20 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the large pelagic fishes (Scomberidae family) for optimum exploitation level in the Persian Gulf

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    Reproductive biology, Diet and population dynamics parameters of narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus commerson, in the Persian Gulf were studied during 2011-2012. Fork length frequencies were collected from the commercial catch and from the current fishery nets (gill nets with 9 and 14cm mesh size) at the landing places. During 5 periods in October, December, March, April and July 20-40 specimens were also purchased from the fishermen at several landing sites to investigate and recording of data for feeding and reproductive conditions. Fork length (FL) of 2742 fishes was recorded to the nearest cm and weight of the specimens were measured to the nearest 0.01kg. FiSAT program was used to assess growth and mortality parameters. Reproductive maturity stages were assessed macroscopically using a five element scheme based on gonad size and appearance. The numbers of ovaries were fixed and preserved in 10% formalin. Central sections were embedded in wax, sectioned Hematoxylin–Eosin stains. For this subset, gonad maturation was categorized histological using a simplified five-stage description scheme and compared with the macroscopic assessments for validation. A Gonosomatic index (GSI) was also calculated for each fish. Feeding condition results showed that, sardines are the major prey of S. commerson. Pony fishes, Haltbeak and Indian mackerel were observed in the stomach content. These preys can be assumed as a secondary or accidental food items. Liver Somatic Index (HSI) was maximum in April and minimum in July. The annual instantaneous rate of fishing mortality (F= 0.42 year^−1) was considerably greater than the target (Fopt= 0.28) and limit (Flimit= 0.37) biological reference points, suggesting that the stock is heavily overexploited. Feeding and nutrition results showed that sardines are the major items prey of king S. commerson. Ponyfish, haltbeak and Indian mackerel fishes were observed in diet that can be considered as secondary or accidental foods. Maximum and minimum of Kn index was in October (9.3) and in March respectively. Liver Somatic Index (HSI) was the highest rate in February (1.70) and the lowest in July (0.85) that indicated on the worst and the best condition of fish in the mentioned periods respectively. No difference was observed in the weight stomach index and weight index (SI) in two sexes and it was about 0.09. The smallest of fish was observed 17cm FL and the biggest was 152cm FL. The mean size of fork length frequency was observed from maximum108cm (SD= 24) in February to minimum 29.4cm (SD= 5.5) in September. Based on growth curve analysis, growth parameters, K and L_∞ were estimated 0.23year^−1 and 156.45 cm respectively. Instantaneous total mortality (Z), was 1.13 year^−1 . The estimate of M was 0.43 year^−1 and thus, the estimate of F was0.7 year^−1 . This translates to an exploitation rate (F/Z) of 0.69 year^−1 . Target (Fopt) and limit (Flimit) biological reference points were calculated 0.17 year^−1 and 0.22 year^−1 respectively. The size at capture at a probability of 0.25 (L25), 0.5 (L.5) and 0.75 (L.75) was35.84 cm, 40.28cm and 61.98 cm respectively. Tmax was calculated as 3/K equal to 6 years. Matured females (Stages III, IV) were observed between mostly between April to July. By July, most fishes were in ripped and spent stages (StagesIV, V) indicating the end of the spawning season. The result of GSI avtivity in 153 male and female fish indicated the highest reproductive activity from April to July with the peak of July. The present study results shows that the highest of catch rate were done in 1 and 2 years olds of fish. Although exploitation rate have not indicated over fishing but Fopt and Flimit rates are less than fishing mortality that shows overexploitation was happened. Changes of the mesh size in the gillnet of 9cm and the size of the nets should be considered. Banning of the king mackerel catch in the June and July that is the spawning peak period can be helped to the brood stocks

    Social and occupational factors associated with psychological distress and disorder among disaster responders: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: When disasters occur, there are many different occupational groups involved in rescue, recovery and support efforts. This study aimed to conduct a systematic literature review to identify social and occupational factors affecting the psychological impact of disasters on responders. METHODS: Four electronic literature databases (MEDLINE®, Embase, PsycINFO® and Web of Science) were searched and hand searches of reference lists were carried out. Papers were screened against specific inclusion criteria (e.g. published in peer-reviewed journal in English; included a quantitative measure of wellbeing; participants were disaster responders). Data was extracted from relevant papers and thematic analysis was used to develop a list of key factors affecting the wellbeing of disaster responders. RESULTS: Eighteen thousand five papers were found and 111 included in the review. The psychological impact of disasters on responders appeared associated with pre-disaster factors (occupational factors; specialised training and preparedness; life events and health), during-disaster factors (exposure; duration on site and arrival time; emotional involvement; peri-traumatic distress/dissociation; role-related stressors; perceptions of safety, threat and risk; harm to self or close others; social support; professional support) and post-disaster factors (professional support; impact on life; life events; media; coping strategies). CONCLUSIONS: There are steps that can be taken at all stages of a disaster (before, during and after) which may minimise risks to responders and enhance resilience. Preparedness (for the demands of the role and the potential psychological impact) and support (particularly from the organisation) are essential. The findings of this review could potentially be used to develop training workshops for professionals involved in disaster response. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s40359-016-0120-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Studying manifestations of Kawasaki disease in head, neck and mouth in 5 hospitals of Tehran

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    Kawasaki syndrome is an acute systemic disease found in 1967 by Kawasaki as " Mucocutaneous Lymphnode Syndrome". It was initially known as a benign children disease until it was found that it can cause sudden death in some patients. Still the etiology of the disease in unknown. 50% of the patients are under 2years and 80% are under 4 years while there are some cases of the disease in adults. Diagnosis criteria are 5-21 days antibiotic-resistant fever, conjunctivitis, changes in oral mucosa,  cervical lymphadenopathy and dermal and mucosal lesions. In this study 48 (10 f/38 m)patients with Kawasaki disease were selected from 5 hospitals in Tehran. None had  mentioned consanguineous marriage or familial history of the disease.  The most incidence of the disease was found in summer and spring which confirmed the seasonal pattern of the disease

    Multi-criteria selection of suppliers using fuzzy AHP

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    Visualizing Uncertainty in Predictive Models

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    Attention and executive function in people with schizophrenia: Relationship with social skills and quality of life

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713657515 Copyright Informa. DOI: 10.1080/13651500701687133Executive function and attention are highly complex cognitive constructs that typically reveal evidence of impairment in people with schizophrenia. Studies in this area have traditionally utilised abstract tests of cognitive function and the importance of using more ecologically valid tests has not been extensively recognised. In addition, there has been little previous examination of the relationship between these key cognitive abilities and social functioning and quality of life in this population. Thirty-six schizophrenic patients and 15 controls were assessed on the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) test, three subtests from the Test of Everyday Attention (TEA), a measure of social functioning and a quality of life measure. Analysis of subtest scores revealed that patients were impaired on all attentional measures, but only one BADS subtest score in addition to the BADS profile score. However, 23 patients demonstrated no impairment in their BADS profile scores whilst being impaired on at least one attentional measure. Only the BADS profile score predicted social functioning and quality of life in schizophrenic patients. We conclude that ecologically valid tests of attention and executive function can play an important role in defining the cognitive deficits in schizophrenia and how such deficits relate to social function and quality of life.Peer reviewe