1,233 research outputs found

    Screening actuator locations for static shape control

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    Correction of shape distortion due to zero-mean normally distributed errors in structural sizes which are random variables is examined. A bound on the maximum improvement in the expected value of the root-mean-square shape error is obtained. The shape correction associated with the optimal actuators is also characterized. An actuator effectiveness index is developed and shown to be helpful in screening actuator locations in the structure. The results are specialized to a simple form for truss structures composed of nominally identical members. The bound and effectiveness index are tested on a 55-m radiometer antenna truss structure. It is found that previously obtained results for optimum actuators had a performance close to the bound obtained here. Furthermore, the actuators associated with the optimum design are shown to have high effectiveness indices. Since only a small fraction of truss elements tend to have high effectiveness indices, the proposed screening procedure can greatly reduce the number of truss members that need to be considered as actuator sites

    Automated wing structural design

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    Research on the optimization of wing structures under multiple constraint such as strength, displacement, buckling, flutter, and divergence limits is reported. Advances were made in improving mathematical programming techniques as well as in improving the efficiency of constraint calculation. The WIDOWAC (Wing Design Optimization With Aeroelastic Constraints) computer program served as the main vehicle for this research. The methods developed were implemented in a general user oriented finite element program

    Computer program for stress, vibration, and buckling characteristics of general shells of revolution

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    Structures Research Associates (SRA) system of programs is composed of six compatible computer programs for structural analyses of axisymmetric shell structures. Theories and methods upon which these programs are based are presented in documentation. They apply to a common structural model but analyze different modes of structural response

    A compressive failure model for anisotropic plates with a cutout under compressive and shear loads

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    Failure models for the prediction of compressive strength of plates with a hole are investigated. One of the models is based on the strength failure of the fibers that leads to fiber kinking failure. A different version is developed for cases where shear failure of the fibers is expected to be a dominate failure mode. Both models are capable of including the effects of combined shearing and compressive stresses around a hole in a plate and, therefore, are expected to be applicable to plates under combined shearing and compressive loadings, as well as anisotropic plates

    SPAR data handling utilities

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    The SPAR computer software system is a collection of processors that perform particular steps in the finite-element structural analysis procedure. The data generated by each processor are stored on a data base complex residing on an auxiliary storage device, and these data are then used by subsequent processors. The SPAR data handling utilities use routines to transfer data between the processors and the data base complex. A detailed description of the data base complex organization is presented. A discussion of how these SPAR data handling utilities are used in an application program to perform desired user functions is given with the steps necessary to convert an existing program to a SPAR processor by incorporating these utilities. Finally, a sample SPAR processor is included to illustrate the use of the data handling utilities

    Algorithmic aspects of transient heat transfer problems in structures

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    It is noted that the application of finite element or finite difference techniques to the solution of transient heat transfer problems in structures often results in a stiff system of ordinary differential equations. Such systems are usually handled most efficiently by implicit integration techniques which require the solution of large and sparse systems of algebraic equations. The assembly and solution of these systems using the incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient algorithm is examined. Several examples are used to demonstrate the advantage of the algorithm over other techniques

    Feasibility study of shell buckling analysis using the modified structure method

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    The modified structure method, which is based on Koiter's theory of imperfections, was used to calculate approximate buckling loads of several shells of revolution. The method does not appear to be practical for shells because, in many cases, the prebuckling nonlinearity may be too large to be treated accurately as a small imperfection

    Selection of actuator locations for static shape control of large space structures by heuristic integer programing

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    Orbiting spacecraft such as large space antennas have to maintain a highly accurate space to operate satisfactorily. Such structures require active and passive controls to mantain an accurate shape under a variety of disturbances. Methods for the optimum placement of control actuators for correcting static deformations are described. In particular, attention is focused on the case were control locations have to be selected from a large set of available sites, so that integer programing methods are called for. The effectiveness of three heuristic techniques for obtaining a near-optimal site selection is compared. In addition, efficient reanalysis techniques for the rapid assessment of control effectiveness are presented. Two examples are used to demonstrate the methods: a simple beam structure and a 55m space-truss-parabolic antenna

    On the performance of explicit and implicit algorithms for transient thermal analysis

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    The status of an effort to increase the efficiency of calculating transient temperature fields in complex aerospace vehicle structures is described. The advantages and disadvantages of explicit and implicit algorithms are discussed. A promising set of implicit algorithms, known as the GEAR package is described. Four test problems, used for evaluating and comparing various algorithms, have been selected and finite element models of the configurations are discribed. These problems include a space shuttle frame component, an insulated cylinder, a metallic panel for a thermal protection system and a model of the space shuttle orbiter wing. Calculations were carried out using the SPAR finite element program, the MITAS lumped parameter program and a special purpose finite element program incorporating the GEAR algorithms. Results generally indicate a preference for implicit over explicit algorithms for solution of transient structural heat transfer problems when the governing equations are stiff. Careful attention to modeling detail such as avoiding thin or short high-conducting elements can sometimes reduce the stiffness to the extent that explicit methods become advantageous

    Computational aspects of sensitivity calculations in transient structural analysis

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    A key step in the application of formal automated design techniques to structures under transient loading is the calculation of sensitivities of response quantities to the design parameters. This paper considers structures with general forms of damping acted on by general transient loading and addresses issues of computational errors and computational efficiency. The equations of motion are reduced using the traditional basis of vibration modes and then integrated using a highly accurate, explicit integration technique. A critical point constraint formulation is used to place constraints on the magnitude of each response quantity as a function of time. Three different techniques for calculating sensitivities of the critical point constraints are presented. The first two are based on the straightforward application of the forward and central difference operators, respectively. The third is based on explicit differentiation of the equations of motion. Condition errors, finite difference truncation errors, and modal convergence errors for the three techniques are compared by applying them to a simple five-span-beam problem. Sensitivity results are presented for two different transient loading conditions and for both damped and undamped cases