184 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Enhancing the production yield fornew generations of each horticultural crop needseffective selecting programs to find outexcellent traits forming thisfruit yield. Therefore,this study aims to investigate the correlations between the fruit yield withhorticultural traits, mainly with yield’s components and inheritance of some morphological traitsofsponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica). An F2 population was generated from a cross between sponge gourds GBVN006904 (male) and GBVN005333 (female) at University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University,Vietnam. The positive correlations are observed between the fruit yield per plant andthe fruit diameter, fruit weight, and number of fruits per plant (0.901**). The male first flower appearance time showsa significant positive correlation with female first flower appearance one. The peduncle length correlates positively with the fruit length. The fruit length is enhanced when fruit weight increases. The total soluble solids and fruit diameter show a slightly negative correlation. Chi-square analysis for the leaf shape, depth of lobing, leaf color, and leaf pubescence shows a good fit to a ratio of 9:6:1, thus being controlled by duplicate genes interaction. The fruit color (dark-green:light-green) fits well to a ratio of 15:1, giving its control to duplicate genes with dark-green color being dominant, whereas the fruit shape assorts independently according toa ratio of 9:3:3:1. The fruit stripe color exhibits monogenic incomplete dominance, and the curvature of the fruit is a monogenic recessive trait. Fruit yield components, such as the number of fruit per plant, the fruit weight, and the fruit diameter,strongly affect the fruit yield of sponge gourd. The inheritance of morphological traits indicates that most of the traits are controlled by complete dominance at both gene pairs excepted for fruit strip color and curvature of fruit.Keywords: correlation, inheritance, morphological traits, sponge gourd, yield component

    The Visible Light Activity of the TiO2 and TiO2:V4+ Photocatalyst

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    TiO2 and vanadium‐doped TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by using the hydrothermal method. The V doping contents are 0.0; 0.1; 0.3; 0.5; 0.7 and 0.9% molar. The vanadium‐doped TiO2 nanoparticles have identical anatase phase with an average crystal size of 10‐20nm. The oleic acid and ethanol solvents with different molar concentrations can make spherical nanograins, or stick form grains, which influence the photo activity of the materials. The absorption spectra of doped samples exhibited long-tailed absorption in the visible light region above 380nm. The visible light photocatalytic activity was evaluated by the degradation of phenol aqueous solutions; after 360 min. under the visible irradiation, the normalized concentration of phenol decreased to 9%

    Co-expression of recombinant single chain variable fragment recognizing blood antigen fused with sumo and chaperones in Escherichia coli

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    Single chain variable fragments (scFv) have widely been used in research, diagnosis and treatment, but the scFv is considered as difficult protein for expression in E. coli. In previous studies, we expressed a construction of recombinant single chain variable fragments again antigen specific for blood type A (antiA-scFv) individually or fused with Trx or SUMO. However, soluble fraction was low abandant and only approximately 40% when fused with Trx, the other cases were expressed in form of inclusion body. Therefore, it was difficult for purification, refolding and activity assesment. In thispaper, we demonstrated a suitable construction for soluble production of antiA-scFv fused with SUMO (SM/antiA-scFv) in presence of chaparones. Under fermentation with 0.1 mM IPTG at 20oC, the SM/antiA-scFv was entirely expressed in soluble form. Importantly, after cleavage from SUMO with SUMOprotease, antiA-scFv was still maintained in the supernatant fraction. Therefore, it can help ensure bioactivity and is useful for purification process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing soluble recombinant scFv fused with SUMO in presence of chaperone for determination of blood group antigens. Thus, this result facilitates the optimal study of soluble expression, purification and bioactivity determination of the antiA-scFv recombinant antibody.

    Expression of the recombinant single chain variable fragments recognizing blood antigen fused with thioredoxin in Escherichia coli

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    The technology of recombinant single chain variable fragments (scFvs) expression has been used in research, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In the previous study, we studied the expression of a recombinant single chain variable fragment recognizing blood A antigen (antiA-scFv) in E. coli. However, the protein was insoluble form resulting in difficulty for purification, refolding and activity assesment. Here, we present the study on fused expression of the recombinant scFv -specific blood A antigen with thioredoxin (Trx) in the expression vector pET32a (+). The results showed that the Trx/antiA-scFv fusion protein was expressed with molecular weight of 49 kDa in a soluble form reaching 40% of the total recombinant protein. This result facilitates the optimal condition of soluble protein expression, purification and bioactivity determination of the antiA-scFv recombinant antibody.

    Comparative study on vision based rice seed varieties identification

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    Abstract-This paper presents a system for automated classification of rice variety for rice seed production using computer vision and image processing techniques. Rice seeds of different varieties are visually very similar in color, shape and texture that make the classification of rice seed varieties at high accuracy challenging. We investigated various feature extraction techniques for efficient rice seed image representation. We analyzed the performance of powerful classifiers on the extracted features for finding the robust one. Images of six different rice seed varieties in northern Vietnam were acquired and analyzed. Our experiments have demonstrated that the average accuracy of our classification system can reach 90.54% using Random Forest method with a simple feature extraction technique. This result can be used for developing a computer-aided machine vision system for automated assessment of rice seeds purity

    Advanced Method for Motion Control of a 3 DOFs Lower Limb Rehabilitation Robot

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    This paper presents two motion control methods for a lower limb rehabilitation robot based on compensate gravity proportional-derivative and inverse dynamic proportional-derivative (PD) control algorithms. The Robot’s mechanism is comprised of three active joints: hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint, which are driven by DC motors. Firstly, based on Robot’s mechanism, a dynamic model of the Robot is built. Then, based on Robot’s model, motion control systems for Robot are designed. Simulation results show good performances and workability of these proposed controllers. Finally, the calculation of the joint angle errors and toque of each controller is performed. The comparison of simulation results between proposed controllers and the adaptive fuzzy controller allows to choice suitable motion control methods for Robot that can meet the requirements of a 3 DOFs lower limb rehabilitation robot for post-stroke patient

    Assessing local people’s satisfaction on resettlement arrangements of A Luoi Hydropower project, Thua Thien Hue Province

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    This study aims to estimate the level of satisfaction about resettlement arrangements for local people who have been affected by A Luoi hydroelectric construction project in the Thua Thien Hue province. This research used the Likert scale method to assess the satisfaction level of 98 households living in two of the resettlement sites. Results illustrate that there is variations in the level of satisfaction of local people in the two resettlement sites, Hong Thuong and Hong Ha. In the resettlement area (RA) of the Hong Thuong Commune, people are dissatisfied with the location arrangement. There is a lack of quality in the houses built, been damaged, cracked and degraded, since the construction design is not appropriate for the customs and practices of local people, with a satisfaction rating of 1.07. Meanwhile, at the resettlement site of the Hong Ha commune, people felt satisfied with the arrangement site of the RA and allocated residential land area with the satisfaction rating of 4.19. Our results will help the government, as well as the project owners, to understand the points of dissatisfaction of local people in order to have accordant solutions, ensuring the stable life for local people in those settlement areas.Nghiên cứu này nhằm mục đích đánh giá được mức độ hài lòng của người dân về việc bố trí tái định cư (TĐC) cho người dân bị ảnh hưởng bởi dự án xây dựng thuỷ điện A Lưới, tỉnh Thừa Thiên Huế. Nghiên cứu đã sử dụng phương pháp thang đo Likert để đánh giá mức độ hài lòng của 98 hộ dân sống tại hai khu tái định cư Hồng Thượng và Hồng Hạ. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã cho thấy có sự khác nhau về mức độ hài lòng của người dân tại hai khu TĐC. Tại khu TĐC Hồng Thượng người dân thấy không hài lòng về địa điểm bố trí TĐC, nhà ở được xây dựng thiếu chất lượng đã bị hư hỏng, nứt nẻ xuống cấp, thiết kế xây dựng không phù hợp với phong tục, tập quán của người dân địa phương, với chỉ số đánh giá hài lòng là 1,07. Trong khi đó, tại khu TĐC xã Hồng Hạ người dân lại thấy hài lòng về điểm bố trí TĐC và diện tích đất ở được cấp, với chỉ số đánh giá hài lòng là 4,19. Kết quả nghiên cứu của đề tài sẽ giúp cho chính quyền cũng như chủ đầu tư dự án nắm rõ những điểm không hài lòng của người dân để có hướng giải quyết phù hợp nhằm đảm bảo cuộc sống ổn định cho người dân tại nơi tái định cư

    A Research on the Quality of Public Transportation Services by Bus in Vietnam

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    This study was conducted to assess the status of the quality of public passenger transport services by bus in Hanoi. Data were collected from regular passengers using buses as a means of transportation in the city, including passengers standing at stations, waiting shelters and on vehicles to make trips and students of some universities who use buses as a means of transportation. We employ descriptive statistics and hierarchical analysis to learn about the topic of research. The results indicate that the quality of public transport services by buses in Hanoi, which was judged by passengers quite well. In particular, the safety level, convenience, security and hygiene is up to 70%, which was higher than the highest quality level. Quality of fast level and reliability are low. Keywords: quality of services, public passenger transport, buses, Vietnam. DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-13-04 Publication date:July 31st 201


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    Interleukin-3 (IL-3) is a multifunctional cytokine which modulates the proliferation, differentiation and maturation of various types of hematopoietic cells. Gene coding for IL-3 linked with pelB signal were incorporated into pET22b(+) for  expression of il3 gene in E. coli BL21; but IL-3 was synthesized at very low levels and still in fusion with PelB. To facilitate purification process, finding the appropriate fermentation conditions plays a key role in order to enhance gene il-3 expression and cleavage of PelB. In this study, we have optimized the conditions for the expression of IL-3, which included E. coli host strain JM109, LB cultivation medium, induction temperature was 25oC; induction with 0.05 mM IPTG at OD600 = 1. The cell biomass increases at about 2.3 times after optimization. IL-3 protein was expressed in the form of inclusion body and the PelB signal was cleaved. This result is conducive for purification of large amount of IL-3 to determine characteristics of protein. Interleukin-3 người (IL-3) là một cytokine đa chức năng tham gia vào các quá trình tự đổi mới, nhân lên, biệt hóa và trưởng thành của nhiều loại tế bào máu. Sau khi đưa gen il-3 gắn thêm tín hiệu tiết pelB vào vector pET22b(+) và tiến hành biểu hiện ở chủng E. coli BL21, chúng tôi nhận thấy IL-3 được tổng hợp ở mức rất thấp và còn gắn với PelB. Để thuận tiện cho khâu tinh sạch thì vấn đề then chốt là nghiên cứu tìm ra các điều kiện phù hợp làm tăng lượng IL-3 được tổng hợp, đồng thời cắt được PelB. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi so sánh khả năng sinh tổng hợp IL-3 của các chủng E. coli BL21, JM109, Soluble và Rossetta2; sau đó tối ưu hóa điều kiện biểu hiện gen il-3 về thành phần môi trường, nhiệt độ, nồng độ IPTG, thời điểm cảm ứng và kiểm tra trạng thái tồn tại của IL-3. Kết quả thu được cho thấy gen il-3 biểu hiện tốt và ổn định nhất ở chủng E. coli JM109. Dưới các điều kiện lên men thích hợp trong môi trường LB, ở 25oC, cảm ứng 0,05 mM IPTG tại OD600=1, IL-3 biểu hiện tốt, cắt khỏi PelB và tồn tại ở trạng thái không tan trong tế bào chất. Sinh khối tế bào tăng lên khoảng 2,3 lần sau khi tối ưu. Kết quả này là tiền đề cho bước tinh sạch lượng lớn IL-3 cho nghiên cứu tính chất của protein