16 research outputs found
A dedicated tool for a full 3D Cn2 investigation
We present in this study a mapping of the optical turbulence (OT) above
different astronomical sites. The mesoscale model Meso-NH was used together
with the Astro-Meso-Nh package and a set of diagnostic tools allowing for a
full 3D investigation of the Cn2. The diagnostics implemented in the
Astro-Meso-Nh, allowing for a full 3D investigation of the OT structure in a
volumetric space above different sites, are presented. To illustrate the
different diagnostics and their potentialities, we investigated one night and
looked at instantaneous fields of meteorologic and astroclimatic parameters. To
show the potentialities of this tool for applications in an Observatory we ran
the model above sites with very different OT distributions: the antarctic
plateau (Dome C, Dome A, South Pole) and a mid-latitude site (Mt. Graham,
Arizona). We put particular emphasis on the 2D maps of integrated astroclimatic
parameters (seeing, isoplanatic angles) calculated in different slices at
different heights in the troposhere. This is an useful tool of prediction and
investigation of the turbulence structure. It can support the optimization of
the AO, GLAO and MCAO systems running at the focus of the ground-based
telescopes.From this studies it emerges that the astronomical sites clearly
present different OT behaviors. Besides, our tool allowed us for discriminating
these sites.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, SPIE 2010 conferenc
Meso-Nh simulations of the atmospheric flow above the Internal Antarctic Plateau
Mesoscale model such as Meso-Nh have proven to be highly reliable in
reproducing 3D maps of optical turbulence (see Refs. 1, 2, 3, 4) above
mid-latitude astronomical sites. These last years ground-based astronomy has
been looking towards Antarctica. Especially its summits and the Internal
Continental Plateau where the optical turbulence appears to be confined in a
shallow layer close to the icy surface. Preliminary measurements have so far
indicated pretty good value for the seeing above 30-35 m: 0.36" (see Ref. 5)
and 0.27" (see Refs. 6, 7) at Dome C. Site testing campaigns are however
extremely expensive, instruments provide only local measurements and
atmospheric modelling might represent a step ahead towards the search and
selection of astronomical sites thanks to the possibility to reconstruct 3D Cn2
maps over a surface of several kilometers. The Antarctic Plateau represents
therefore an important benchmark test to evaluate the possibility to
discriminate sites on the same plateau. Our group8 has proven that the analyses
from the ECMWF global model do not describe with the required accuracy the
antarctic boundary and surface layer in the plateau. A better description could
be obtained with a mesoscale meteorological model. In this contribution we
present the progress status report of numerical simulations (including the
optical turbulence - Cn2) obtained with Meso-Nh above the internal Antarctic
Plateau. Among the topic attacked: the influence of different configurations of
the model (low and high horizontal resolution), use of the grid-nesting
interactive technique, forecasting of the optical turbulence during some winter
nights.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, SPIE 2008 conferenc
Optical Turbulence Characterization for Ground-Based Astronomy
The optical turbulence, which creates perturbations of the wavefronts coming from the stars, is caused by small-scale fluctuations in the index of refraction of the atmosphere and is a problem for astronomers because it limits the maximum resolution of the ground-based telescopes. One way of identifying the best sites to build astronomical observatories, where the influence of the optical turbulence is as small as possible, is to use the standard meteorological parameters to get a first idea of the potential of a site. In the first part of this thesis the three sites on the Internal Antarctic Plateau that are the most interesting for astronomers (Dome A, Dome C and the South Pole) are investigated using the operational analyses of the ECMWF and a ranking of these three sites is presented. The second part of this thesis focuses on the ability of the mesoscale model Meso-NH to simulate the optical turbulence as well as the wind speed at Mt Graham (AZ, USA). A rich sample of measurements of the vertical distribution of the optical turbulence, the largest sample used in this type of study so far, is used to calibrate the Meso-NH model and to quantify its ability to simulate the optical turbulence. The measurements are distributed over different periods of the year thus making it possible to evaluate the performance of the model in different seasons. Both the vertical distribution of the optical turbulence and the astroclimatic parameters (seeing, wavefront coherence time and isoplanatic angle) are investigated.Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 70
Effects of Upwelling Events on the Atmosphere
During an upwelling event the cold bottom-water is brought to the sea surface. This cools the atmosphere from below and the stratification becomes more stable. When the atmosphere is more stable the turbulence is reduced and, as a consequence, so are the turbulent fluxes. This study is investigating four periods of upwelling from the Ăstergarnsholm-site, in the Baltic Sea east of Gotland, during the summer of 2005. The air measurements are taken at a tower at the southernmost tip of Ăstergarnsholm while the measurements in the water are from a buoy moored 1 km south-southeast of the tower. During all the upwelling events the wind is south-westerly, along the coast of Gotland. This means that the buoy is not within the flux footprint area and is perhaps not always representative of what happens there. All the periods show a stabilization of the atmosphere as the SST (Sea Surface Temperature) decreases. The heat fluxes, especially the latent heat flux, decreases as the SST decreases. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, in the summer, is usually higher than the amount in the surface water of the seas because the oceans are a net sink of CO2. The air-sea flux of CO2 is to a large extent controlled by this difference. Therefore the flux of CO2 is usually directed to the sea. The deep-water contains more CO2 than the surface water because the phytoplankton near the surface removes CO2 through photosynthesis. The deep-water is also colder and can solve more CO2. During an upwelling event this CO2-rich water is brought to the surface. As an upwelling event progresses the difference in CO2-concentration between the air and the sea is reduced, sometimes reversed, and the flux decreases. This is what happens in three of the investigated periods in this study. During the fourth period a counter gradient flux is observed.NĂ€r en uppvĂ€llning intrĂ€ffar förs kallt djupvatten upp till havsytan. Det kalla vattnet kyler atmosfĂ€ren nedifrĂ„n, nĂ„got som leder till mer stabil skiktning. NĂ€r atmosfĂ€ren blir mer stabilt skiktad dĂ€mpas turbulensen och det medför att de turbulenta flödena ocksĂ„ avtar. I den hĂ€r studien analyseras fyra perioder med uppvĂ€llning. MĂ€tningarna kommer frĂ„n Ăstergarnsholm, öster om Gotland, under sommaren 2005. MĂ€tningarna i luften Ă€r tagna frĂ„n en mast vid Ăstergarnsholms södra udde. MĂ€tningarna i vattnet kommer frĂ„n en boj som Ă€r förankrad 1 km sydsydöst om masten. Vid samtliga uppvĂ€llnings-perioder i den hĂ€r studien Ă€r vinden sydvĂ€stlig (lĂ€ngs Gotlandskusten). Det betyder att bojen inte befinner sig inom flödenas footprint-area och dess mĂ€tningar Ă€r kanske inte hela tiden representativa för vad som hĂ€nder i footprint-arean. Samtliga undersökta perioder visar pĂ„ en stabilisering av atmosfĂ€ren dĂ„ havsytans temperatur avtar. VĂ€rmeflödena, i synnerhet det latenta vĂ€rmeflödet, avtar i samband med att temperaturen i havsytan sjunker. Halten av CO2 i atmosfĂ€ren Ă€r vanligtvis högre Ă€n halten i havens ytvatten (under sommaren) eftersom de Ă€r en nettosĂ€nka för CO2 globalt sett. CO2-flödet mellan havsytan och atmosfĂ€ren styr till en stor del av denna skillnaden i CO2-halt. Det innebĂ€r att CO2-flödet Ă€r riktat nerĂ„t, mot havet. Havens djupvatten innehĂ„ller mer CO2 dĂ€rför att vĂ€xtplankton nĂ€ra ytan reducerar CO2-halten genom fotosyntesen. Djupvattnet Ă€r ocksĂ„ kallare och kan dĂ€rför lösa mer CO2. Under en uppvĂ€llning förs detta CO2-rika vatten upp till ytan. NĂ€r en uppvĂ€llning fortskrider minskar skillnaden i CO2-halt mellan hav och atmosfĂ€r (ibland kan CO2-halten i ytvattnet Ă€ven komma att överstiga atmosfĂ€rens halt) och flödet avtar. Tre av perioderna i den hĂ€r studien visar pĂ„ ett avtagande flöde. Den fjĂ€rde perioden uppvisar ett flöde motriktat CO2-gradienten
Optical Turbulence Characterization for Ground-Based Astronomy
The optical turbulence, which creates perturbations of the wavefronts coming from the stars, is caused by small-scale fluctuations in the index of refraction of the atmosphere and is a problem for astronomers because it limits the maximum resolution of the ground-based telescopes. One way of identifying the best sites to build astronomical observatories, where the influence of the optical turbulence is as small as possible, is to use the standard meteorological parameters to get a first idea of the potential of a site. In the first part of this thesis the three sites on the Internal Antarctic Plateau that are the most interesting for astronomers (Dome A, Dome C and the South Pole) are investigated using the operational analyses of the ECMWF and a ranking of these three sites is presented. The second part of this thesis focuses on the ability of the mesoscale model Meso-NH to simulate the optical turbulence as well as the wind speed at Mt Graham (AZ, USA). A rich sample of measurements of the vertical distribution of the optical turbulence, the largest sample used in this type of study so far, is used to calibrate the Meso-NH model and to quantify its ability to simulate the optical turbulence. The measurements are distributed over different periods of the year thus making it possible to evaluate the performance of the model in different seasons. Both the vertical distribution of the optical turbulence and the astroclimatic parameters (seeing, wavefront coherence time and isoplanatic angle) are investigated.Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 70
Evaluating the use of Aeolus satellite observations in the regional numerical weather prediction (NWP) model Harmonie-Arome
The impact of using wind observations from the Aeolus satellite in a limited-area numerical weather prediction (NWP) system is being investigated using the limited-area NWP model HarmonieâArome over the Nordic region. We assimilate the horizontal line-of-sight (HLOS) winds observed by Aeolus using 3D-Var data assimilation for two different periods, one in SeptemberâOctober 2018 when the satellite was recently launched and a later period in AprilâMay 2020 to investigate the updated data processing of the HLOS winds. We find that the quality of the Aeolus observations has degraded between the first and second experiment period over our domain. However, observations from Aeolus, in particular the Mie winds, have a clear impact on the analysis of the NWP model for both periods, whereas the forecast impact is neutral when compared against radiosondes. Results from evaluation of observation minus background and observation minus analysis departures based on Desroziers diagnostics show that the observation error should be increased for Aeolus data in our experiments, but the impact of doing so is small. We also see that there is potential improvement in using 4D-Var data assimilation, which generates flow-dependent analysis increments, with the Aeolus data.</p
Validation of Aeolus winds using ground-based radars in Antarctica and in northern Sweden
Winds measured by lidar from the Aeolus satellite are compared with winds measured by two ground-based radars - MARA in Antarctica (70.77 degrees S, 11.73 degrees E) and ES-RAD (67.88 degrees N, 21.10 degrees E) in Arctic Sweden - for the period 1 July-31 December 2019. Aeolus is a demonstrator mission to test whether winds measured by Doppler lidar from space can have sufficient accuracy to contribute to improved weather forecasting. A comprehensive programme of calibration and validation has been undertaken following the satellite launch in 2018, but, so far, direct comparison with independent measurements from the Arctic or Antarctic regions have not been made. The comparison covers heights from the low troposphere to just above the tropopause. Results for each radar site are presented separately for Rayleigh (clear) winds, Mie (cloudy) winds, sunlit ("summer") and non-sunlit ("winter") seasons, and ascending and descending satellite tracks. Horizontally projected line-of-sight (HLOS) winds from Aeolus, reprocessed using baseline 2B10, for passes within 100 km of the radar sites, are compared with HLOS winds calculated from 1 h averaged radar horizontal wind components. The agreement in most data subsets is very good, with no evidence of significant biases (<1ms(-1)). Possible biases are identified for two subsets (about -2ms(-1) for the Rayleigh winds for the descending passes at MARA and about 2ms(-1) for the Mie winds for the ascending passes at ESRAD, both in winter), but these are only marginally significant. A robust significant bias of about 7ms(-1) is found for the Mie winds for the ascending tracks at MARA in summer. There is also some evidence for increased random error (by about 1ms(-1) / for the Aeolus Mie winds at MARA in summer compared to winter. This might be related to the presence of sunlight scatter over the whole of Antarctica as Aeolus transits across it during summer