142 research outputs found


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    Autonomous vehicle (AV) is one of the emerging technologies that have far-reaching applications and implications in smart cities. Among the current challenges of the Smart City, Traffic management is of utmost importance. AV technologies can decrease transportation cost and can be used for efficient management and control of traffic flows. Traffic management strongly depends on the road surface condition. Abnormalities in the road, such as manholes and potholes, can cause accidents when not identified by the drivers. Furthermore, human-induced abnormalities, such as speed bumps, could also cause accidents. Detecting road abnormalities provide safety to human and vehicles. Current researches on speed bump detection are based on using sensors, accelerometer and GPS. This makes them vulnerable to GPS error, network overload, delay and battery draining. To overcome these problems, we propose a novel method for speed bump detection that combines both image and signal processing techniques. The advantage of the proposed approach consists in detecting speed bumps accurately without using any special sensors, hardware, Smartphone and GPS

    Phase transitions in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice

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    Two recently developed theoretical approaches are applied to the Shastry-Sutherland lattice, varying the ratio J/JJ'/J between the couplings on the square lattice and on the oblique bonds. A self-consistent perturbation, starting from either Ising or plaquette bond singlets, supports the existence of an intermediate phase between the dimer phase and the Ising phase. This existence is confirmed by the results of a renormalized excitonic method. This method, which satisfactorily reproduces the singlet triplet gap in the dimer phase, confirms the existence of a gapped phase in the interval 0.66<J/J<0.860.66<J'/J<0.86Comment: Submited for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Sources de contamination fécale des cours d'eau urbains

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    RÉSUMÉ Les contaminations fécales des cours d‘eau urbains proviennent surtout de raccordements inversés et de débordements d‘égouts unitaires ou sanitaires. Les impacts cumulatifs de ces rejets sur le milieu récepteur sont devenus évidents et méritent de mieux préciser leur origine. Aucune méthode de la boîte à outils du dépistage des sources de contamination fécale dans les secteurs urbains ne représente une solution miracle acceptée comme la meilleure méthode. La combinaison de plusieurs indicateurs dans le but de développer un indice sanitaire est au point pour faire éventuellement l'objet d'une normalisation.----------ABSTRACT The fecal contamination of urban streams mainly originates from sewer cross-connections, stormwater and combined sewer overflows. The cumulative impacts of these discharges onto the receiving environment have become strikingly evident and warrant further clarification regarding their origins. No method within the current toolbox for fecal contamination source screening in urban areas presents a miraculous solution accepted as the best method. The combination of multiple indicators in order to develop a sanitary index could eventually become the object of standardizatio

    Theoretical studies of the phase transition in the anisotropic 2-D square spin lattice

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    The phase transition occurring in a square 2-D spin lattice governed by an anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian has been studied according to two recently proposed methods. The first one, the Dressed Cluster Method, provides excellent evaluations of the cohesive energy, the discontinuity of its derivative around the critical (isotropic) value of the anisotropy parameter confirms the first-order character of the phase transition. Nevertheless the method introduces two distinct reference functions (either N\'eel or XY) which may in principle force the discontinuity. The Real Space Renormalization Group with Effective Interactions does not reach the same numerical accuracy but it does not introduce a reference function and the phase transition appears qualitatively as due to the existence of two domains, with specific fixed points. The method confirms the dependence of the spin gap on the anisotropy parameter occurring in the Heisenberg-Ising domain

    A renormalized excitonic method in terms of block excitations. Application to spin lattices

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    Dividing the lattice into blocks with singlet ground state and knowing the exact low energy spectrum of the blocks and of dimers (or trimers) of blocks, it is possible to approach the lowest part of the lattice spectrum through an excitonic type effective model. The potentialities of the method are illustrated on the 1-D frustrated chain and the 1/5-depleted square and the plaquette 2-D lattices. The method correctly locates the phase transitions between gapped and non-gapped phases.Comment: Submitted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Conception et développement d’un analyseur inertiel pour la détection de défaillance des rails d’un élévateur minier.

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    L'innovation et la technologie jouent un rôle crucial dans nos vies où la communication entre machines est un outil essentiel et nécessaire pour améliorer l'efficacité de ses processus, réduire les coûts et répondre aux besoins du monde en évolution rapide qui nous entoure. L'Internet des objets (IoT) implique de nombreux attributs qui le distinguent des autres. Il s'agit d'un système intégré avancé connectant des appareils, tels que des machines, des capteurs et des infrastructures, via Internet, et communiquant des messages entre machines en collectant, analysant et envoyant des données via Internet sans intervention humaine. Ce projet propose et met en œuvre une application IoT pour détecter la déformation ou la rupture des poutres de guidage d'un puits de mine souterrain. Cette détection importante assurera la sécurité des travailleurs, réduira les blessures et préviendra les accidents dans cet environnement industriel difficile. En remplacement de l'ancien contrôle visuel peu précis opéré par le mineur, ce travail propose de concevoir et de construire un localisateur d'anomalie sur les poutres ou la structure ferroviaire servant à guider la cage de transport qui circule dans le puits souterrain de la mine. L'application IoT proposée mesure et traite, en temps réel et en continu, les accélérations et les utilise pour détecter et localiser les dommages aux rails. Plusieurs tests sont menés pour prouver l'efficacité de notre solution proposée. Les résultats montrent son efficacité dans le positionnement de la cage de transport, ainsi que la détection de toute anomalie et sa position dans l'environnement complexe de la mine. Ce travail présente la procédure détaillée ainsi que les bancs d'essai réalisés dans différentes conditions opérationnelles. Les erreurs sur l'estimation de positionnement sont calculées en montrant la précision de la méthode. De plus, l'erreur sur la détection des dommages au rail est calculée prouvant la fiabilité de la solution proposée

    Transforming leaky COTS binaries into data-oblivious binaries

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    The rise in microarchitecture side-channel attacks has significantly impacted the realm of hardware security today, and has left sensitive applications vulnerable to a wide set of attack vectors. It is crucial to develop effective and comprehensive mitigation strategies to protect vulnerable applications against these attack vectors. Recently, there has been a surge of efforts to defend against such attacks through data-oblivious programming, but no work exists today to transform "unsafe" COTS binaries into data-oblivious binaries. Achieving data-oblivious COTS binaries is challenging due to their complex nature and lack of clean abstractions. However, such a feat is necessary because many COTS binaries are already deployed in production and run on outdated vulnerable microarchitectures. This paper builds BinCloak, the first framework that can automatically transform x86 COTS binaries into side-channel resistant data-oblivious binaries. We do this by defining a data-oblivious program representation for program binaries, and implementing techniques to construct this representation and transform it into a data-oblivious binary. Finally, we show BinCloak can transform a wide range of applications, and is the first to transform large complex binaries of real-world cryptography applications such as Libgcrypt's RSA implementation

    Metalne EBG sektorske antene za različite polarizacije

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    This work aims to study and design antennas for base stations with metallic electromagnetic band gap (EBG) materials. The objective was to make and study new concepts of EBG metallic antennas able to work according to a wide (or broad) radiation pattern form, i.e. presenting at least 60° angular beamwidth. The use of metallic structures offers a new approach to industrial partners in order to reduce costs and to facilitate design techniques. The high impedance presented by the metallic structure allows us to use only one layer of rods and to make the antenna more compact than the one with a dielectric structure.Svrha je rada proučavanje i proračun antena za bazne stanice koje sadrže metalne materijale s elektromagnetskim zapornim pojasevima (EBG). Cilj je bio ostvariti i proučiti nove koncepcije metalnih EBG-antena koje bi radile sa širokim oblikom dijagrama zračenja, tj. s kutnom širinom snopa od barem 60 stupnjeva. Uporaba metalnih struktura nov je pristup koji nudi industrijskim partnerima mogućnost smanjenja troškova i ujedno im olakšava tehnologiju izrade. Visoka impedancija metalne strukture omogućuje uporabu samo jednog sloja žica, kao i izradu kompaktnije antene u odnosu na onu s dielektričnom strukturom

    A self-consistent perturbative evaluation of ground state energies: application to cohesive energies of spin lattices

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    The work presents a simple formalism which proposes an estimate of the ground state energy from a single reference function. It is based on a perturbative expansion but leads to non linear coupled equations. It can be viewed as well as a modified coupled cluster formulation. Applied to a series of spin lattices governed by model Hamiltonians the method leads to simple analytic solutions. The so-calculated cohesive energies are surprisingly accurate. Two examples illustrate its applicability to locate phase transition.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev.