11 research outputs found

    Перспективи використання культивованих грибів у технології ковбасних виробів

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    In order to solve the problems associated with expanding range of sausage meat component of high biological value, a search was conducted for alternative, natural and affordable sources of protein. Protein deficiency in human nutrition has led to the search for ways to increase biological value. It was proposed the optimal ratio of components of sausage meat, consisting of meat and mushroom raw materials. The purpose of this combination is to achieve the composition of sausages to the desired approximation of the "ideal protein" with the established technological effects for this production. The main objective of this work is to study the food and taste qualities of the finished product to expand the range of functional sausages at meat processing enterprises in Ukraine and China. Analysis of these data shows that an increase in the level of meat substitution with mushroom raw materials leads to a redistribution of the mass fractions of moisture, protein, fat and ash. The redistribution of these same indicators is affected by the physical state of the introduced mushroom raw material: powder or finely crushed mass. It was recorded a decrease in the mass fraction of fat by approximately 3% and 6%, respectively. Therefore, it was noted a decrease in energy value from 362 kcal to 335-304 kcal. The proportion of carbohydrates in the experimental samples has increased by an average of 1-2%. The mass fraction of protein remained almost unchanged, but the composition of the protein was closer to the "ideal protein". According to the results of organoleptic evaluation, it was found that when developing recipes for cooked smoked sausages, it is advisable to add boiled mushrooms in an amount of 15 - 20% in finely crushed form. It is advisable to add in the amount of 3.0 - 7.0% at the mixing stage in the form of a dry powder of fried mushrooms. The data presented in this article make it possible to assess the prospects of t he food industry in the production of sausages enriched with semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness based on cultivated mushrooms. The results of the analytical study reflect the unique degree of the cultivated mushrooms amino acid composition approximation to the "ideal protein". Particular attention was paid to essential (limiting) amino acids and their content in new types of sausages.Для вирішення проблем, пов'язаних з розширенням асортименту ковбасних виробів підвищеної біологічної цінності, був проведений пошук альтернативних, природних і доступних джерел білка. Такими пропонується розглядати культивовані гриби. Дефіцит білка в раціон харчування людей, давно вже став причиною пошуку способів підвищення біологічної цінності, тому ми пропонуємо оптимальні співвідношення компонентів ковбасного фаршу, що складається з м'ясного та грибного сировини. Метою такого комбінування є досягнення складу ковбасних виробів до бажаного наближення до "ідеального білку" при встановлених технологічних ефектах для даного виробництва. Основним завданням роботи є вивчення харчових і смакових якостей готової продукції для розширення асортименту функціональних ковбасних виробів на м'ясопереробних підприємствах України і Китаю. Аналіз наведених даних показує, що зі збільшенням рівня заміни м'яса грибним сировиною проходить перерозподіл масових часток вологи, білка, жиру і зольності. На перерозподіл цих же показників впливає фізичний стан внесеного грибного сировини: порошок або тонко подрібнена маса. Було зафіксовано зменшення масової частки жиру приблизно на 3% і 6% відповідно. Отже, зниження енергетичної цінності: з 362 ккал до 335 - 304 ккал. Частка вуглеводів у дослідних зразках збільшувалася в середньому на 1-2%. Масова частка білка залишалася практично незмінною, але склад білка був ближчий до "ідеального білку". За результатами органолептичної оцінки з'ясовано, що при розробці рецептур варено-копчених ковбас доцільно вносити варені гриби в кількості 15 - 20% в тонкоподрібненому вигляді. У вигляді сухого порошку з обсмажених грибів - в кількості 3,0 - 7,0% на етапі перемішування. Наведені в статті дані, дозволяють оцінити перспективу напрямків харчової промисловості в сфері виробництва ковбасних виробів, збагачених напівфабрикатами різного ступеня готовності на основі культивованих грибів. Результати аналітичного дослідження, відображають унікальну ступінь наближення амінокислотного складу культивованих грибів до "ідеального білку". Особливу увагу приділено есенціальним (лімітуючим) амінокислотам, їх вмісту в складі нових видів ковбасних виробів

    Isolation and Structural Characterisation of Okara Polysaccharides

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    Okara is a byproduct generated during tofu or soymilk production processes. Crude polysaccharide (yield 56.8%) was isolated by removing fat, protein and low molecular weight carbohydrates from initial okara. Crude okara polysaccharide was further divided into four soluble fractions and an insoluble residue fraction by extracting with 0.05 M EDTA + NH4 oxalate, 0.05 M NaOH, 1 M NaOH and 4 M NaOH, with yields of 7.7%, 3.6%, 20.7%, 16.0% and 27.9%, respectively. Arabinose, galactose, galacturonic acid, xylose and glucose (only for the insoluble fraction) were the major constituent sugars. The primary sugar residues of okara polysaccharides were 1,4-linked β-galactopyranose, 1,5- and 1,3-linked α-arabinofuranose, 1,5-linked α-xylofuranose, 1,2-linked, 1,2,4-linked and terminal α-rhamnopyranose (or fucopyranose), and 1,4-linked β-glucopyranose (only for the insoluble fraction), indicating okara polysaccharides might contain galactan, arabinan, arabinogalactan, xylogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan, xylan, xyloglucan and cellulose

    Comparison of Flavonoid Compounds in the Flavedo and Juice of Two Pummelo Cultivars (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck) from Different Cultivation Regions in China

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different cultivation regions on the pattern and content of flavonoids in two pummelo cultivars (C. grandis L. Osbeck) in China. Results showed that similar patterns of flavonoids were observed in the flavedo or juice of each pummelo cultivar from these cultivation regions, whereas the individual flavonoid content showed unique characteristics. Naringin, the predominant flavanone glycoside, showed the highest content in both flavedo and juice of C. grandis “Guanximiyu” from the Pinghe of Fujian (FJ) cultivation region compared with the Dapu of Guangdong (GD) and Nanbu of Sichuan (SC) regions. However, its content in the flavedo of C. grandis “Shatianyu” from the Pingle of Guangxi (GX) was significantly lower than in the GD and SC regions. Vicenin-2 appeared to be the dominant flavone C-glycoside in the flavedo of both cultivars, and the lowest content was observed in the flavedo of C. grandis “Guanximiyu” from the SC region. However, C. grandis “Shatianyu” contained the highest content of vicenin-2 in the flavedo from SC region. Similarly, the predominant flavone O-glucoside, rhoifolin, showed the highest content in C. grandis “Guanximiyu” from the GD and FJ regions, whereas C. grandis “Shatianyu” in SC region showed the highest content of rhoifolin. Cluster analysis suggested that genotype played a primary role in determining the flavonoid profiles of pummelo cultivars, whereas regional differences significantly affected the flavonoid distribution of pummelo cultivars potentially via affecting the direction of flavonoid accumulation in pummelo

    Alternative Splicing under Cold Stress in Paper Mulberry

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    The paper mulberry is a commonly found tree species with a long history of cultivation. It also serves as a crucial case study for understanding how woody plants adapt to low temperatures. Under cold treatment, we observed a substantial number of alternative splicing (AS) genes, showcasing the intricate landscape of AS events. We have detected all seven types of AS events, with the alternative 3′ splice site (A3) having the most. We observed that many genes that underwent differential AS were significantly enriched in starch and sucrose metabolism and circadian rhythm pathways. Moreover, a considerable proportion of differentially spliced genes (DSGs) also showed differential expression, with 20.38% and 25.65% under 12 h and 24 h cold treatments, respectively. This suggests a coordinated regulation between gene AS and expression, playing a pivotal role in the paper mulberry’s adaptation to cold stress. We further investigated the regulatory mechanisms of AS, identifying 41 serine/arginine-rich (SR) splicing factors, among which 11 showed differential expression under cold treatment, while 29 underwent alternative splicing. Additionally, genes undergoing AS displayed significantly higher DNA methylation levels under cold stress, while normal splicing (non-AS) genes exhibited relatively lower methylation levels. These findings suggest that methylation may play an important role in governing gene AS. Finally, our research will provide useful information on the role of AS in the cold acclimation tolerance of the paper mulberry

    Практикум по спецкурсу "Международный гражданский процесс"

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    This paper studies the dynamic filtration behavior of coal particles in metal fiber felt, by developing a three-dimensional model based on microstructure and arrangement mode of metal fiber felt identified by scanning electron microscope. Discrete element method (DEM) is coupled with Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate filtration of coal particles in metal fiber felt. The simulation mainly studies the moving trail and deposition characteristics of spherical coal particles. The results demonstrated that coal particles can bypass the metal fibers and enter the inside of the metal fiber felt through mesh channels. The moving trail of coal particles is similar to a broken line. It is also shown that most coal particles are trapped due to the deep filtration of metal fiber felt and the distribution pattern of them is inhomogeneous. The number of particles trapped by metal fiber felt is reduced in the direction of thickness. It is found that coal particles can be trapped not only by randomly arranged metal fibers, but also by coal particles deposited previously. Finally, the kinetic energy loss of coal particles mainly occurs in the initial stage when particles pass through metal fiber felt. And the velocity of coal particles inside metal fiber felt is maintained at 0.15–0.25 m/s. Highlights A more realistic three-dimensional model was reconstructed according to scanning electron microscope pictures. The particle trajectory, deposition mode of particle groups and speed change of particles were investigated using CFD–DEM in the paper. The simulation method was validated by the experiment

    Antioxidant Properties of Cap and Stipe from Coprinus comatus

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    Coprinus comatus, also called chicken drumstick mushroom, is currently commercially available in China. Hot water and ethanolic extracts were prepared from cap and stipe of C. comatus fruit bodies and their antioxidant properties were studied. Ethanolic extract from stipe showed high antioxidant activity (80.6%) at 1 mg/mL. Reducing power of hot water extracts from cap was 1.653 at 10 mg/mL. Extracts from cap showed better scavenging ability on DPPH (57.9% at 1 mg/mL) than stipe ones. Ethanolic extracts were more effective in scavenging ability on hydroxyl radicals (57.4–61.3% at 5 mg/mL) than hot water extracts. Ethanolic extracts showed moderate scavenging ability on superoxide radicals (46.3–47.0% at 20 mg/mL). Naturally occurring antioxidant components including total phenols (3.60–20.00 mg/g), tocopherols (0.58–11.93 mg/g), flavonoids (0.19–3.52 mg/g) and polysaccharides (58.52–547.86 mg/g) were found in the extracts. Overall, extracts from cap were more effective for the antioxidant properties assayed