8 research outputs found

    Analysis of Agroecology and the Requirement of Supplemental Irrigation on Cacao Plants in Lampung

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    One of the factors that affect the productivity of cacao plants is water availability. Water deficit will negatively affect the development of cacao flowers and beans. Water stress is reported as one of the causes of low productivity on plantation crops in Lampung Province. The study was aimed to analyze the characteristics of agroecology and supplemental irrigation required for growth and production of cacao in Lampung. The research was carried out in the District of Pesawaran, Tanggamus, East Lampung, and South Lampung, Lampung Province, from 2012 to 2015. The study was conducted with the survey method and literature study for the collection of the primary and secondary data, related to the characteristics of the land agroecology. Geographically, the main cacao growing areas in this region is divided into two regions, western region consist of Pesawaran and Tanggamus District and east region comprise of East Lampung and South Lampung District. Based on agroecological zones, the planting of cacao in both regions is in accordance with the recommendations of land use. However, land suitability analysis showed that some of the agroecological characteristics of land becomes a limiting factor for the growth and production of cacao, including soil pH < 5.5, low cations exchange capacity (CEC) (< 16 cmol(+)/kg), air humidity > 75%, and in some areas there is an erosion hazard. Another obstacle is the water deficit that occurs during 140 days within 1 year of cacao growth cycle that occurred in July until mid-November. There are two factors that can be applied to increase cacao productivity in Lampung province, i.e. (1) an improvement of cacao cultivation technology that can address the characteristics of agroecology as a limiting factor of growth, and (2) an application of a supplemental irrigation technology to avoid cacao from water stress. The requirement of supplemental irrigation is 340.5 mm in western region and 209.7 mm in eastern region of Lampung

    Serangan Hama Putih Palsu (Cnaphalocrocis Medinalis) (Guenee) Dan Penampilan Agronomik Pada Beberapa Varietas Padi

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    The study of leaffolder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) attack and the agronomic performance of new rice varieties Inpari 13 and Cigelis has been done by AIAT Lampung on dry season (MK) May 2011 to August 2011 at Wonosari village, Sub distric Pekalongan, East Lampung.The study aims to obtain new varieties of high production and tolerant to pests and diseases.The study was conducted by randomized block design, consisting of three treatment rice varieties as Inpari 13, Cigelis and Ciherang as conttrol, were repeated 3 time.The size plots 6 m x 5 m, rice is planted moving, spacing 20 cm x 25 cm, 23 days old seedlings were planted, the number of seedlings planted 1-3 stems per clump, fertilizing 250 kg Urea + 250 kg NPK and 7500 kg of compost and 500 cc ZPT per hectare. Observations on 10 samples per plot clumps were determined randomly in the middle plants of the clump within 10 row plants from the edge of plot lines. Which observed were height plant, number of tillers and productive tillers per panicle, leaffolder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis) attack at 35 days after planting, dry grain production (GKP), grain fill and empty grains per panicle. Data were analyzed by DMRT test at 5% level difference. The results showed that leaffolder pests attacking on rice varieties Inpari 13, Cigelis and Ciherang since planted up to 35 days after planting with varying levels of damage to each variety. Leaffolder pests highest attack on Ciherang varieties (34.28%) followed Inpari 13 (32.29%) and lowest Cigelis (13.33%). Number of rice seedlings at the age of 35 days highest Inpari 13 and Ciherang, the number of tillers in the two varieties are almost the same, were respectivelly 11.80 and 11.81 stems per clump and the lowest Cigelis 10.83 stems per clump.The number of productive tillers varieties Inpari 13, Cigelis and Ciherang relatively the same, were 14.6 stems (98.18%), 15.0 stems (97.40%) and 15.0 stems (97.40%) respectivelly. The number of grains and pithy grains per panicle highest Inpari 13 varieties of 134.33 grains (grains pithy 128.73 grains), Cigelis 114.13 grains (grains pithy 110.73 grains) and lowest Ciherang 90.73 grains (grains pithy 87.53 grains). The productivity of Suprapto dan Bariot Hafif : Serangan Hama Putih Palsu (Cnaphalocrocis Medinalis)... Volume 12, Nomor 1, Januari 2012 37 dry grain harvest (GKP) highest in varieties Inpari 13 (6400 kg / ha), followed Cigelis (6080 kg / ha) and lowest Ciherang (4480 kg / ha)

    Pengembangan Perkebunan Kopi Berbasis Inovasi di Lahan Kering Masam

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    Sumbangan usaha tani kopi terhadap kegiatan ekonomi penduduk tidak terbatas pada produksi kopi semata, tetapi juga lapangan pekerjaan di sektor perdagangan dan jasa. Kopi umumnya dibudidayakan dalam skala kecil. Namun, lahan untuk usaha komoditas perkebunan umumnya berupa lahan kering masam sehingga produktivitas tanaman rendah. Hal ini karena lahan kering masam mengandung Al tinggi yang dapat meracuni tanaman dan mengganggu penyerapan hara, miskin hara terutama N, P, K, Ca, dan Mg, miskin bahan organik, dan miskin mikroba tanah sehingga kurang subur. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan lahan kering masam untuk usaha pertanian perlu didukung teknologi pengelolaan sumber daya lahan seperti benih unggul toleran tanah masam, pemupukan berimbang, serta konservasi tanah dan air untuk lahan berlereng. Inovasi teknologi untuk komoditas perkebunan di lahan kering masam sudah tersedia. Agar teknologi tersebut dapat diterapkan di lapangan telah disusun suatu model yang terdiri atas empat kegiatan, yaitu (1) konservasi, yaitu pengembangan agribisnis kopi dalam perspektif konservasi lahan dan agroforestri, (2) perbaikan teknik budi daya melalui peremajaan dengan klon-klon unggul yang didukung kebun entres, (3) penanganan pascapanen untuk meningkatkan kualitas biji kopi, dan (4) penguatan kelembagaan petani melalui peningkatan dinamika kelembagaan petani yang berorientasi usaha tani kopi berbasis konservasi

    The Effectiveness of Ameliorants, Fertilizer, and Mycorrhiza for Rubber Growth at Post Tin Mining Land

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    The use of post tin mining land for agricultural purpose is constrained by the coarse soil texture (sand), low C-organic, acid pH and low nutrient content which can be rehabilitated with soil ameliorant treatment. The research objective was to determine the best soil management of post tin mining land through the use of soil ameliorant, fertilizer, and mycorrhiza application for rubber plant growth. The research was conducted in Mandor District, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan, from 2014 until 2015. The experiment design was a split plots with 3 replications. The main plot was the use of ameliorant i.e M1 (16 kg of compost + 24 kg of quartz tailings), M2 (16 kg of clay soil + 24 kg of quartz tailings), M3 (8 kg of compost + 8 kg of clay soil + 24 kg of quartz tailings), and control (without soil ameliorant). Subplot was fertilizer dosage i.e D1 (100% of the recommended doses), D2 (100% of the recommended doses + 100 g of mycorrhiza), D3 (125% of the recommended doses), D4 (125% of the recommended doses + 100 g of mycorrhiza). The study was conducted at altitude of 50 m asl, type A climate, annual rainfall at 2.600 mm, sandy soil (82.2%) with very low N (0.09%), very low K (0.08 cmol (+)/kg), and low P (9.24 ppm). Variables observed were the rubber plant growth (plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves). Result showed that optimizing the rubber growth at post tin mining land needs soil ameliorants application such as compost and clay. Meanwhile, the optimal dose of fertilizer is 125% of the recommended dose plus 100 g of mycorrhiza

    Analisis Karakteristik Lahan Dan Mutu Biji Pala (Myristica Fragrans Houtt) Daerah Lampung / Analysis of Land Characteristics and Nutmeg (Myristica Fragrans Houtt) Seed Quality of Lampung

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    Lampung Province is one of nutmeg-producing region in Sumatra. Today nutmeg is one of the region\u27s export commodities. The quality is an important factor in global nutmeg trade. The aim of this study was to assess nutmeg development prospect by analyzing the land characteristics and the quality of nutmeg. The study utilized a survey method to characterize the land and performance of smallholder nutmeg plantations, to communicate with farmers and to sample some nutmeg seeds for quality analysis. The survey was carried out in four subdistricts of the main nutmeg producing areas in Tanggamus Regency, namely Kota Agung-Timur, Gisting, Semaka, and Air-Naningan, in each area, 2-3 smallholder nutmeg plantations were assessed. The areas suitable for nutmeg development are Kota Agung-Timur, Gisting, and Semaka. The main supporting factor is water availability throughout the year, whereas the limiting factor are air humidity >75%, low organic C and CEC ≤16 cmol (+)/kg of soil, and erosion hazard due to a slope of >15%. Nutmeg productivity has potentials to be improved through technological innovation as current nutmeg cultivation is still conventional and does not use superior seeds, fertilizer and postharvest technology. On the other hand, the nutmeg seeds qualities have met SNI standards such as specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, soluble in alcohol, and chemical properties such as myristicin, α-pinene, sabinene, and safrole. Methyl eugenol is below the threshold of the European Pharmacopoeia standard and the α-pinene is better than nutmeg essential oil of produced from other regions

    Impact of Brachiaria, Arbuscular Mycorrhiza, and Potassium Enriched Rice Straw Compost on Aluminium, Potassium and Stability of Acid Soil Aggregates

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    Acid soil is commonly grown with cassava, which in general, tolerate low soil fertility and aluminum (Al) toxicity. However, without any improvement efforts such soil will become worse. Intercropping cassava with Brachiaria decumbens (BD) which adapts to acid soil and tolerates low fertility soils as well as application of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and organic matters are among the important efforts to rehabilitate this soil. The experiment was conducted to examine the impact of BD, AM, and potassium (K) enriched rice straw compost on exchangeable Al, available K, and stability of soil aggregates. Experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three factors and three replications. The first factor was BD as cassava intercropping, the second factor was AM, and the third factor was 2 t ha-1 rice straw compost enriched with 0 kg, 50 kg, 100 kg, and 200 kg KCl ha-1. Brick pots (1 m length x 1 m width x 0.45 m depth) filled with Kanhapludult soil was used for growing cassava in which row of BD was planted at 60 cm from cassava stem. K-enriched rice straw compost and AM (10 g per stem) were applied around cassava stem at 2 and 12 days after planting, respectively. BD was cut every 30 days and the cutting was returned to the soil. Soil exchangeable Al was analyzed at 0, 3, 6 and 9 months after planting (MAP), while Al and K contents as well as aggregate stability were measured at 6 MAP. The results showed that planting BD decreased 33% exchangeable Al, which means that the root exudates of this grass was effective in detoxifying Al3+. Treatment of BD and/or in combination with AM was effective in preserving K added to the soil, increasing total polysaccharides, and improving soil aggregate stability. This indicated that planting BD and applying AM and Kenriched rice straw compost improved acid soil fertility, and therefore can be recommended in cassava cultivation