2,261 research outputs found

    Analysis of Video Application in Requirements Engineering Using Semantic Structures

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    Die Anzahl der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen nimmt jedes Jahr zu, was die Suche nach bestimmten Daten und relevanten Information erschwert. Eine geringe Nachhaltigkeit der Datenbasis bei den aktuell verwendeten Analysemethoden stellt ein Problem für die Forscher dar, wenn ein aktueller Stand der Forschung in einem Forschungsfeld untersucht werden muss. Systematische Literaturrecherche und systematische Mapping-Studie sind aktuell die meist benutzten Methoden, die das Problem lösen sollten. Jedoch bietet keiner von den beiden Methoden nachhaltige und langfristige Aufbereitung der Daten. Außerdem bieten die systematische Literaturrecherche und systematische Mapping-Studie keine Wiederverwendbarkeit. Um einen aktuellen Stand der Forschung zu erhalten nach dem neue Artikel publiziert wurden, müssen diese aufwändigen Methoden jedes Mal neu durchgeführt werden. Als Alternative zu den bereits bekannten Methoden wird in dieser Arbeit Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) untersucht. ORKG bietet sogenannte Templates, diese ermöglichen das Erzeugen einer semantischen Struktur der jeweiligen Publikation. Damit wiederum lassen sich alle Daten maschinenlesbar machen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein bereits bestehendes Template "Video Process" aufgebaut und an fünfzig wissenschaftlichen Publikationen zum Thema "Production and Use of Videos Requirements Engineering" angewendet. Außerdem werden die Daten der entsprechenden Publikationen mit Hilfe von SPARQL, Schnittstelle von ORKG, abgerufen und in einem Jupyter Notebook graphisch dargestellt. Damit werden die Zusammenhänge von bestimmten Eigenschaften des Video Prozesses analysiert. Die durchgeführte Analyse hat gezeigt, dass es anhand der zur Verfügung gestellten Publikationen zwei Forschungslücken gibt. Das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit bezeichnet ORKG als eine mögliche Lösung um wissenschaftliches Wissen nachhaltig und langfristig zu akquirieren, kuratieren, veröffentlichen und zu verarbeiten.The number of scientific publications is increasing every year, making it difficult to find specific data and relevant information. A low sustainability of the database with the currently used analysis methods poses a problem for the researchers when the current state of research in a research field has to be examined. Systematic literature review and systematic mapping study are currently the most used methods that should solve the problem, but neither of the two methods offers more sustainable and long-term processing of the data. In addition, the systematic literature review and systematic mapping study do not offer any reusability. These time-consuming methods have to be repeated every time new articles are published in order to keep the research up-to-date. As an alternative to the already known methods, Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) is examined in this work. ORKG offers socalled templates that make it possible to create a semantic structure for the respective publication and also make the data machine-readable. As part of this work, an existing template "Video Process" is set up and applied to 50 scientific publications on the subject of "Production and Use of Videos Requirements Engineering". In addition, the data from the corresponding publications are retrieved using the SPARQL interface of ORKG and displayed graphically in a Jupyter notebook in order to analyze the relationships between certain properties of the video process. The made analysis, based on available publications, has shown that there are two research gaps. The results of this work also describe the ORKG as a possible solution to acquire, curate, publish and process scientific knowledge in a sustainable and long-term manner

    Mitochondrial DNA content in paired normal and cancerous breast tissue samples from patients with breast cancer

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    Introduction: We develop a multiplex quantitative real-time PCR for synchronized analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA (nDNA) to investigate relative mtDNA abundance in paired normal and cancerous breast tissues. Materials and methods: The amounts of nDNA and mtDNA in 102 tissue samples were quantified for both glyceraldehype-3-phosphodehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene and mtDNA encoded ATPase (MTATP) 8 gene. The average threshold cycle (Ct) number values of the nDNA and mtDNA were used to calculate relative mtDNA content in breast tissues. Results: The median delta Ct (ΔCt) and the median mtDNA content for normal and cancerous breast tissues were 6.73 and 2.54, as well as 106.50 and 5.80 (P=0.000, respectively). The mtDNA content was decreased in 82% of cancerous breast tissues compared with the normal ones. The changes were associated with hormone receptor status. Conclusion: Our finding suggests that decreased mtDNA content in breast cancer may have diagnostic and prognostic value for the diseas

    A rapid and accurate approach to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

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    Background: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are involved in physiological and pathological conditions. We developed a rapid, accurate, highly sensitive and high-throughput approach with low cost to identify mtDNA SNPs. Methods: Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) was used to detect 18 SNPs of mtDNA by uniplex and multiplex assays. The sensitivity and specificity of the MALDI-TOF MS were evaluated. The accuracy of the approach was validated by the comparison of using the robust sequencing analysis. Results: The detection limit achieved with the assays corresponded to the identification of five-genome equivalence of mtDNA per reaction after first round PCR amplification. The testing system enabled the discrimination of as little as 5% of mtDNA polymorphism in the predominating background of mtDNA not containing the SNP. No false positive and false negative results were obtained using the uniplex and multiplex MALDI-TOF MS assays for the analysis of the 18 SNPs compared with those obtained by sequencing analysis. Conclusions: Possible fields which could benefit from this powerful and sensitive tool include forensic medicine, tracing of matrilineage, transplantation immunology, transfusion medicine, the diagnosis of mtDNA mutation related disorders, and the research regarding aging, apoptosis and carcinogenesis based on physiologic and pathogenic alterations of mtDNA for the analysis of large-scale samples, multiple SNPs or rare mtDNA. Clin Chem Lab Med 2008;46:299-30

    Highly stable, reactive and ultrapure nanoporous metallic films

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    Nanoporous metals possess unique properties attributed to their high surface area and interconnected nanoscale ligaments. They are mostly fabricated by wet synthetic methods involving solution-based dealloying processes whose purity is compromised by residual amounts of the less noble metal. Here, we demonstrate a novel dry synthesis method to produce nanoporous metals, which is based on the plasma treatment of metal nanoparticles formed by physical vapor deposition. Our approach is general and can be applied to many metals including non-noble ones. The resultant nanoporous metallic films are impurity-free and possess highly curved ligaments and nanopores. The metal films are remarkably robust with many catalytically active sites, which is highly promising for electrocatalytic applications.Comment: 40 pages (including 13 pages of supplementary information), 5 figures, submitte