36 research outputs found

    Agrárinformatikai képzések – képzések informatikai támogatása

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    In the 80’s due to the dynamic development of computer science appeared the demand for several education programs in computing in agricultural higher education. The social and economic transformation led to significant changes in agriculture. In contrast with the dynamic development seen in developed countries in Hungary there was significant decline in the agricultural sector. In the past years appeared an important demand for application development and education. In Debrecen Agricultural University computing specialisation was started in the 80’s. Then in 1995 the agroinformatics specialisation was introduced, which is more and more popular and is chosen by number of students. 50 students chose this specialisation in the academic year of 1999/2000. At present we are widening the courses and modifying the specialisation. In the European Union more development projects were realised in networking and multimedia based research and development for supporting informatics and agriculture education. In Centre of Agricultural Sciences of Debrecen University several education supporting systems have been developed

    Turán-Ramsey theorems and simple asymptotically extremal structures

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    This paper is a continuation of [10], where P. Erdos, A. Hajnal, V. T. Sos. and E. Szemeredi investigated the following problem: Assume that a so called forbidden graph L and a function f(n) = o(n) are fixed. What is the maximum number of edges a graph G(n) on n vertices can have without containing L as a subgraph, and also without having more than f(n) independent vertices? This problem is motivated by the classical Turan and Ramsey theorems, and also by some applications of the Turin theorem to geometry, analysis (in particular, potential theory) [27 29], [11-13]. In this paper we are primarily interested in the following problem. Let (G(n)) be a graph sequence where G(n) has n vertices and the edges of G(n) are coloured by the colours chi1,...,chi(r), so that the subgraph of colour chi(nu) contains no complete subgraph K(pnu), (nu = 1,...,r). Further, assume that the size of any independent set in G(n) is o(n) (as n --> infinity). What is the maximum number of edges in G(n) under these conditions? One of the main results of this paper is the description of a procedure yielding relatively simple sequences of asymptotically extremal graphs for the problem. In a continuation of this paper we shall investigate the problem where instead of alpha(G(n)) = o(n) we assume the stronger condition that the maximum size of a K(p)-free induced subgraph of G(n) is o(n)