100 research outputs found

    Filter properties of seam material from paved urban soils

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    International audienceDepositions of all kinds of urban dirt and dust including anthropogenic organic substances like soot change the filter properties of the seam filling material of pervious pavements and lead to the formation of a new soil substrate called seam material. In this study, the impact of the particular urban form of organic matter (OM) on the seam materials CECpot, the specific surface area (As), the surface charge density (SCD), the adsorption energies (Ea) and the adsorption of Cd and Pb were assessed. The Cd and Pb displacement through the pavement system has been simulated in order to assess the risk of soil and groundwater contamination from infiltration of rainwater in paved urban soils. As, Ea and SCD derived from water vapor adsorption isotherms, CECpot, Pb and Cd adsorption isotherms where analyzed from adsorption experiments. The seam material is characterized by a darker munsell-color and a higher Corg (12 to 48g kg-1) compared to the original seam filling. Although, the increased Corg leads to higher As (16m2g-1) and higher CECpot (0.7 to 4.8cmolckg-1), with 78cmolckg-1C its specific CECpot is low compared to OM of non-urban soils. This can be explained by a low SCD of 1.2×10-6molc m-2 and a low fraction of high adsorption energy sites which is likely caused by the non-polar character of the accumulated urban OM in the seam material. The seam material shows stronger sorption of Pb and Cd compared to the original construction sand. The retardation capacity of seam material for Pb is similar, for Cd it is much smaller compared to natural sandy soils with similar Corg concentrations. The simulated long term displacement scenarios for a street in Berlin do not indicate an acute contamination risk for Pb . For Cd the infiltration from puddles can lead to a breakthrough of Cd through the pavement system during only one decade. Although they contain contaminations itself, the accumulated forms of urban OM lead to improved filter properties of the seam material and may retard contaminations more effectively than the originally used construction sand


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    ABSTRACT Soil irrigation with wastewater (WW) gives the opportunity to solve the problems of its disposal, final purification or reuse. Many studies have examined mineral soils upon continued WW application. The aim of this paper was to examine the properties of organic soils 3 years after WW application was discontinued. Peat-muck soil planted with Populus spp. or Salix spp., and mineral-muck soil under grasses were irrigated for 4 years with municipal WW at a low (comparable with intensive NPK fertilization) and high WW rate (600 and 1200 mm yearly, respectively). Soils were analysed for organic matter (OM), pH, bulk density (BD), water holding capacity (WHC), P 2 O 5 , Fe 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 , MnO, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, magnetic susceptibility (MS) and dehydrogenase and catalase activities. The results were compared with control soils which have never received WW. The study showed that only P 2 O 5 , MnO and catalase activity (CA) were significantly affected by former WW application. On average, P 2 O 5 increased by 30 per cent, whereas MnO decreased by 35 per cent with no differences between the two WW rates. CA decreased by 18 per cent at the high WW rate. Most of tested characteristics were determined by soil type. The peat-muck soil showed higher OM, WHC, P 2 O 5 , MnO, Pb and CA than mineral-muck soil and lower BD, MS, Fe 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 and Cr. Soil depth influenced Fe 2 O 3 , MnO, Zn, MS and enzyme activities, while basic soil properties (OM, pH, BD, WHC and P 2 O 5 ) were not changed by soil depth. Heavy metals (Zn, Cr, Cu and Pb) were below upper permissible limits

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Influence of humic acid on the structural properties of kaolin - mercury porosimetry studies

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    Porozymetria rteciowa na tle innych metod wyznaczania mikrostruktury materialow glebowych

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    Pore size distribution functions obtained from mercury intrusion porosimetry, water potential (pF), and water vapor desorption measurements were calculated and compared for few soil samples differing in granulometric composition, surface area and organic matter content. The pore size distributions calculated for the given sample from various measuring methods differ markedly among others. The highest differences were observed for Othic Podzol, less for Orthic Rendzina and the least for Orthic Luvisol. The variations in pore size characteristics, except of character of soil material, seem to be caused by the assumptions used in pore calculations from particular experimental data and by various ranges of the pores which may be detected by a given method, as well. The full characteristics of the porous system of a porous material may be obtained by comparison of the results obtained using a few methods simultaneously. The use of only one method should not be recommended.Porównano krzywe rozkładu wielkości porów otrzymane metodą porozymetrii rtęciowej, na podstawie krzywych pF oraz izoterm desorpcji pary wodnej. Pomiary przeprowadzono na glebach różniących się istotnie składem mechanicznym, powierzchnią właściwą oraz zawartością substancji organicznej. Wyznaczone różnymi metodami rozkłady porów dość znacznie różnią się. Największe różnice stwierdzono dla gleby bielicowej, mniejsze dla rędziny, a najmniejsze dla gleby płowej. Charakter materiału glebowego, zasada metody oraz przyjęte założenia do obliczeń wielkości porów są najprawdopodobniej najważniejszymi przyczynami otrzymanych różnic w rozkładach wielkości porów. Nie jest możliwe scharakteryzowanie w sposób dostateczny układu porowatego w oparciu o wyniki tylko jednej metody. Dopiero zestawienie wyników rożnych metod może dać pełny obraz jego struktury

    Interaction forces between soil particles across the water interface

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    Na podstawie równania Laplace'a wyprowadzono zależność między siłą działającą pomiędzy dwoma ziarnami materiału glebowego przez fazę wodną, a składowymi swobodnej energii powierzchniowej. Stwierdzono zależność wartości sił oddziaływań od zawartości Corg w badanych glebach. Dla gleb o zawartości Corg powyżej 40% wartości tych sił są ujemne. Słowa kluczowe: siły adhezji, kąt zwilżania, składowe swobodnej energii powierzchniowej.On the basic of Laplace equation the dependence of the force interacting between two soil material particles across the water phase and surface free energy components was concluded.The dependence between interaction force values and organic carbon content C org higher then 40% the values of these forces are negative

    Surface energy and its components as parameters determining wettability and aggregation state of selected clay minerals and soils.

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    In the present work problems related to surface free energy of different agricultural materials such as clay minerals, mineral soils, organic soils and forest litter were considered. Methodical investigations of surface free energy determination as well as fundamental investigations connected with the influence of the surface cations and organic substance on the wettability, free energy and interaction forces between clay minerals and soil particles were undertaken. The interaction forces between clay minerals and soil particles perform a fundamental role in aggregation, flocculation and forming of solids structure. In case of solids the surface free energy can be determined indirectly for example from the measured contact angles or from the adsorption values (by determination of film pressure jt) with appropriate theoretical assumptions. Such methods were applied in this paper to determine surface free energy components for clay minerals and soils. Because of difficulties in contact angle measurements by sessile drop method (especially for organic soils and humus) thin layer wicking or thin column wicking technique were applied. The investigations of penetration rates of water and organic liquids carried out for clay minerals and their mono ionic forms showed the close dependence between the kind of mineral and surface cation. The linear dependence of penetration rates was obtained at the lowest penetration times for bentonite and the highest for kaolin. The kind and properties (e.g. radius of hydrated ions) play in this case an important role. The empiric series of wettability, depending on clay mineral and surface cation were determined experimentally. Similar measurements were performed for clay minerals with increasing additions of humic acid and for different soils. On the basis of the measurements the surface free energy components apolar and polar (electron-acceptor and electron-donor) were calculated and correlated with the kind of clay mineral, surface cation and humic acid content. The investigations for soils show that the penetration times depend on the soil samples. Contact angle values for investigated samples were also calculated. From the water vapour adsorption measurements on the surfaces of modified clay minerals and soils the water film pressure values were calculated for one or three monolayers and compared with the work of adhesion and immersion. For soil materials surface free energy had real influence on structure formation or its changes. The organic matter and surface cations had an important role in creation of soil structure

    Characteristics of soil-peat-rubble mixtures by mercury intrusion porosimetry

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