589 research outputs found
Developing Students' Ability of Mathematical Connection Through Using Outdoor Mathematics Learning
The Purpose of this study is to determine the achievement and improvement of students' mathematical connectionability through using outdoor mathematics learning. 64 students from the fifth grade of Primary School at SDN 65 and SDN 67 Bengkulu City were taken as the sample of this study. While the method of the research used in this research is experiment with quasi-experimental designs non-equivalent control group. The results of the study are as follows: (1) There is an increasing ability found in mathematical connection of students whom taught by using outdoors mathematics learning is 0,53; (2) Based on statical computation that achievement of students' ability of mathematical connection is taught by using outdoor mathematics learning score is 71,25. It is higher than the students score 66,25 which were taught by using the conventional learning. So as to improve students' mathematical connection, teachers are suggested to use the outdoors mathematics learnin
Membangun Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik
The Purpose of this study is to determine the achievement and improvement of self regulated learning student through realistics mathematics learning. This study use a quasi-experimental design by the non-equivalent control group. The results are realistics mathematics learning more effectively in the achievement and improvement of self regulated learning student is compared conventional learning. Differences achievement and improvement in both groups is significant. The magnitude of the achievement of self regulated learning student is taught through realistics mathematics learning is 176.85, while self regulated learning student is taught through conventional learning is 172.96. While, the magnitude of the increase in self regulated learning student is taught realistic mathematics learning is 0.1, if it is compared with conventional learning
Peningkatan Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematik Melalui Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kota Bengkulu melalui Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan non-equivalent control group design. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pembelajaran Matematika Realistik lebih efektif dalam pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa dibandingkan pembelajaran konvensional. Besarnya pencapaian kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang diajar melalui pembelajaran matematika realistik adalah 63,96 dan pembelajaran konvensional adalah 47,46. Sementara itu, besarnya peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematik siswa yang diajar melalui pembelajaran matematika realistik adalah 0,51 dan pembelajaran konvensional 0,24. The purpose of this study is to determine the achievement and improvement of students' mathematical communication ability in Bengkulu City Junior High School through realistic mathematics learning. The method used is a quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design. The results of this study as follows. The realistic mathematics learning is more effective in the achievement and improvement of students' mathematical communication ability than conventional learning. The magnitude of the achievement of students' mathematical communication ability in realistic mathematics learning is 63,96 and conventional learning is 47,46. Meanwhile, the magnitude of the improvement of students' mathematical communication ability is realistic mathematics learning is 0,51 and conventional learning is 0,2
Parametric Study of Strain Rate Effects on Nanoparticle-Reinforced Polymer Composites
Crashworthiness, energy absorption capacity, and safety are important factors in the design of lightweight vehicles made of fiber-reinforced polymer composite (FRP) components. The relatively recent emergence of the nanotechnology industry has presented a novel means to augment the mechanical properties of various materials. As a result, recent attempts have contemplated the use of nanoparticles to further improve the resiliency of resins, especially when resins are used for mating FRP components. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the response of nanoreinforced polymer composites, subjected to various rates of loading, is of paramount importance for developing reliable structures. In this paper, the effects of nanoreinforcement on the mechanical response of a commonly used epoxy resin subjected to four different strain rates, are systematically investigated. The results are then compared to those of the neat resin. To characterize the mechanical properties of the nanocomposite, a combination of the strain rate-dependent mechanical (SRDM) model of Goldberg and his coworkers and Halpin-Tsai’s micromechanical approach is employed. Subsequently, a parametric study is conducted to ascertain the influences of particle type and their weight percentage. Finally, the numerical results are compared to the experimental data obtained from testing of the neat and the nanoreinforced epoxy resin
Effect of pH on water durability of cellulose nanofiber-reinforced starch film
The continuous use of single-use petrochemical-based plastics has created a global crisis with a significant buildup of plastic pollution. The use of biomass resources as a replacement source of plastic constituents, namely cellulose and starch, may contribute to alleviating the crisis. In this study, cellulose nanofiber-reinforced starch films were produced and studied for their pH response in terms of their swelling behavior and wet tensile strength in both freshwater and seawater conditions. Mechanically fibrillated cellulose nanofibers (MCNFs) were blended with dialdehyde starch (Di-aldS) and made into MCNF/Di-aldS films. The films were found to swell more and had a lower wet tensile strength at pH of 9. The film’s strength reduced to 1.60 MPa in basic conditions, 80% less than in acidic environment. This is related to hemiacetal crosslinking, resulted from the interactions between the modified moieties of the starches and cellulose nanofibers. Such bioplastics enhance the reusability of cellulose nanofibers and have the potential to replace conventional petrochemical plastics to create a carbon–neutral circular society.The version of record of this article, first published in Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, is available online at Publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-023-01828-
Trata sobre moscas-das-frutas: dinamica, flutuacao e manejo, uso de armadilhas; levantamento de plantas hospedeiras, monitoramento, controle cultural, quimico e legislativo. Chave para as especies de Anastrepha conhecidas para o estado de Pernambuco.bitstream/item/176457/1/Separata-9075.pd
Penglibatan wanita yang mengikuti Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) dalam industri Oil & Gas
Persediaan wanita yang mengikuti TVET untuk menceburkan diri dalam industri oil
& gas merupakan suatu masalah yang sering diperkatakan dikalangan wanita ketika
ini. Permasalahan ini menjadi suatu persoalan dalam kalangan wanita tentang apakah
persediaan yang perlu mereka lakukan dalam merencana kerjaya dalam industri oil &
gas ini. Secara umumnya kajian ini adalah bertujuan mengenalpasti faktor-faktor
yang mempengaruhi pemilihan kerja dalam industri oil & gas, kesediaan diri wanita
dari segi fizikal dan mental serta cabaran yang dihadapi dalam merealisasikan
kerjaya mereka dalam industri oil & gas ini. Kajian ini telah dilakukan ke atas
pekerja wanita yang telah berkhidmat dalam industri ini bagi zon selatan dan zon
tengah. Seramai 110 sampel kajian yang terlibat dalam penyelidikan ini melalui
pengedaran borang kaji selidik sebagai instrumen kajian. Data daripada 86 sampel
kajian yang diperolehi dari soal selidik kemudiannya dianalisis dengan menggunakan
perisian Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) versi 20.0. Hasil dapatan
kajian menunjukkan faktor yang mempengaruhi wanita untuk menceburkan diri
dalam industri oil & gas ini adalah faktor gaji iaitu skor min sebanyak 4.41 dan
diikuti dengan kesediaan dari segi mental dengan nilai skor min pada tahap yang
tinggi iaitu 4.392. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati cabaran semasa mendapatkan
pekerjaan adalah perkara paling mencabar yang perlu dihadapi oleh wanita iaitu
dengan dapatan skor min sebanyak 4.242. Ini membuktikan bahawa wanita perlu
mempersiapkan diri dengan sebaiknya sebelum menceburi industri ini. Terdapat
hubungan yang signifikan di antara faktor pemilihan kerja dan kesediaan diri wanita.
Kesimpulannya, wanita perlu mempersiapkan diri bukan sekadar dengan
memperolehi keputusan yang baik dalam akademik, tetapi kecenderungan dan minat
dalam meletakkan diri untuk bersaing dengan lelaki bagi membuktikan wanita turut
berkemahiran dan mempunyai jati diri yang tinggi untuk berkerja dalam bidang yang
sungguh mencabar
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