25 research outputs found


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    The Nepenthes is the herb and it can grow as liana or terrestrial. Community activities and dependence on the natural resources has its negative impact on the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem. This study aim was to examine the dispersion pattern of nepenthes. The reseach used survey method with double plots technic give size of the plot 5 m x 5 m. Several data analyzes were applied on this research such as density, frequency, importance value index and Morisita Index. The results signify 3 species of Nepenthes, they are N. Reinwardtiana Miq, N. Mirabilis Druce and N. ampullaria Jack with a total number of individual nepenthes is 1.039, the southern part has 486 individual species of N. mirabilis Druce with clumped dispersion pattern. There are 17 individual species of N. mirabilis Druce (Uniform) and 102 individual species of N. reinwardtiana Miq with clumped dispersion pattern in the western part, there are 23 individual species of N. ampullaria Jack with clumped dispersion pattern in the eastern part, and 411 individual species of N. reinwardtiana Miq with clumped dispersion pattern. While in thes northern part, there was no Nepenthes found as the place is covered tightly by the canopy, sunlight is blocked. 1039 individual species of Nepenthes with clumped dispersion pettern found at the compass points (south, east, west) in order to achieve the sustainability and the ecosystem balance, therefore, it is expected thet the relevant agencies will give extra attention to the area.Keyword: Dispersion Pattern, Double Plots, Mirabilis Druce, Nepenthes spp, Selindung Mount

    A UV-Spectrophotmetric Chemometric Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine in Tablets

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    In the present study, a simple, inexpensive, precise and accurate uv-spectrophotometric method based on chemometrics, has been developed for the simultaneous determination of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine in tablet formulation. The % recoveries obtained were 99.7% ± 0.9 and 101.5% ± 0.8 for sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine, respectively. The developed method has been compared to USP-HPLC method with regard to accuracy and precision. The calculated F-ratio and the (t) statistics indicate that there is no significant difference at 5% level with regard to precision and accuracy between the proposed and the USP methods. Moreover, the developed method is simple, cost-effective, and less time-consuming. Accordingly, it can be used advantageously in routine quality control of sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine in tablet formulation

    Kinetic Method for the Determination of Cisapride in Pharmaceutical Preparations

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    An accurate kinetic method for the determination of cisapride is described. The method is based on the reaction of cisapride with potassium dichromate in 2.5 M sulphuric acid at room temperature for a fixed-time of 10 min, afterwards the absorbance of the reaction product is measured at 527 nm. The concentration of cisapride is computed using the corresponding calibration equation for the fixed-time method. The method is applied successfully to commercial tablets and oral suspension dosage forms. The results obtained are compared statistically with the British Pharmacopoeia method. The determination of cisapride by other kinetic methods is feasible with calibration equation obtained but the fixed-time method proves to be more applicable

    Kinetic Determination of Tobramycin In Drug Formulations

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    ABSTRACT A kinetic method for the accurate determination of tobramycin has been developed. A solution of tobramycin is heated with 6x10 -2 which the reaction is quenched by cooling and the absorbance of the colored product is measured at 390nm and 532nm. The following equations were used for calculating unknown concentrations of tobramycin at 390nm and at 532nm respectively: A= 0.027 + 0.019 C A= 0.009 + 0.006 C The method was applied for the determination of tobramycin in drug formulation and a statistical comparison with the BP biological assay method was made. The determination of tobramycin by the fixedconcentration method is feasible with the calibration equations obtained but the fixed time method has been found to be more applicable

    Kinetic Method for the Determination of Cisapride in Pharmaceutical Preparations

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    Fibromyalgia is a disorder, which is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, memory, mood, and sleep issues. Scientists believe that this condition may be due to injury, emotional distress, or viruses that change the way the brain perceives pain, but the exact cause is unclear. Generally, fibromyalgia is treated with antidepressants, pain relievers, and Anti-seizure drugs. There is not much specific treatment available for the treatment and management of fibromyalgia. Duloxetine hydrochloride (Cymbalta), milnacipran hydrochloride (Savella) and pregabalin (Lyrica) are the only drugs which have been officially approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the management / treatment of fibromyalgia. Milnacipran hydrochloride is the first drug introduced primarily for treating fibromyalgia. Some drugs are also in the pipeline for the treatment and management of fibromyalgia, for example, Tuscaloosa is developing IMC-1, Theravance is developing TD-9855, Astella is developing ASP8062 and ASP0819. Researchers are also looking to explore new therapeutic targets with respect to Substance P and other neurotransmitters, which are implicated in the pathogenesis of fibromyalgia. It would be interesting to note the outcomes related to the development of new drugs for the treatment and management of fibromyalgia. Keywords: Fibromyalgia, Duloxetine, Milnacipran, Pregabalin, Pipeline drug