obtained results are comparable to those already found in other regions in Morocco or in the world

    Mesure des activités de l'uranium ( 238U, 234U) et du rapport isotopique 234U/238U dans des échantillons d’eau naturelle au Maroc à l'aide de la spectrométrie alpha

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    Measurement of the activities of uranium (238U, 234U) and of Isotopic ratio 234U 238U in natural water samples in Morocco using spectrometry alphaIn this work, specific activities of     234U and 238U and isotopic activity ratios have been measured for 68 natural water samples collected from 5 principal sources of water in Morocco: Wells (18 samples), springs (17 hot spring water samples and 7 cold spring water samples), rivers (13 samples), lakes (5 samples) and tap water (8 samples). These samples have been collected in Moroccan regions characterized by various geology, different socio-economical activities. The obtained results have allow us to establish general tendencies of measured parameters repartition in sources of the analysed waters. This tendency is clear for hot springs where activities of  uranium are relatively low and 234&U/238&U activities ratios are important. This is due to temperature and oxydoreduction conditions of waters that are favourable in particularly to 234U solubility. The results so-obtained are comparable to those habitually found in natural waters in different regions of world and show that there is no radioactive pollution in these water