379 research outputs found

    Evolution of technology and users’ requirements of factory communication systems from the 3rd to the 4th Industrial Revolution

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    Objektív sebészet – robotok és szimulátorok használata a sebészeti képességek felmérésére

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    A laparoscopos sebészet sikerességére alapozva a robotsebészet az egyik legmeghatározóbb irányzattá vált a nyugati ellátásban, elsősorban a hasi beavatkozások tekintetében. Míg a kézi laparoscopos eljárások elsajátítása hosszú és fáradsá- gos feladat, a da Vinci típusú robotizált alkalmazások számos intuitív vezérlési és ergonómiai funkciót kínálnak. Mindkét esetben alapvető fontosságú, hogy a sebészek valós technikai képességeivel, készségeivel tisztában legyünk. A robotizált sebészeti eszközök használata radikálisan új mérési módszereket tesz lehetővé a műtéti folyamatok számos paraméterét tekintve, amely alapján új tananyagok és vizsgáztatási módszerek kerültek kidolgozásra. Ezek forradalmasíthatják a laparoscopos sebészet oktatását, hiszen objektív kritériumrendszer bevezetését teszik lehetővé. A robotos környezetben és szimulátorokon alkalmazott alapvető metrikákat és módszereket viszi végig ez a cikk, részletesen kitérve az egyes módszerek validáltságára és hasznosságára. Az elkövetkező pár évben várhatóan ezek fogják meghatározni a modern laparoscopos sebészeti képzések összetételét

    Surgery from a Distance—Application of Intelligent Control for Telemedicine

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    Infrastructural Requirements and Regulatory Challenges of a Sustainable Urban Air Mobility Ecosystem

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    The United Nations has long put on the discussion agenda the sustainability challenges of ur- banization, which have both direct and indirect effects on future regulation strategies. Undoubtedly, most initiatives target better quality of life, improved access to services & goods and environment pro- tection. As commercial aerial urban transportation may become a feasible research goal in the near future, the connection possibilities between cities and regions scale up. It is expected that the growing number of vertical takeoff & landing vehicles used for passenger and goods transportation will change the infrastructure of the cities, and will have a significant effect on the cityscapes as well. In addition to the widely discussed regulatory and safety issues, the introduction of elevated traffic also raises environmental concerns, which influences the existing and required service and control infrastructure, and thus significantly affects sustainability. This paper provides narrated overview of the most common aspects of safety, licensing and regulations for passenger vertical takeoff & landing vehicles, and highlights the most important aspects of infrastructure planning, design and operation, which should be taken into account to maintain and efficiently operate this new way of transportation, leading to a sustainable urban air mobility ecosystem

    Extreme Telesurgery

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    From Concept to Market: Surgical Robot Development

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    Surgical robotics and supporting technologies have really become a prime example of modern applied information technology infiltrating our everyday lives. The development of these systems spans across four decades, and only the last few years brought the market value and saw the rising customer base imagined already by the early developers. This chapter guides through the historical development of the most important systems, and provide references and lessons learnt for current engineers facing similar challenges. A special emphasis is put on system validation, assessment and clearance, as the most commonly cited barrier hindering the wider deployment of a system

    The rise of service robotics: Navigation in medical and mobile applications

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    obotics is gradually becoming transformational, effecting various aspects of human life. One of the key enabling technologies that allowed service robots to leave the factory and automation application domain is localization. Spatial awareness provided by sensors, navigation and positi oning systems made it possible to use robots in the dynamically changing human environment. This talk overviews the recent development that lead to flexible service robots all around us, and focuses on two particular domains, where Óbuda University has a strong history to build on, image-guided navigation for mobile application and for medical robots

    Autonomous Applied Robotics: Ultrasound-Based Robot-Assisted Needle Insertion System Concept and Development

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    Ultrasound (US) is a popular imaging modality for image-guided minimally invasive surgery (MIS), enabling the faster and more reliable execution of numerous procedures, such as biopsy, electrode placement and vessel cannulation. Blood vessel cannulation is a common, routine intervention, e.g., for blood oxygen level testing. Yet, in particular cases, when the vessel is located deep or veins less stable (with the loss of subcutaneous tissue), it is hard to complete it without US assistance. In this paper, we present a solution for US-guided, robot-assisted needle insertion for vein cannulation. We developed an image-guided system to aid needle insertion via active targeting and anatomy-relevant positioning, together with safeguarding features, such as a kinematically enforced Remote Center of Motion (RCM) mechanism. The proposed system comprises a portable US transducer mounted on a KUKA iiwa collaborative robot, a custom designed needle insertion mechanism with adjacent controllers. The US and needle insertion mechanism are attached to the robot through a 3D printed custom designed mounting part with integrated force sensor. The robot arm is responsible for moving the needle to target position with impedance control. The needle insertion mechanism allows the manipulation of the needle along 3 axes. The mechanism was designed for near-surface vein cannulation with an RCM kinematic structure to avoid damage to the vein. The developed system was tested with different types of gelatin phantoms. Vein deformation and tissue motion was examined during US imaging. The control loop of our system is supplemented with vein deformation tissue model and US-based visual servoing