1,480 research outputs found

    Reactor Searches for Neutrino Magnetic Moment as a Probe of Extra Dimensions

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    We present calculations of the magnetic moment contribution to neutrino electron scattering in large extra dimension brane-bulk models (LED) with three bulk neutrinos. We discuss the cases with two and three large extra dimensions of sizes RR. The calculations are done using reactor flux from Uranium, 235U^{235}U as the neutrino source. We find that if the electron neutrino mass is chosen to be in the range of one eV, the differential cross section for νˉe\bar{\nu}-e scattering for low electron recoil energy can be of the same order as the presently explored values in reactor experiments. Furthermore the spectral shape for the LED models is different from the four dimensional case. Future higher precision reactor experiments can therefore be used to provide new constraints on a class of large extra dimension theories.Comment: 8 pages; 3 figure

    Research on Issues Related to Virtual Reality Representation in Online Shopping System –Experimental Study on Spatial Location Relations among Objects Based on Visual Attention Theory

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    This article has studied influences of three factors namely flashing (FF), consistency (CF) and distance (DF) to spatial location array of commodity objects in online shopping system. The findings show that reaction time (RT) of subjects in still representation is shorter than that in live representation; faster in the setting of being inconsistency between commodities and their text description than that of being consistency; in the condition of both Flashing (FSH) level and Consistency (CON) level, Un-flashing (UNFSH) level and Inconsistency (INCON) level, subjects RT in the setting of commodity object being farther from its description is shorter than that in being near. The research finds no discrepancies that three factors have any impact on subjects’ accuracy rate. Further analysis finds that physical distance of commodities plays a major role in affecting spatial location array of objects, while conceptual distance ranks on the second place. Location-based visual attention has the biggest impact on spatial location relation of virtual reality setting, and object-based visual attention plays a second largest impact. The impact would be highly impressive when either physical distant or conceptual distance is conformed to experiences in real life, Singleton detection mode will play a role at the situation when coincidence of the said phenomenon and real life experience is less, which means distinct flashing (FSH) will lead to better effect at this particular situation, otherwise it is worse

    Collect-and-Distribute Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Analysis

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    Although remarkable advancements have been made recently in point cloud analysis through the exploration of transformer architecture, it remains challenging to effectively learn local and global structures within point clouds. In this paper, we propose a new transformer architecture equipped with a collect-and-distribute mechanism to communicate short- and long-range contexts of point clouds, which we refer to as CDFormer. Specifically, we first utilize self-attention to capture short-range interactions within each local patch, and the updated local features are then collected into a set of proxy reference points from which we can extract long-range contexts. Afterward, we distribute the learned long-range contexts back to local points via cross-attention. To address the position clues for short- and long-range contexts, we also introduce context-aware position encoding to facilitate position-aware communications between points. We perform experiments on four popular point cloud datasets, namely ModelNet40, ScanObjectNN, S3DIS, and ShapeNetPart, for classification and segmentation. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed CDFormer, delivering several new state-of-the-art performances on point cloud classification and segmentation tasks. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/haibo-qiu/CDFormer}.Comment: Code is available at https://github.com/haibo-qiu/CDForme

    In silico enzyme modelling

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    The 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel for their pioneering work on computer modelling, specifically, the \u27development of multiscale models of complex chemical systems\u27 (1). This award not only recognises the critical contributions by the three laureates to the field of molecular simulations, but also underscores the broad impact that computer simulations have made in fields as diverse as chemistry, biophysics, enzymology and material sciences. This review will present an overview of computational enzymology, a rapidly maturing field where multiscale modelling plays a key role in deciphering enzymatic catalysis (2-4)

    Flavor Symmetry, Leptogenesis and Grand Unification Theories

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    Many neutrino experiments in the last few years have shown concrete evidence for neutrino mass and leptonic mixing; an indication of new physics beyond the standard model. In this thesis, we systematically study the flavor symmetry indicated by the low scale neutrino experiment data with the assumption that the seesaw mechanism is the reason for the light neutrino masses. In the flavor basis, the testable exchange symmetry between muon neutrino and tau neutrino (\mu-\tau)isintroducedtoexplainthenearmaximalatmosphericmixingangleandvanishingreactormixingangle.Thissymmetrycanreducetheseesawparametersnaturallyandmakeitpossibletoconnectthebaryonasymmetryofouruniversetothelowscaleneutrinodataifleptogenesiscausesthebaryonasymmetry.Wealsoshowthisleptonicsymmetrycanbeextendedtothequarksectorandpresentarealisticsupersymmetry) is introduced to explain the near maximal atmospheric mixing angle and vanishing reactor mixing angle. This symmetry can reduce the seesaw parameters naturally and make it possible to connect the baryon asymmetry of our universe to the low scale neutrino data if leptogenesis causes the baryon asymmetry. We also show this leptonic symmetry can be extended to the quark sector and present a realistic supersymmetry SU(5)grandunificationmodel.Motivatedbysolarmixingangle grand unification model. Motivated by solar mixing angle \sin^2\theta_{\rm solar}\simeq1/3,weembedthe, we embed the \mu-\tausymmetryinan symmetry in an S3permutationsymmetryandobtainasocalledtribimaximalmixingpattern.Westudythestabilityofthetextureunderradiativecorrections.This permutation symmetry and obtain a so-called tri-bimaximal mixing pattern. We study the stability of the texture under radiative corrections. This S3modelissoconstrainedthattheCPviolatingphasesofthelowscalemixingarethosegeneratingthebaryonasymmetrywithinleptongesis.Attemptingtounifythreefamiliesoffermionswithinthegrandunificationtheories,wetreatthreefamiliesoffermionsasthethreedimensionalirreduciblerepresentationof model is so constrained that the CP-violating phases of the low scale mixing are those generating the baryon asymmetry within leptongesis. Attempting to unify three families of fermions within the grand unification theories, we treat three families of fermions as the three dimensional irreducible representation of S4andbuildarealisticmodelbasedon and build a realistic model based on SO(10)gaugegroup.Thismodelpredictsdegeneratearighthandedneutrinomassspectrum.Inthisthesis,wealsoaddresstheissueofthenaturalrealizationoftheseesawmechanisminthesupersymmetricminimal gauge group. This model predicts degenerate a right-handed neutrino mass spectrum. In this thesis, we also address the issue of the natural realization of the seesaw mechanism in the supersymmetric minimal SO(10)$ model. We realize the type II seesaw dominance by invoking a warped extra dimension, while keeping predictivity of the model


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    The pyazole ring in the title compound, C6H9ClN2, is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.003 Å). In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by C—H⋯N inter­actions, forming [100] chains