27 research outputs found

    Weight reduction is not a major reason for improvement in rheumatoid arthritis from lacto-vegetarian, vegan or Mediterranean diets

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    OBJECTIVES: Several investigators have reported that clinical improvements of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), from participating in therapeutic diet intervention studies, have been accompanied by loss of body weight. This has raised the question whether weight reduction per se can improve RA. In order to test this hypothesis, three previously conducted diet intervention studies, comprising 95 patients with RA, were pooled. Together with Age, Gender, and Disease Duration, change during the test period in body weight, characterised dichotomously as reduction or no reduction (dichoΔBody Weight), as well as Diet (dichotomously as ordinary diet or test diet), were the independent variables. Dependent variables were the difference (Δ) from baseline to conclusion of the study in five different disease outcome measures. ΔESR and ΔPain Score were both characterised numerically and dichotomously (improvement or no improvement). ΔAcute Phase Response, ΔPhysical Function, and ΔTender Joint Count were characterised dichotomously only. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyse associations between the independent and the disease outcome variables. RESULTS: Statistically significant correlations were found between Diet and three disease outcome variables i.e. ΔAcute-Phase Response, ΔPain Score, and ΔPhysical Function. Δ Body Weight was univariately only correlated to ΔAcute-Phase Response but not significant when diet was taken into account. CONCLUSION: Body weight reduction did not significantly contribute to the improvement in rheumatoid arthritis when eating lacto-vegetarian, vegan or Mediterranean diets

    Enzyme and Function Changes after Extensive Liver Resection in Man

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    Efficient reduction of loco-regional recurrences but no effect on mortality twenty years after postmastectomy radiation in premenopausal women with stage II breast cancer - A randomized trial from the South Sweden Breast Cancer Group.

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    PURPOSE: To study long term loco-regional and distant recurrence rate and survival after post-mastectomy radiotherapy in combination with oral cyclophosphamide in premenopausal women with stage II breast cancer. STUDY DESIGN: A three-armed randomized multicenter phase III trial comparing 1) Radiotherapy (RT) 2) RT+ oral cyclophosphamide for one year (RT+C) and 3) Oral cyclophosphamide only (C). Radiotherapy was administered, in 20 fractions, to 48Gy to the axilla and parasternal lymph nodes, 45Gy to infra- and supraclavicular fossae and 38Gy to the chest wall. Cyclophosphamide was prescribed as 12 courses of 130mg/m(2) od for14 days every 4 weeks. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 367 patients from 15 surgical departments in Southern Sweden, representing 80% of all eligible patients, were included in the trial between 1978-1983. Median age was 47 years, median tumour size was 25mm, and 33% of the patients were lymph node negative. Median follow-up time was 24 years. RESULTS: RT reduced the risk at twenty years for loco-regional recurrence in C-treated patients at twenty years with 75% (13.9% vs. 3.5%). The risk reduction was highly significant in both N0 and N+ patients. No reduction in systemic disease or mortality was observed. CONCLUSION: Post-mastectomy radiotherapy reduced loco-regional recurrences in this premenopausal population, but no effect was seen on mortality with 20 years follow-up