10 research outputs found

    Light Control of Salt-Induced Proline Accumulation is Mediated by Elongated Hypocotyl 5 in Arabidopsis

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    Plants have to adapt their metabolism to constantly changing environmental conditions, among which the availability of light and water is crucial in determining growth and development. Proline accumulation is one of the sensitive metabolic responses to extreme conditions; it is triggered by salinity or drought and is regulated by light. Here we show that red and blue but not far-red light is essential for salt-induced proline accumulation, upregulation of Delta 1-PYRROLINE-5-CARBOXYLATE SYNTHASE 1 (P5CS1) and downregulation of PROLINE DEHYDROGENASE 1 (PDH1) genes, which control proline biosynthetic and catabolic pathways, respectively. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and electrophoretic mobility shift assays demonstrated that the transcription factor ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) binds to G-box and C-box elements of P5CS1 and a C-box motif of PDH1. Salt-induced proline accumulation and P5CS1 expression were reduced in the hy5hyh double mutant, suggesting that HY5 promotes proline biosynthesis through connecting light and stress signals. Our results improve our understanding on interactions between stress and light signals, confirming HY5 as a key regulator in proline metabolism

    A Sajóbábonyi Ipari Park környezeti hatása a Bábony-patakra

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    A dolgozatban Sajóbábony területén üzemelő Ipari Park Bábony-patakra gyakorolt hatása kerül vizsgálatra. A patak felszíni üledékét termikus elemzéssel és kémiai elemek kimutatásával vizsgáltuk, külön figyelmet fordítva az általunk ismert szennyezőanyagok előfordulására.BSc/BAFöldtudományig

    Experience of employers and expectations of employees - Generation Z in focus

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    A dolgozat azokra a kérdésekre keresi a válaszokat, amelyek segítségével megismerhetjük a munkáltatók tapaszatalatait, és a Z generációs fiatalok munkával kapcsolatos elvárásait. A dolgozat célja, hogy olyan következtetéseket és javaslatokat fogalmazzon meg, melyek a gyakorlatban hasznosíthatók olyan szervezetek számára, melyek munkaerőhiánnyal és fluktuációs problémákkal küzdenek.MSc/MAemberi erőforrás tanácsadóK

    Optogenetics: past, present and future

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    The term ‘optogenetics’ was introduced into the scientific literature less than a decade ago by Karl Deisseroth, developer of pioneering optogenetic techniques, who defined optogenetics as “the combination of genetic and optical methods to achieve gain or loss of function of well-defined events in specific cells of living tissue”. Since then this new field of biology has become a very exciting and rapidly developing area producing hundreds of scientific publications. New methods and tools have been developed and long-sought answers found in these new experimental systems. Discussion and full elaboration of every optogenetic approach and application are beyond the scope of this review, instead, it gives a short insight to (i) how light can be used to manipulate the membrane potential of various cells; (ii) how light-sensitive proteins can be used to regulate targeted gene expression, and (iii) how controlled release or spatio-temporal targeting of certain molecules can be modulated by light. Besides, the most widely used light-sensor proteins, including their structure, working mechanism and their involvement in existing optogenetic applications are also discussed

    High-level expression and phosphorylation of phytochrome B modulates flowering time in Arabidopsis

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    Optimal timing of flowering in higher plants is crucial for successful reproduction and is coordinated by external and internal factors, including light and the circadian clock. In Arabidopsis, light-dependent stabilization of the rhythmically expressed CONSTANS (CO) is required for the activation of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), resulting in the initiation of flowering. Phytochrome A and cryptochrome photoreceptors stabilize CO in the evening by attenuating the activity of the CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1-SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA-105 1 (COP1-SPA1) ubiquitin ligase complex, which promotes turnover of CO. In contrast, phytochrome B (phyB) facilitates degradation of CO in the morning and delays flowering. Accordingly, flowering is accelerated in phyB mutants. Paradoxically, plants overexpressing phyB also show early flowering, which may arise from an early phase of rhythmic CO expression. Here we demonstrate that overexpression of phyB induces FT transcription at dusk and in the night without affecting the phase or level of CO transcription. This response depends on the light-activated Pfr form of phyB that inhibits the function of the COP1-SPA1 complex by direct interactions. Our data suggest that attenuation of COP1 activity results in the accumulation of CO protein and subsequent induction of FT. We show that phosphorylation of Ser-86 inhibits this function of phyB by accelerating dark reversion and thus depletion of Pfr forms in the night. Our results explain the early flowering phenotype of phyB overexpression and reveal additional features of the molecular machinery by which photoreceptors mediate photoperiodism

    A marked shift in the serotypes of pneumococci isolated from healthy children in Szeged, Hungary, over a 6-year period

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important pathogen with significant morbidity and mortality rates worldwide, especially among children <5 years. Healthy carriers are the most important sources of pneumococcal infections, and the nasopharyngeal colonisation is the most prevalent among children attending communities such as day-care centres (DCCs). The conjugate pneumococcal vaccines (PCVs) were shown to have an impact on the colonisation, and so play an important role in inhibiting infections. In this study we compared the nasal carriage of healthy children attending DCCs in Szeged, Hungary in 2003/2004, when nobody was vaccinated, and in 2010, when already 1/5 of the children received PCV-7. Significant differences were observed in the serotype distribution, representing a marked shift from the previously widespread vaccine-types (mostly 6A or 14) to others (11A and 23F). The new serotypes showed higher antibiotic susceptibility. The bacterium exchange between children was clear from the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns, and the circulation of certain international clones plays also a role in these dynamic changes

    SUMOylation of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3 promotes photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    -In Arabidopsis thaliana phytochrome B (phyB) is the dominant receptor of photomorphogenic development under red light. phyB interacts with a set of downstream regulatory proteins, including PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 3 (PIF3). The interaction of PIF3 and the photo-activated phyB leads to the rapid phosphorylation and degradation of PIF3 and also to the degradation of phyB, which events are required for proper photomorphogenesis. -Here we report that PIF3 is SUMOylated on the Lys13 (K13) residue and we could detect this posttranslational modification in a heterologous experimental system and also in planta. -We also found, that the SUMO acceptor site mutant PIF3(K13R) binds stronger to the target promoters than its SUMOylated, wild-type counterpart. Seedlings expressing PIF3(K13R) show elongated hypocotyl response, elevated photoprotection and higher transcriptional induction of red light responsive genes compared with plantlets expressing wild-type PIF3. -These observations are supported by the lower level of phyB in those plants which possess only PIF3(K13R) indicating that SUMOylation of PIF3 alters photomorphogenesis also via the regulation of phyB amount. Conclusively, whereas SUMOylation is generally connected to different stress responses it also fine tunes light signalling by reducing the biological activity of PIF3 thus promoting photomorphogenesis

    A Magyar Belgyógyász Társaság Dél-magyarországi Decentrum 43. Továbbképző Tudományos Ülésén elhangzó előadások rövid összefoglalói

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    1. Előszó 2. Alsó végtagi oedema ritka oka 3. Diabeteses ketoacidosis változások az utolsó öt évben 4. IGF-2-termelő prostatatumor okozta súlyos hypoglykaemia. Esetismertetés 5. Diabeteses beteg tünetmentes sokér-betegsége. Esetismertetés 6. Egy motorbaleset szövődményei – kardiológiai vonatkozások. Esetismertetés 7. Erectilis diszfunkció és alacsony tesztoszteronszint metabolikus szindróma tüneteit mutató 1-es típusú diabetesben 8. „Egyelőre idiopathiás” AA-amyloidosis. Esetismertetés 9. Anti-TNF-α-terápia mellett kialakuló lupus erythematosus 10. Pancreastumor vagy pancreatitis? 11. Videodenzitometria segítségével vizsgált myocardialis perfúzió eltérései diabetes mellitusban 12. A Clostridium difficile-fertőzések alakulása intézményünk fertőzőosztályán 2011-ig 13. A vesebetegségek felismerhetőségének aránya az eGFR tükrében vizsgálva 14. A gestatiós diabetes mellitus miatt gondozott asszonyok utánvizsgálataival szerzett tapasztalataink 15. Az aortamerevségi (stiffness) index prognosztikus jelentősége acromegaliában 16. Akut máj- és veseelégtelenség ritka oka. Esetismertetés 17. Diabeteses enteropathia, gastroparesis és neuropathia, vagy valami más? Esetismertetés 18. QT-variabilitás és vércukorszint: kimutatható-e összefüggés egészséges szénhidrát-anyagcseréjű egyénekben? 19. Renalis szimpatikus rádiófrekvenciás katéteres ablatio terápiarezisztens hypertoniában 20. A kalcium-anyagcsere útvesztői 21. Humán helminthiasisok: Az ember féregélősködők okozta bántalmainak klinikuma a gyakorlatban 22. Terápiás hatékonyság vizsgálata fokális szegmentális glomerulosclerosisos esetekben 23. Vércukormérés és csúcstechnológia 24. Metformin a terhességben. Áldás vagy átok? 25. Thrombocytopenia és immunhiány 26. Az inzulinkezeléssel járó testsúlynövekedés elkerülése intenzív inzulinanalóg-kezelési rendszerrel. Esetismertetés 27. Arteria renalis kardiogén eredetű akut thromboemboliás occlusiójának sikeres thrombolyticus kezelése. Esetismertetés 28. Microvascularis vasomotio és vércukorszint: kimutatható-e összefüggés egészséges szénhidrát-anyagcseréjű egyénekben? 29. Fődiagnózis: cardialis decompensatio. Cardialis decompensatio? Esetbemutatás 30. Tíz év tapasztalatai a gestatiós diabetes szűrésében és gondozásában 31. Az autonóm neuropathia prospektív vizsgálata inzulinpumpával kezelt 1-es típusú diabeteses betegekben 32. Vékonybél-kapszulaendoszkópiával szerzett kezdeti tapasztalataink 33. Transrectalis ultrahang (RUH) szerepe a rectum és perirectalis tér kórképeinek diagnosztikájában. Tapasztalatok saját eseteink kapcsán 34. Korszerű inzulinkezelés detemir bázisanalóggal: saját tapasztalataim és a nemzetközi obszervációs vizsgálat (A1chieve®) tükrében 35. Proteinuria mint cardiovascularis rizik