89 research outputs found

    Efficient spin-current injection in single-molecule magnet junctions

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    We study theoretically spin transport through a single-molecule magnet (SMM) in the sequential and cotunneling regimes, where the SMM is weakly coupled to one ferromagnetic and one normalmetallic leads. By a master-equation approach, it is found that the spin polarization injected from the ferromagnetic lead is amplified and highly polarized spin-current can be generated, due to the exchange coupling between the transport electron and the anisotropic spin of the SMM. Moreover, the spin-current polarization can be tuned by the gate or bias voltage, and thus an efficient spin injection device based on the SMM is proposed in molecular spintronics.Comment: 4 figure

    Stability and Efficiency of Personalised Cultural Markets

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    This work is concerned with the dynamics of online cultural markets, namely, attention allocation of many users on a set of digital goods with infinite supply. Such dynamic is important in shaping processes and outcomes in society, from trending items in entertainment, collective knowledge creation, to election outcomes. The outcomes of online cultural markets are susceptible to intricate social influence dynamics, particularly so when the community comprises consumers with heterogeneous interests. This has made formal analysis of these markets improbable. In this paper, we remedy this by establishing robust connections between influence dynamics and optimization processes, in trial-offer markets where the consumer preferences are modelled by multinomial logit. Among other results, we show that the proportional-response-esque influence dynamic is equivalent to stochastic mirror descent on a convex objective function, thus leading to a stable and predictable outcome. When all consumers are homogeneous, the objective function has a natural interpretation as a weighted sum of efficiency and diversity of the culture market. In simulations driven by real-world preferences collected from a large-scale recommender system, we observe that ranking strategies aligned with the underlying heterogeneous preferences are more stable, and achieves higher efficiency and diversity. In simulations driven by real-world preferences collected from a large-scale recommender system, we observe that ranking strategies aligned with the underlying heterogeneous preferences are more stable, and achieves higher efficiency and diversity

    Superwettable PVDF/PVDF-g-PEGMA Ultrafiltration Membranes

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    Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) is a common and inexpensive polymeric material used for membrane fabrication, but the inherent hydrophobicity of this polymer induces severe membranes fouling, which limits its applications and further developments. Herein, we prepared superwettable PVDF membranes by selecting suitable polymer concentration and blending with PVDF-graft-poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PVDF-g-PEGMA). This fascinating interfacial phenomenon causes the contact angle of water droplets to drop from the initial value of over 70° to virtually 0° in 0.5 s for the best fabricated membrane. The wetting properties of the membranes were studied by calculating the surface free energy by surface thermodynamic analysis, by evaluating the peak height ratio from Raman spectra, and other surface characterization methods. The superwettability phenomenon is the result of the synergetic effects of high surface free energy, the Wenzel model of wetting, and the crystalline phase of PVDF. Besides superwettability, the PVDF/PVDF-g-PEGMA membranes show great improvements in flux performance, sodium alginate (SA) rejection, and flux recovery upon fouling

    Thermal analysis of FeCoCu pre-alloyed powders used for diamond tools

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    By simulating the pressureless sintering process, the thermal effects of FeCoCu pre-alloyed powders have been investigated. According to the notions of the Kissinger method, the activation energies in the expansion-shrinkage conversion stage are analyzed. Results show that with Fe content increasing, the specimens’ specific heat capacity values present the increasing trend. The 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu specimens have negative enthalpy value at 10 and 20°C/min heating rate but positive values at 30 °С/min. For the specimens with lower Cu content, the enthalpies are always positive. It is established that both the specific heat capacity and enthalpy are larger when at higher heating rates. The activation energy of the 65 %Fe–15 %Co–20 %Cu specimens is 10 times higher than that of the 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu specimens and the 45 %Fe–15 %Co–40 %Cu specimens.При моделюванні процесу спікання без тиску досліджено термічні ефекти в попередньо легованих порошках FeCoCu. З використанням методу Кіссінджера проаналізовано енергію активації на стадії розширення–усадка. Результати показують, що при збільшенні вмісту Fe значення питомої теплоємності демонструють тенденцію до зростання. Зразки 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu мають негативні значення ентальпії при швидкості нагріву 10 ° і 20 °С/хв, але позитивні при 30 °С/хв. Для зразків з меншим вмістом Cu ентальпія завжди позитивна. Встановлено, що питома теплоємність і ентальпія більші при більш високіх швидкостях нагрівання. Енергія активації зразків 65 %Fe–15 %Co–20 %Cu у 10 разів вища, ніж зразків 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu і 45 %Fe–15 %Co–40 %Cu.При моделировании процесса спекания без приложения давления исследованы термические эффекты в предварительно легированных порошках FeCoCu. С использованием метода Киссинджера проанализирована энергия активации на стадии расширение–усадка. Результаты показывают, что с увеличением содержания железа значения удельной теплоемкости образцов демонстрируют тенденцию к повышению. Образцы 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu имеют отрицательные значения энтальпии при скорости нагрева 10 и 20 °С/мин, но положительные при 30 °С/мин. Для образцов с меньшим содержанием Cu энтальпия всегда положительна. Установлено, что удельная теплоемкость и энтальпия больше при более высоких скоростях нагрева. Энергия активации образцов 65 %Fe–15 %Co–20 %Cu в 10 раз выше, чем образцов 25 %Fe–15 %Co–60 %Cu и 45 %Fe–15 %Co–40 %Cu

    Identification of acetyltransferase genes (HAT1 and KAT8) regulating HBV replication by RNAi screening

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    Background: The initiation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication involves the formation of covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) and its transcription into pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) in hepatocyte nuclei. The regulatory mechanism of HBV replication by acetyltransferase is thus far not well understood, but human acetyltransferase has been reported as being involved in the regulation of HBV replication. Results: Depletion of KAT8 or HAT1 via RNA interference (RNAi) markedly down-regulated HBV-DNA and pgRNA levels in HepG2.2.15 cells, with KAT8 knockdown reducing both HBsAg and HBeAg more than HAT1 knockdown. Con-sistent with these observations, HBV replication regulators hepatocyte nuclear factor-4-α (HNF4α) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator- (PPARGC-) 1-α were decreased following knockdown of HAT1 or KAT8. Conclusions: These data suggest that KAT8 or HAT1 regulate HBV replication and may be potential drug targets of anti-HBV therapy