3 research outputs found

    Flour, convective and wall heating with heat pump and bio-mass furnace

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    V diplomski nalogi sem primerjal dva načina ogrevanja objekta, in sicer talno gretje v pritličju, konvektorsko v nadstropju ter talno gretje v pritličju in stensko ogrevanje v nadstropju objekta. Primerjal sem dva energentaza prvi način ogrevanja električno energijo z uporabo toplotne črpalke zrak – voda v pritličju in zrak – zrak v nadstropju ter biomaso – sekance, za drug način ogrevanja poslovnega objekta. Za izračun toplotnih izgub objekta sem uporabil standard SIST EN 12831:2004. V diplomski nalogi sem primerjal predvsem cene posameznih investicij v ogrevalna sistema in strošek ogrevanja v kurilni sezoni. Ugotovil sem, da je investicija v ogrevalni sistem na biomaso – sekance cenejša in da je sezonski strošek za ogrevanje objekta ugodnejše pri energentu električne energije.In this thesis, I compared two ways of building heating underfloor heating on the ground floor, convector in the floor and under floor heating on the ground floor and wall heating in the floor of the building. I compared the two energy products, for the first method of heating with electrical energy using heat pumps air - water on the ground and air - air in the floor and biomass - wood chips, for other means of heating of the building. To calculate the heat loss for a building I used the standard SIST EN 12831:2004. In this thesis, I compared the prices of the individual investments in the heating system and the cost of heating during the heating season. I have found that the investment in a biomass heating system - chips is cheaper and that the seasonal heating costs for building is more favorable for energy source of electricity

    Flow of water and pollutants through unsaturated zone

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    V magistrskem delu smo naredili simulacije toka padavinske vode in onesnaževala skozi nenasičeno cono vodonosnika na Apaškem polju s programom HYDRUS 1D. V ta namen smo pregledali obstoječo zakonodajo in navedli pomembne člene posamičnih uredb. Prav tako smo opisali teoretično dogajanje v nenasičeni coni, podrobneje obravnavali dušikov cikel v njej in fizikalni princip toka tekočine in transporta onesnaževala. Kot onesnaževalo smo v magistrski nalogi upoštevali razpadajoče gnojilo urea. Gnojilo urea razpade vse do nitrata, kateri je problematičen v vodonosniku na Apaškem polju. Izdelana je bila tudi validacija modela na primeru nitrifikacijske verige. Simulacije smo naredili za dva različna profila tal, in sicer za profil tal v Podgradu in profil tal v Segovcih ob Muri.Using the software HYDRUS 1D, we made simulations of water and pollutants flow through unsaturated aquifer zone of Apaško polje. We reviewed existing legislation and stated relevant articles of the acts. We described the action in unsaturated zone, described nitrogen cycle and the flow of water and pollutants. As its final stage represents nitrate, we used urea decay chain mechanism as pollutant source. Nitrate is problematic in most aquifers. We also made validation on example of nitrification chain. Simulations were made for two different soil profiles. The first soil profile was made for Podgrad and second soil profile was made for Segovci ob Muri