377 research outputs found

    Character-based DNA barcoding allows discrimination of genera, species and populations in Odonata

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    © 2007 The Author et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of The Royal Society B 275 (2008): 237-247, doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.1290.DNA barcoding has become a promising means for identifying organisms of all life stages. Currently, phenetic approaches and tree-building methods have been used to define species boundaries and discover 'cryptic species'. However, a universal threshold of genetic distance values to distinguish taxonomic groups cannot be determined. As an alternative, DNA barcoding approaches can be 'character based', whereby species are identified through the presence or absence of discrete nucleotide substitutions (character states) within a DNA sequence. We demonstrate the potential of character-based DNA barcodes by analysing 833 odonate specimens from 103 localities belonging to 64 species. A total of 54 species and 22 genera could be discriminated reliably through unique combinations of character states within only one mitochondrial gene region (NADH dehydrogenase 1). Character-based DNA barcodes were further successfully established at a population level discriminating seven population-specific entities out of a total of 19 populations belonging to three species. Thus, for the first time, DNA barcodes have been found to identify entities below the species level that may constitute separate conservation units or even species units. Our findings suggest that character-based DNA barcoding can be a rapid and reliable means for (i) the assignment of unknown specimens to a taxonomic group, (ii) the exploration of diagnosability of conservation units, and (iii) complementing taxonomic identification systems.The work was supported by the Federal Government Research Program (BMBF) BIOTA South Africa (S08) and the German Science Foundation (DFG) Special Priority Program 'Deep Metazoan Phylogeny' SP1174 (DFG HA 1947/5-1 and 5-2); grants given to the last author

    Transcriptome profiling with focus on potential key genes for wing development and evolution in Megaloprepus caerulatus, the damselfly species with the world's largest wings

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    The evolution, development and coloration of insect wings remains a puzzling subject in evolutionary research. In basal flying insects such as Odonata, genomic research regarding bauplan evolution is still rare. Here we focus on the world’s largest odonate species—the “forest giant” Megaloprepus caerulatus, to explore its potential for looking deeper into the development and evolution of wings. A recently discovered cryptic species complex in this genus previously considered monotypic is characterized by morphological differences in wing shape and color patterns. As a first step toward understanding wing pattern divergence and pathways involved in adaptation and speciation at the genomic level, we present a transcriptome profiling of M. caerulatus using RNA-Seq and compare these data with two other odonate species. The de novo transcriptome assembly consists of 61,560 high quality transcripts and is approximately 93% complete. For almost 75% of the identified transcripts a possible function could be assigned: 48,104 transcripts had a hit to an InterPro protein family or domain, and 28,653 were mapped to a Gene Ontology term. In particular, we focused on genes related to wing development and coloration. The comparison with two other species revealed larva-specific genes and a conserved ‘core’ set of over 8,000 genes forming orthologous clusters with Ischnura elegans and Ladona fulva. This transcriptome may provide a first point of reference for future research in odonates addressing questions surrounding the evolution of wing development, wing coloration and their role in speciation

    Two regulatory genes, cNkx5-1 and cPax2, show different responses to local signals during otic placode and vesicle formation in the chick embryo

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    The early stages of otic placode development depend on signals from neighbouring tissues including the hindbrain. The identity of these signals and of the responding placodal genes, however, is not known. We have identified a chick homeobox gene cNkx5-1, which is expressed in the otic placode beginning at stage 10 and exhibits a dynamic expression pattern during formation and further differentiation of the otic vesicle. In a series of heterotopic transplantation experiments, we demonstrate that cNkx5-1 can be activated in ectopic positions. However, significant differences in otic development and cNkx5-1 gene activity were observed when placodes were transplanted into the more rostral positions within the head mesenchyme or into the wing buds of older hosts. These results indicate that only the rostral tissues were able to induce and/or maintain ear development. Ectopically induced cNkx5-1 expression always reproduced the endogenous pattern within the lateral wall of the otocyst that is destined to form vestibular structures. In contrast, cPax2 which is expressed in the medial wall of the early otic vesicle later forming the cochlea never resumed its correct expression pattern after transplantation. Our experiments illustrate that only some aspects of gene expression and presumably pattern formation during inner ear development can be established and maintained ectopically. In particular, the dorsal vestibular structures seem to be programmed earlier and differently from the ventral cochlear part

    Comparative Transcriptomics Reveal Developmental Turning Points during Embryogenesis of a Hemimetabolous Insect, the Damselfly Ischnura elegans

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    Identifying transcriptional changes during embryogenesis is of crucial importance for unravelling evolutionary, molecular and cellular mechanisms that underpin patterning and morphogenesis. However, comparative studies focusing on early/embryonic stages during insect development are limited to a few taxa. Drosophila melanogaster is the paradigm for insect development, whereas comparative transcriptomic studies of embryonic stages of hemimetabolous insects are completely lacking. We reconstructed the first comparative transcriptome covering the daily embryonic developmental progression of the blue-tailed damselfly Ischnura elegans (Odonata), an ancient hemimetabolous representative. We identified a “core” set of 6,794 transcripts – shared by all embryonic stages – which are mainly involved in anatomical structure development and cellular nitrogen compound metabolic processes. We further used weighted gene co-expression network analysis to identify transcriptional changes during Odonata embryogenesis. Based on these analyses distinct clusters of transcriptional active sequences could be revealed, indicating that embryos at different development stages have their own transcriptomic profile according to the developmental events and leading to sequential reprogramming of metabolic and developmental genes. Interestingly, a major change in transcriptionally active sequences is correlated with katatrepsis (revolution) during mid-embryogenesis, a 180° rotation of the embryo within the egg and specific to hemimetabolous insects

    Comparative transcriptomics reveal developmental turning points during embryogenesis of a hemimetabolous insect, the damselfly Ischnura elegans

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    Identifying transcriptional changes during embryogenesis is of crucial importance for unravelling evolutionary, molecular and cellular mechanisms that underpin patterning and morphogenesis. However, comparative studies focusing on early/embryonic stages during insect development are limited to a few taxa. Drosophila melanogaster is the paradigm for insect development, whereas comparative transcriptomic studies of embryonic stages of hemimetabolous insects are completely lacking. We reconstructed the first comparative transcriptome covering the daily embryonic developmental progression of the blue-tailed damselfly Ischnura elegans (Odonata), an ancient hemimetabolous representative. We identified a “core” set of 6,794 transcripts – shared by all embryonic stages – which are mainly involved in anatomical structure development and cellular nitrogen compound metabolic processes. We further used weighted gene co-expression network analysis to identify transcriptional changes during Odonata embryogenesis. Based on these analyses distinct clusters of transcriptional active sequences could be revealed, indicating that embryos at different development stages have their own transcriptomic profile according to the developmental events and leading to sequential reprogramming of metabolic and developmental genes. Interestingly, a major change in transcriptionally active sequences is correlated with katatrepsis (revolution) during mid-embryogenesis, a 180° rotation of the embryo within the egg and specific to hemimetabolous insects

    Spitting in the wind?—The challenges of RNA sequencing for biomarker discovery from saliva

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    Forensic trace contextualization, i.e., assessing information beyond who deposited a biological stain, has become an issue of great and steadily growing importance in forensic genetic casework and research. The human transcriptome encodes a wide variety of information and thus has received increasing interest for the identification of biomarkers for different aspects of forensic trace contextualization over the past years. Massively parallel sequencing of reverse-transcribed RNA (“RNA sequencing”) has emerged as the gold standard technology to characterize the transcriptome in its entirety and identify RNA markers showing significant expression differences not only between different forensically relevant body fluids but also within a single body fluid between forensically relevant conditions of interest. Here, we analyze the quality and composition of four RNA sequencing datasets (whole transcriptome as well as miRNA sequencing) from two different research projects (the RNAgE project and the TrACES project), aiming at identifying contextualizing forensic biomarker from the forensically relevant body fluid saliva. We describe and characterize challenges of RNA sequencing of saliva samples arising from the presence of oral bacteria, the heterogeneity of sample composition, and the confounding factor of degradation. Based on these observations, we formulate recommendations that might help to improve RNA biomarker discovery from the challenging but forensically relevant body fluid saliva

    Can comprehensive background knowledge be incorporated into substitution models to improve phylogenetic analyses? A case study on major arthropod relationships

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whenever different data sets arrive at conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses, only testable causal explanations of sources of errors in at least one of the data sets allow us to critically choose among the conflicting hypotheses of relationships. The large (28S) and small (18S) subunit rRNAs are among the most popular markers for studies of deep phylogenies. However, some nodes supported by this data are suspected of being artifacts caused by peculiarities of the evolution of these molecules. Arthropod phylogeny is an especially controversial subject dotted with conflicting hypotheses which are dependent on data set and method of reconstruction. We assume that phylogenetic analyses based on these genes can be improved further i) by enlarging the taxon sample and ii) employing more realistic models of sequence evolution incorporating non-stationary substitution processes and iii) considering covariation and pairing of sites in rRNA-genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed a large set of arthropod sequences, applied new tools for quality control of data prior to tree reconstruction, and increased the biological realism of substitution models. Although the split-decomposition network indicated a high noise content in the data set, our measures were able to both improve the analyses and give causal explanations for some incongruities mentioned from analyses of rRNA sequences. However, misleading effects did not completely disappear.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Analyses of data sets that result in ambiguous phylogenetic hypotheses demand for methods, which do not only filter stochastic noise, but likewise allow to differentiate phylogenetic signal from systematic biases. Such methods can only rely on our findings regarding the evolution of the analyzed data. Analyses on independent data sets then are crucial to test the plausibility of the results. Our approach can easily be extended to genomic data, as well, whereby layers of quality assessment are set up applicable to phylogenetic reconstructions in general.</p

    Isolation of Hox Cluster Genes from Insects Reveals an Accelerated Sequence Evolution Rate

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    Among gene families it is the Hox genes and among metazoan animals it is the insects (Hexapoda) that have attracted particular attention for studying the evolution of development. Surprisingly though, no Hox genes have been isolated from 26 out of 35 insect orders yet, and the existing sequences derive mainly from only two orders (61% from Hymenoptera and 22% from Diptera). We have designed insect specific primers and isolated 37 new partial homeobox sequences of Hox cluster genes (lab, pb, Hox3, ftz, Antp, Scr, abd-a, Abd-B, Dfd, and Ubx) from six insect orders, which are crucial to insect phylogenetics. These new gene sequences provide a first step towards comparative Hox gene studies in insects. Furthermore, comparative distance analyses of homeobox sequences reveal a correlation between gene divergence rate and species radiation success with insects showing the highest rate of homeobox sequence evolution