405 research outputs found

    Exercise capacity of vegan, lacto-ovo-vegetarian and omnivorous recreational runners

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    Background In search of the right nutrition for the athlete, numerous nutritional strategies and diets were discussed over time. However, the influence of plant-based diets, especially veganism, on exercise capacity has not been clarified. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study to compare the exercise capacity of vegan (VEG, n = 24), lacto-ovo-vegetarian (LOV, n = 26) and omnivorous (OMN, n = 26) recreational runners. To determine maximal exercise capacity, participants performed an incremental exercise test on a bicycle ergometer until voluntary exhaustion. During the test capillary blood samples were taken at several time points for the measurement of arterial lactate [lac] and glucose [glc] concentrations. To determine nutrient intake, a 24 h dietary recall was conducted. Results The groups showed comparable training habits in terms of training frequency (mean 3.08 ± 0.90 time/wk., p = 0.735), time (mean 2.93 ± 1.34 h/wk., p = 0.079) and running distance (mean 29.5 ± 14.3 km/wk., p = 0.054). Moreover, similar maximum power output (PmaxBW) was observed in all three groups (OMN: 4.15 ± 0.48 W/kg, LOV: 4.20 ± 0.47 W/kg, VEG: 4.16 ± 0.55 W/kg; p = 0.917) and no differences regarding [lac] throughout the exercise test and maximum lactate could be observed between the groups (OMN: 11.3 ± 2.19 mmol/l, LOV: 11.0 ± 2.59 mmol/l, VEG: 11.9 ± 1.98 mmol/l; p = 0.648). Conclusion The data indicate that each examined diet has neither advantages nor disadvantages with regard to exercise capacity. These results suggest that a vegan diet can be a suitable alternative for ambitious recreational runners

    Notes on Two Texts in the Phug brag Kanjur

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    A qualitative study on resilience in adult refugees in Germany

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    Background: Because refugees face significant adversities before, during, and after resettlement, resilience is of central importance to this population. However, strengths-based research on post-migration refugee experiences is sparse. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 54 adult refugee participants who arrived in Germany between 2013 and 2018 in their preferred language. We analyzed different aspects of resilience in these interviews using thematic analysis. Results: Nine themes were identified. Four themes manifest resilience in different ways and encompass cognitive as well as behavioral strategies for facing adversity, self-ascriptions of resilience as a personal trait or lasting characteristic, and the role of volunteering, work, and activism for refugee causes. Five themes capture factors that facilitate resilience: social support, experiencing migration as an opportunity generally and for women in particular, being a parent, and being young. Conclusions: This study adds to a growing body of knowledge about resilience among adult refugees. It may support clinicians working with refugees by making them aware of specific manifestations of resilience and factors promoting positive adaptation specific to this client group. It also contributes to a more strengths-based view on refugee mental health and processes of integration

    Restraining patients in acute care hospitals: a qualitative study on the experiences of healthcare staff

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    Aim: The focus was to explore the perceptions and experiences of healthcare workers with respect to the use of restraints in acute care hospitals. Design: The study followed a qualitative design. Methods: Three topic-based focus group interviews were conducted, involving 19 participants from the fields of nursing, physical therapy and medicine. For data collection and analysis, the method of mapping techniques for rapid qualitative data analysis was used. After discussing and validating the individual mind maps, all data were condensed to identify the key findings. Results: Participants described restraints as safety measures for the patients. The implementation of most restraints was led by nurses. The use of restraints differed significantly, even in the interprofessional team. Attitudes and experiences were the main determinants for restraint use. Nurses asked for more discussion about restraints in the team, for more support at an interprofessional level and for better guidelines to help with the decision-making process

    Restraint use as a quality indicator for the hospital setting: a secondary data analysis

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    INTRODUCTION: A reduction in restraint use is recommended for all health care settings. For this purpose, local or national quality measurement and improvement initiatives have been implemented in various countries, primarily in the mental health and long-term care settings. However, restraints are also frequently used in the somatic acute care hospital setting, and strong variations in their prevalence rates have been reported. Therefore, the aim of this study was to reanalyse existing data on restraint use in Swiss hospitals in order to assess the potential of restraint use as a national quality indicator for the hospital setting. METHODS: Using a cross-sectional, multicentre design, data were collected between 2016 and 2018 as part of the ANQ"s (Swiss National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics) "falls and pressure ulcers" national prevalence measurement in acute care hospitals in Switzerland. The hospitals measured restraint use on a voluntary basis in addition to falls and pressure ulcers. All medical specialities and patients aged 18 and over who gave their informed consent were included in the measurement. Descriptive and multilevel regression analyses were performed using institutional, ward and patient-level data relating to restraint use. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 18,938 inpatients from 55 hospitals. The 30-day prevalence rate of patients with at least one restraint was 10.2% (n = 1933). The riskadjusted hospital comparison revealed that hospitals in Switzerland differ significantly in their restraint use, even after adjusting for patient characteristics. In total, 10 hospitals used restraints significantly less and 12 used them significantly more than the national average. CONCLUSION: Restraint use varies significantly between Swiss hospitals: 40% of all hospitals used restraints either significantly more or significantly less often than the average. In comparison to the other quality indicators, this is a very high value, indicating potential for improvements in the quality of care. Since restraint use is associated not only with quality of care, but also with human rights, these large differences seem questionable from a professional, ethical and legal point of view. Clearer and binding regulations in combination with monitoring and benchmarking of restraint use in hospitals, such as with a national quality indicator, seem necessary. These would help to ensure that restraint use is in alignment with professional values, as well as ethical and legal requirement

    Föderalismuskommission II: Neue Schuldenregelung für Bund und Länder und Altschuldenhilfe - wie sollten die Finanzbeziehungen von Bund und Ländern neu geordnet werden?

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    Um die öffentliche Verschuldung in Deutschland tatsächlich zurückzuführen, ist eine grundsätzliche Neuordnung der Bund-Länder-Finanzbeziehungen nötig. Nach Meinung von Jörg-Uwe Hahn, FDP Hessen und Mitglied der Föderalismuskommission II, bedarf es, neben eines möglichst strikten Neuverschuldungsverbots, einer Stärkung der Finanzautonomie insbesondere der Bundesländer, aber auch von Bund und Gemeinden. Notwendig sei es, im Sinne einer echten Steuerautonomie den Ländern dort, wo ihnen der Steuerertrag zusteht, auch die Gesetzgebungskompetenz einzuräumen. Kai A. Konrad, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung und Freie Universität Berlin, sieht weniger beim Bund, sondern vor allem bei den Ländern das zentrale Problem. Sie könnten in der extremen Haushaltsnotlage auf eine Rettung durch die Bund-Länder-Gemeinschaft hoffen. Die Reform werde anscheinend von vielen Akteuren "als willkommene Chance gesehen, damit Umverteilungsgewinne zu Lasten anderer Gebietskörperschaften zu erzielen". Eckhard Janeba, Universität Mannheim und Mitglied des wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, unterstreicht, dass konstitutionelle Regeln zur Begrenzung von Verschuldung ein wichtiges Instrument seien, um eine langfristig solide Finanzpolitik zu erreichen, sieht aber darin die Gefahr, "dass die Entscheidung über den Haushalt und damit die Verschuldung zu einem Expertenproblem wird, von der die politische Öffentlichkeit abgekoppelt ist. Diesem sollte entgegengewirkt werden. Der Vorschlag des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim BMWI geht in die richtige Richtung, indem er auf eine Identifikation der Verschuldungsursachen verzichtet und durch eine qualifizierte Mehrheitsentscheidung den Haushaltsbeschluss in den politischen Mittelpunkt zurückführt." Max Groneck und Robert C. Plachta, Universität zu Köln, stellen ein Reformkonzept vor.Föderalismus, Reform, Öffentliche Schulden, Deutschland

    Characterization, dietary habits and nutritional intake of omnivorous, lacto-ovo vegetarian and vegan runners – a pilot study

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    Background The number of people preferring plant-based nutrition is growing continuously in the western world. Vegetarianism and veganism are also becoming increasingly popular among individuals participating in sport. However, whether recreationally active vegetarian and vegan populations can meet their nutritional needs is not clear. Methods The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to compare the nutrient intake of omnivorous (OMN, n = 27), lacto-ovo vegetarian (LOV, n = 25) and vegan (VEG, n = 27) recreational runners (two to five training sessions per week) with intake recommendations of the German, Austrian and Swiss Nutrition Societies (Deutsche, Österreichische und Schweizerische Gesellschaften für Ernährung, D-A-CH) for the general population. Lifestyle factors and supplement intake were examined via questionnaires; dietary habits and nutrient intake were determined based on 3-day dietary records. Results More than half of each group did not reach the recommended energy intake (OMN: 10.4, 8.70–12.1; LOV: 9.67, 8.55–10.8; VEG: 10.2, 9.12–11.3 MJ). Carbohydrate intake was slightly below the recommendations of > 50 EN% in OMN (46.7, 43.6–49.8 EN%), while LOV (49.4, 45.5–53.3 EN%) and VEG (55.2, 51.4–59.0 EN%) consumed adequate amounts (p = 0.003). The recommended protein intake of 0.8 g/kg body weight (D-A-CH) was exceeded in all three groups (OMN: 1.50, 1.27–1.66; LOV: 1.34, 1.09–1.56; VEG: 1.25; 1.07–1.42 g/kg BW; p = 0.047). Only VEG (26.3, 22.7–29.8 EN%) did not achieve the recommended fat intake of 30 EN%. The supply of micronutrients, such as vitamin D and cobalamin, was dependent on supplement intake. Additionally, female OMN and LOV achieved the recommended daily intake of 15 mg iron only after supplementation, while VEG consumed adequate amounts solely via food. Conclusion All three groups were sufficiently supplied with most nutrients despite the exceptions mentioned above. The VEG group even showed advantages in nutrient intake (e.g. carbohydrates, fiber and iron) in comparison to the other groups. However, the demand for energy and several macro- and micronutrients might be higher for athletes. Thus, it is also necessary to analyze the endogenous status of nutrients to evaluate the influence of a vegetarian and vegan diet on the nutrient supply of athletes

    Small force metrology for AFM, stylus instruments, CMM and nanoindenter via reference springs and sensors

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    With the increasing spread of soft polymer products the calibration of probing forces of atomic force microscopes, stylus instruments, coordinate measuring machines and nanoindenters becomes more and more important in order not to scratch the surface of these products during quality control. New sensors and reference springs for force calibration and new calibration methods for these devices will be presented along with some comparison measurements revealing the status of force and stiffness calibration. The contribution closes with an outlook on the current status of probing force standardization

    Mental Health and Integration: A Qualitative Study on the Struggles of Recently Arrived Refugees in Germany

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    Introduction: Forcibly displaced people are at particular risk of mental health problems and also face specific integration challenges upon resettlement. Existing literature suggests that there may be a bidirectional relationship between mental health and integration. The present study seeks to understand the relationship between integration processes and mental health problems or significant negative emotional experiences among adult refugees in Germany. Method: Applying a qualitative approach, we conducted 54 semi-structured interviews with refugees and asylum seekers who arrived in Germany between 2013 and 2018 currently residing in Berlin, Leipzig, or the Duisburg area in North Rhine-Westphalia. Data was collected between December 2018 and September 2019. We analyzed transcripts inductively using thematic analysis. Results: Five themes covering the various links between integration and mental health problems or significant negative emotional experiences were identified. First, we found that the mental health consequences of past adverse experiences, as well as ongoing worries about those left behind in the homeland, can seriously impede refugees' ability to pursue activities key to integration. Second, the process of applying for and securing asylum can result in uncertainty and fear, which, in turn, burden the individual and may impact motivation for integration. Third, many of our participants described mental health ramifications related to feeling stuck and thwarted in the pursuit of building a life, especially in securing employment. Fourth, some participants described feeling so overwhelmed by fundamental tasks throughout the integration process, namely, language learning and bureaucratic processes, that these take a psychological toll. Fifth, we identified several forms of social disconnection between refugees and members of the host community due to xenophobia, social and cultural differences, physical and emotional isolation in refugee camps, as well as with co-nationals and fellow refugees. Negative emotions, mistrust, and socio-cultural differences that emerge throughout the integration processes seem to erode social cohesion among refugee communities, potentially further threatening mental health. Conclusion: Mental health problems and integration processes appear to be closely related across different areas of integration. Innovative solutions to challenges identified by members of the refugee community in Germany stand to benefit mental health and integration outcomes simultaneously

    Exercise-induced oxidative stress, nitric oxide and plasma amino acid profile in recreational runners with vegetarian and non-vegetarian dietary patterns

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    This study investigated the exercise-induced changes in oxidative stress, nitric oxide (NO) metabolism and amino acid profile in plasma of omnivorous (OMN, n = 25), lacto-ovo-vegetarian (LOV, n = 25) and vegan (VEG, n = 23) recreational runners. Oxidative stress was measured as malondialdehyde (MDA), NO as nitrite and nitrate, and various amino acids, including homoarginine and guanidinoacetate, the precursor of creatine. All analytes were measured by validated stable-isotope dilution gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric methods. Pre-exercise, VEG had the highest MDA and nitrate concentrations, whereas nitrite concentration was highest in LOV. Amino acid profiles differed between the groups, with guanidinoacetate being highest in OMN. Upon acute exercise, MDA increased in the LOV and VEG group, whereas nitrate, nitrite and creatinine did not change. Amino acid profiles changed post-exercise in all groups, with the greatest changes being observed for alanine (+28% in OMN, +21% in LOV and +28% in VEG). Pre-exercise, OMN, LOV and VEG recreational runners differ with respect to oxidative stress, NO metabolism and amino acid profiles, in part due to their different dietary pattern. Exercise elicited different changes in oxidative stress with no changes in NO metabolism and closely comparable elevations in alanine. Guanidinoacetate seems to be differently utilized in OMN, LOV and VEG, pre- and post-exercise