44 research outputs found

    Platforms to differentiate exotic pathovars of plant bacteria

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    Many of the EPPs that pose the biggest threat to the biosecurity of Australia’s plant industries are bacterial, but difficulties in identification to the subspecific or ‘ pathovar ’ level can seriously delay incursion management and affect market access. Pathovars are defined by host specificity so bio assays remain the definitive means of identification, but these require high level physical containment and can be slow and subjective , delaying diagnosis . Some pathovar - specific serological and molecular tests are available but better diagnostic methods are often required. This project used proteomics and metabolomics, platforms that identify functional molecules potentially associated with plant - pathogen interactions, to identify biomarkers that differentiate pathovars in species of Xanthomonas . Membrane - associated proteins from a collection of bacterial isolates were compared on 2Dimensional gels. Proteins that were found to be differentially expressed between distinct pathovars may be important modulators of host specificity so they were identified and the genes that encode them located by reference to genomic sequences . DNA - based assays targeting these genes were designed and validated for their specificity to the pathovar level . We have developed two new assays that provide levels of specificity not reported elsewhere in the literature. These assays specifically target the bacteria causing the different forms of citrus canker, but without cross - reaction to the closely - related organisms causing bacterial blight on cotton and Citrus Bacterial Spot. The molecular assays will be incorporated into the National Diagnostic Protocol for citrus canker through the SPHDS process. The metabolomics component has analysed metabolite expression in selected bacterial pathovars. Results showed separation between the different pathovars based on differential levels of expression of particular metabolites. These metabolites may be important determinants of pathogenicity. Neither proteomics nor metabolomics had been implemented before in the study of phytopathogenic bacteria and whilst both proved to be technically demanding, each delivered new biomarkers that differentiate phytopathogenic bacteria to a subspecific level . This confirmed the viability of these approaches as platforms to discover novel diagnostic targets. The new methods developed will be implemented into the national incursion response capability , improving the specificity of diagnostic testing available and reducing the possibility of false positive diagnosis . The project has fostered new collaborative partnerships both nationally (NSW, Victoria, WA) and internationally (to Thailand and the USA). The next phase of this work will provide a strong start - up project to the Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre ( PBCRC ) . This project has directly enhanced the plant bacteriology capacity of NSW and Australia trough the recruitment and training of science professionals and an undergraduate student , and supported the specialist training of a Thai scientist through allied project CRC20093

    Cholesterol Depletion in Adipocytes Causes Caveolae Collapse Concomitant with Proteosomal Degradation of Cavin-2 in a Switch-Like Fashion

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    Caveolae, little caves of cell surfaces, are enriched in cholesterol, a certain level of which is required for their structural integrity. Here we show in adipocytes that cavin-2, a peripheral membrane protein and one of 3 cavin isoforms present in caveolae from non-muscle tissue, is degraded upon cholesterol depletion in a rapid fashion resulting in collapse of caveolae. We exposed 3T3-L1 adipocytes to the cholesterol depleting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin, which results in a sudden and extensive degradation of cavin-2 by the proteasome and a concomitant movement of cavin-1 from the plasma membrane to the cytosol along with loss of caveolae. The recovery of cavin-2 at the plasma membrane is cholesterol-dependent and is required for the return of cavin-1 from the cytosol to the cell surface and caveolae restoration. Expression of shRNA directed against cavin-2 also results in a cytosolic distribution of cavin-1 and loss of caveolae. Taken together, these data demonstrate that cavin-2 functions as a cholesterol responsive component of caveolae that is required for cavin-1 localization to the plasma membrane, and caveolae structural integrity

    Human SCARB2-Mediated Entry and Endocytosis of EV71

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    Enterovirus (EV) 71 infection is known to cause hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) and in severe cases, induces neurological disorders culminating in fatality. An outbreak of EV71 in South East Asia in 1997 affected over 120,000 people and caused neurological disorders in a few individuals. The control of EV71 infection through public health interventions remains minimal and treatments are only symptomatic. Recently, human scavenger receptor class B, member 2 (SCARB2) has been reported to be a cellular receptor of EV71. We expressed human SCARB2 gene in NIH3T3 cells (3T3-SCARB2) to study the mechanisms of EV71 entry and infection. We demonstrated that human SCARB2 serves as a cellular receptor for EV71 entry. Disruption of expression of SCARB2 using siRNAs can interfere EV71 infection and subsequent inhibit the expression of viral capsid proteins in RD and 3T3-SCARB2 but not Vero cells. SiRNAs specific to clathrin or dynamin or chemical inhibitor of clathrin-mediated endocytosis were all capable of interfering with the entry of EV71 into 3T3-SCARB2 cells. On the other hand, caveolin specific siRNA or inhibitors of caveolae-mediated endocytosis had no effect, confirming that only clathrin-mediated pathway was involved in EV71 infection. Endocytosis of EV71 was also found to be pH-dependent requiring endosomal acidification and also required intact membrane cholesterol. In summary, the mechanism of EV71 entry through SCARB2 as the receptor for attachment, and its cellular entry is through a clathrin-mediated and pH-dependent endocytic pathway. This study on the receptor and endocytic mechanisms of EV71 infection is useful for the development of effective medications and prophylactic treatment against the enterovirus

    Heavy and light roles: myosin in the morphogenesis of the heart

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    Myosin is an essential component of cardiac muscle, from the onset of cardiogenesis through to the adult heart. Although traditionally known for its role in energy transduction and force development, recent studies suggest that both myosin heavy-chain and myosin lightchain proteins are required for a correctly formed heart. Myosins are structural proteins that are not only expressed from early stages of heart development, but when mutated in humans they may give rise to congenital heart defects. This review will discuss the roles of myosin, specifically with regards to the developing heart. The expression of each myosin protein will be described, and the effects that altering expression has on the heart in embryogenesis in different animal models will be discussed. The human molecular genetics of the myosins will also be reviewed

    Lipid rafts and insulin signaling

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