13 research outputs found

    A unified Bayesian decision theory

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    This paper provides new foundations for Bayesian Decision Theory based on a representation theorem for preferences defined on a set of prospects containing both factual and conditional possibilities. This use of a rich set of prospects not only provides a framework within which the main theoretical claims of Savage, Ramsey, Je¤rey and others can be stated and compared, but also allows for the postulation of an extended Bayesian model of rational belief and desire from which they can be derived as special cases. The main theorem of the paper establishes the existence of a such a Bayesian representation of preferences over conditional prospects i.e. the existence of a pair of real-valued functions respectively measuring the agent's degrees of belief and desire and which satisfy the postulated rationality conditions on partial belief and desire. The representation of partial belief is shown to be unique and that of partial desire, unique up to a linear transformation

    Mechanical and tribological properties of V–C–N coatings as a function of applied bias voltage

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    The aim of this work is to determine the mechanical and tribological behavior of V–C–N coatings deposited on industrial steel substrates (AISI 8620) by using carbon–nitride coatings as a protective materials.Метою роботи було визначення механічної та трибологічної поведінки V–C–N-покриттів, осаджених на сталеві (AISI 8620) підкладки, для використання як захисні матеріали.Целью работы было определение механического и трибологического поведения V–C–N-покрытий, осажденных на стальные (AISI 8620) подложки, для использования как защитные материалы.This research was supported by Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, contract number ING-1775-2015, Universidad del Quindío and the CIC biomaGUNE, Platform Manager – Surface Analysis and Fabrication, Spain