622 research outputs found

    Leaf Senescence in Wheat: A Drought Tolerance Measure

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    The present study was conducted on the experimental site of INRAA, unit research of Setif. A set of 10 genotypes of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) planted during four cropping seasons (2009–2013). The objectives of this study are to evaluate the performance of some durum wheat genotypes and tested the efficiency of using senescence parameters in screening under semi-arid conditions. The analysis of variance demonstrates significant effects of genotypes and years on the grain yield and senescence parameters. Based on the means comparison, the values of total mean grain yield (2009–2013) varied from 37.84 q/ha for Oued Zenati to 44.7 q/ha for Altar84 with general mean of 42.71 q/ha. The mean rankings based on the mean grain yield demonstrate that the genotypes Mexicali75, Hoggar, and Sooty have the best ranking with highest grain yield. The mean values over years of Sa% varied between 47.91% for the genotype Oued Zenati and 59.45% for Waha. The genotypes with highest values for the parameter mid-senescence (Σ50s) are the most tolerant and adapted genotypes

    Entrepreneurs et salaries en Algerie : Application d’un probit bivarie par genre et par secteur

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    En utilisant les micros donnees de l.enquete "Emploi" de l'Office National des Statistiques (Algerie) effectuee  en 2003 aupres des menages, cette etude empirique porte sur l'effet des caracteristiques socioeconomiques de l'individu (education, experience professionnelle, situation matrimoniale, secteur d.activite, affiliation ou  non a la securite sociale). Les resultats de ce travail montrent que le niveau educatif, l'experience  professionnelle, l'emploi dans l'industrie et les services, ont respectivement des effets significatifs sur le fait d'etre entrepreneur ou salarie, pour les femmes et les hommes egalement. L'analyse comparative entre les femmes et les hommes montre que la correlation entre les deux termes d.erreurs du modele probit bivarie, nommee ρ, n'est pas egale a zero. Elle avoisine les 7%. Ce qui justifie l'utilisation d'un modele probit bivarie au lieu de deux modeles probit simples.Mots clefs : Algerie, genre, entrepreneur


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    Digital transformation commonly refers to a disruptive process that changes significally the way organizations evolve, compete, interact and create value. Therefore, it is critical for companies to hadle with the business potential of innovative digital capabilities, to update their operational and decision making processes and to develop new strategic business models. In this complex endeavor, the evolution of firm’s information system is an important facet that brings together technology, organization and human actors. Enterprise Architecture (EA) methods and frameworks are proposed as essential techniques to handle such evolutions. However, the complex and disruptive nature of the underlying transformations raise multiple questions concerning the adequacy of EA for digital transformation projects. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the extent to which existing EA approaches support such projects. It presents an analysis of interviews with both IT and business projects managers from five different companies. We asked about concrete projects, both about the project goals and the EA methods used, but also about the difficulties and challenges they face in their daily work when using EA frameworks. The analysis show that although existing EA frameworks are essential tools to sup-port and drive digital transformation projects, some important contextual and organizational characteristics are missing. These characteristics are discussed and a research agenda is suggested to fill this gap

    Land tenure regularisation for sustainable land use in informal urban settlements: Case study of Lalaouia and Mesguiche, Souk Ahras, Algeria

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    Land is a topic of increasing importance in cities in developing countries. In Algeria, the issue of land is also complex and delicate. Furthermore,  problems related to land are more acute when it concerns informal (or illegal) settlements. Since 1945, a ruralurban migration movement in Souk  Ahras has resulted in the emergence of informal settlements that had developed on the agricultural land situated on the outskirts of the colonial urban centre. In general, under a formal pattern of urban development, access to land titles precedes the act of building and occupation. In the case of informal settlements, the acquisition of landownership ultimately occurs, after the occupation of land, through regularisation procedures. This  article focuses on the experience of land tenure regularisation carried out in two informal settlements, namely Lalaouia and Mesguiche, in the city  of Souk Ahras, Algeria. The article seeks to identify elements that have contributed to the greater or lesser success of land regularisation. The main  finding of this research is that the regularisation of land tenure in Lalaouia and Mesguiche reflects the general tendency of the Algerian government toward informal settlements that is based essentially on the recognition of these informal settlements. Thus, a land tenure  regularisation strategy is implemented. It consists of a combination of physical upgrading programmes that have been ongoing since the mid-1970s, on the one hand, and land-titling measures supported by a set of legal texts to handle the issue of informal tenure, on the other. It is found that the regularisation of the informal settlements relies on an accurate land-information system. The approach adopted within the selected informal settlements can be assessed as positive, since it enabled a relative tenure security, the stability of residents, and the improvement of life standards. Nevertheless, these technical and legal tools are applied separately, instead of a unified approach of regularisation. Besides the fact that the regularisation process is often tedious and time consuming, the article also highlights the main challenges and obstacles that impede the regularisation process: historical complexity of land status, and lack of human, technical and financial resources. These issues are exacerbated by social conflicts that are often associated with heritage.&nbsp

    Some Aspects of Leaf Senescence

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    The Chemistry of Interpersonal Attraction: Developing further Bion's concept of "valency"

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    publisher奈良The present is an attempt to further develop Bion's (1961) concept of "valency", a term the latter borrowed from chemistry. First, the author extended the concept to include not only, as Bion believed, the person's readiness to combine with other members to contribute to the formation of the basic assumption group, but also the person's way to relate and react to his peers in general. Second, he provides a detailed description of the main characteristics of the four types of valency (fight, dependency, flight, and pairing). Then, developing further Bion's analogy between man and atom, he discussed the relationship between these types of valency, proposing thus a set of hypotheses which shed a new light on the "chemistry" of interpersonal relationship and attraction. Third, filling the gap left by Bion, the author discussed the psychogenesis of valency, tracing it back to early psychotic positions (paranoid-schizoid and depressive) and object relations described by Melanie Klein (1946). Finally, the author postulated a causal relationship between valency and psychopathology, proposing a new concept, namely the "minus valency" (-V). This concept corresponds to a mental state where valency functions in reverse. That is, instead of bounding the subject to his peers, -V does the opposit; it hinders, destroys and prevent the establishment of interpersonal relationships. According to the author each valency type has a minus counterpart. Thus, there are four possible -V types (minus fight, minus dependency, minus flight and minus pairing) and each one is associated with a number of mental and psychosomatic diseases, especially personality diseases. This suggests thus that the concept of -V provides the psycho-analytically oriented psychotherapist working with personality disorders with a "starting point", namely the client's -V, and a goal to achieve, that is, the restoration of the client's valency, or his/her ability to establish "healthy" and lasting relationships with others

    Psychological Maps of Nara: an empirical study

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    publisher奈良This report is a contribution to a larger research project concerning the city of Nara, designed by the faculty of Social Research of Nara University. It does not deal with Nara as a geographic reality, but rather with the way this city is mirrored in the minds of its inhabitants. At the base of this study, there is the general and common sense premisse which consists in thinking that people have some ideas or images about the city they live in. This is clearly manifested when a stranger asks a resident to guide him/her in an unknown place. As written by Milgran(1984), what makes the newcomer ask the resident is his/her assumption that the person he addresses possesses a "mentalmap" or an "image of the city