7 research outputs found

    Fish milt quality and major factors influencing the milt quality parameters: A review

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    In commercial fish production, the evaluation of milt quality is essential in order to increase the efficiency of artificial fertilization. Numerous studies have demonstrated that qualitative parameters of milt (i.e. seminal fluid composition, spermatozoa motility and sperm production) could be influence by several factors including biological characteristics of brooders (age, weight and length), rearing conditions of brooders (temperature, photoperiod, nourishment, undesirable components and animal welfare and health), artificial induction of spawning, spawning season (repeated milt collection and spermiation time) and post stripping factors (chemical properties of diluents and short-term and long-term storage of milt). In the present paper, we review the roles of these factors on quality of milt fish. On the whole understanding of the factors that affect milt quality could be useful for adjustment and efficient management of these factors in order to obtain good milt for fertilization.Keywords: Fish production, milt quality, artificial fertilizatio

    Coral relocation in Chabahar Bay, the North-east of Oman Sea

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    Corals are marine benthic animals typically living in compact colonies of many identical individual polyps (Barnes, 1987; Gateno et al., 1996; Sumich, 1996). Coral reefs are important for many reasons including: a) Most importantly, they provide protection and shelter for many different species of fish. b) They turn surplus carbon dioxide in the water into a limestone shell. Without coral, the amount of carbon dioxide in the water would increase dramatically and that would affect all living things on Earth. c) Similar to a barrier, the coral reefs protect coasts from strong currents and waves by slowing down the water before it gets to the shore. d) Coral reef ecosystems support a variety of human needs such as fisheries and tourism (James and Spurgeon, 1992; Moberg and Folke, 1999; Cesar, 2000). Therefore, the conservation of coral colonies is very vital for marine organisms and human. In Chabahar Bay, the coral reefs are in danger of destruction due to the development program of Shahid Beheshti Port. Since the corals are very sensitive to turbidity and suspended sediments from land reclamation and dredging projects, therefore appropriate measures should be conducted for conservation and recovery of them. At present, the coral relocation is suggested as a good method for recovery of coral reefs after a disturbance in condition of their native habitats. In our project, over 28,000 hard corals were transported to coast of Hotel Lipar (Fig. 1), an area at a distance of 3.5 km far from Shahid Beheshti Port. Also, the new techniques were used for coral reattachment and transportation