14 research outputs found
Daten zur Entwicklung der Fernsehprogramminformationen in Printmedien
Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht, die mit der Untersuchung "Die Darstellung des Fernsehprogramms in Programmzeitschriften und Tageszeitungen" begonnene Bestandsaufnahme der Programminformation in einem Teilaspekt fortzuschreiben. Als zusätzlicher Untersuchungszeitraum werden die 17., 18. und 19. Programmwoche 1986 einbezogen, entsprechend den in den Vorjahren (1984 und 1985)
gewählten Stichzeiträumen. Für 1986 werden ergänzend, neben den traditionellen Programmillustrierten (BILD + FUNK, FERNSEHWOCHE, FUNK UHR, GONG, HÖRZU, TV HÖREN UND SEHEN), erstmals auch die jüngeren Programmzeitschriften AUF EINEN BLICK, BILDWOCHE und DIE ZWEI sowie die Programmbeilage zum Stern (STERN-TV) und die Kaufhof-Kundenzeitschrift TV AKTUELL berücksichtigt. Gegenstand der Untersuchung sind die im wesentlichen mit dem Layout des
Programmteils (und ggf. des Kabelteils) festgelegten Schemata der Programminformation.
Insbesondere geht es um die Frage, wieviel Aufmerksamkeit die verschiedenen Zeitschriften den einzelnen Anbietern widmen und wie sich die Schwerpunktsetzung zwischen 1984 und 1986 verändert hat. Als Indikator dafür dient die Fläche, die im Programmteil (und ggf. im Kabelteil) zur Information über die jeweiligen Programme aufgewendet wird. In den Tabellen wird der mittlere
Umfang pro Woche ausgewiesen, der für den dreiwöchigen Untersuchungszeitraum ermittelt wurde
Gerhard Kleining (1926-2022): ein Nachruf
In einem Nachruf auf Gerhard KLEINING, den Begründer der qualitativen Heuristik, wird nach einem biografischen Abriss zunächst auf seine frühen soziologischen Arbeiten, insbesondere die Bedeutungsanalyse und seine Beiträge zur Diskussion des Schicht- und Klassenbegriffs eingegangen – darunter die Weiterentwicklung des Schichtungsmodells durch ein neues Verfahren der Schichtungseinstufung – das soziale Selbsteinstufungs-Verfahren (SSE-Verfahren). Danach wird die qualitative Heuristik skizziert, in der Sozialforschung nicht als Interpretations- oder Deutungsvorgang, sondern als dialogischer Entdeckungsprozess verstanden wird. Die qualitative Heuristik ist durch Regeln bestimmt, die sich auf die Offenheit der Forschungsperson, die Offenheit des Forschungsgegenstands, die Variation der Perspektiven zur Untersuchung des Forschungsgegenstandes und ferner auf die Analyse der Daten in Richtung Gemeinsamkeit beziehen. Es wird eine Übersicht über wichtige qualitativ-heuristische Arbeiten von KLEINING gegeben, durch die die breite Anwendbarkeit der Methodologie auf unterschiedliche Forschungsfelder verdeutlicht wird. In den beiden letzten Abschnitten werden zwei zur qualitativen Heuristik zählende Forschungsmethoden skizziert, das qualitative Experiment und die dialogische Introspektion
Victims in Restorative Justice at Post-sentencing level. A Manual
The content of this manual evolved from the research project ‘Restorative Justice at post-sentencing level; supporting and protecting victims’ carried out by an international European team from Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. This manual is one of several project publications. The target group of this manual consists of those who are, in the widest sense, related to the work with victims of crime but also those, who are interested in Restorative Justice. This manual describes how victims of crime and therewith offenders and the community can be supported in various different ways. Therefore, the awareness of their needs is central at the outset. Furthermore, it aims to provide understanding of the individual process of coping and may therefore also lead to more self-awareness. If the victim is interested and prepared, it is possible to carry out Restorative Justice procedures in all types of crime and at all levels of seriousness, as long as it fits the person’s needs. The different steps to gain understanding of the situation of a victim and to provide support, as well as to empower in order to deal with what has occurred, are described in this manual. The different phases, before, during and after a restorative process, will be outlined as well as various RJ-procedures, from indirect victim-offendermediation to conferencing and possible techniques to apply during these procedures. That an atmosphere of trust is essential during the whole process appears evident as it is a basic principle of all Restorative Justice procedures. In order to provide better orientation, each sub-section is initiated with a number of key issues, which are then elaborated in a short text and concluded with a precise recommendation for practitioners to apply in the work with victims. More experienced practitioners can use this manual as a book of reference and concentrate on the recommendation whereas those, who have had less contact with victims in their work, can use it as an additional guide. In the final section, some case studies from the project partners England, Schleswig-Holstein, Portugal and Croatia give an exemplary insight into the restorative work carried out, from the victim perspective only
The project in focus of this article aims at the implementation of Restorative Justice (RJ) procedures at post sentencing level as well as the development of “mechanisms” to support and protect victims of serious crimes and informing them sufficiently about the RJ offer. The project refers to the Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council [of the European Union] of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. This article relates our work to the broader framework of RJ in general and to research on empathy as glue between people in particular. Empathy is related to the context of victimisation and offending and it revealed how it contributes to social peace and healing. Then the concept of the victim-empathy-training in prison is presented as well as some first insights on the victim groups. Finally preliminary conclusions from the practical work and some future ideas are summarised.Cilj projekta u fokusu ovog članka provedba je postupaka restorativne pravde na razini nakon izricanja presude kao i razvoj "mehanizama" za podršku i zaštitu žrtvi teških zločina te njihovo zadovoljavajuće informiranje o tome što restorativna pravda nudi. Projekt se odnosi na Direktivu 2012/29/EU Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća [Europske unije] od 25. listopada 2012., a postavlja minimalne standarde za prava, podršku i zaštitu žrtvi zločina. Ovaj članak u općem smislu povezuje naš rad sa širim okvirom restorativne pravde te, u užem smislu, s istraživanjima o empatiji kao poveznici između ljudi. Empatija je povezana s kontekstom viktimizacije i prekršaja te se otkriva na koji način pridonosi društvenom miru i iscjeljenju. Potom se predstavlja pojam zatvorskog učenja empatije prema žrtvama kao i prve spoznaje o skupinama žrtava. Naposljetku se sažimlju preliminarni zaključci iz praktičnog rada i buduće ideje
The project in focus of this article aims at the implementation of Restorative Justice (RJ) procedures at post sentencing level as well as the development of “mechanisms” to support and protect victims of serious crimes and informing them sufficiently about the RJ offer. The project refers to the Directive 2012/29/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council [of the European Union] of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. This article relates our work to the broader framework of RJ in general and to research on empathy as glue between people in particular. Empathy is related to the context of victimisation and offending and it revealed how it contributes to social peace and healing. Then the concept of the victim-empathy-training in prison is presented as well as some first insights on the victim groups. Finally preliminary conclusions from the practical work and some future ideas are summarised.Cilj projekta u fokusu ovog članka provedba je postupaka restorativne pravde na razini nakon izricanja presude kao i razvoj "mehanizama" za podršku i zaštitu žrtvi teških zločina te njihovo zadovoljavajuće informiranje o tome što restorativna pravda nudi. Projekt se odnosi na Direktivu 2012/29/EU Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća [Europske unije] od 25. listopada 2012., a postavlja minimalne standarde za prava, podršku i zaštitu žrtvi zločina. Ovaj članak u općem smislu povezuje naš rad sa širim okvirom restorativne pravde te, u užem smislu, s istraživanjima o empatiji kao poveznici između ljudi. Empatija je povezana s kontekstom viktimizacije i prekršaja te se otkriva na koji način pridonosi društvenom miru i iscjeljenju. Potom se predstavlja pojam zatvorskog učenja empatije prema žrtvama kao i prve spoznaje o skupinama žrtava. Naposljetku se sažimlju preliminarni zaključci iz praktičnog rada i buduće ideje
Das Fernsehprogramm in Programmzeitschriften und Tageszeitungen: Ergebnisse e. inhaltsanalyt. Untersuchung
Available from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel B 212518 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman