376 research outputs found

    Treatment of primary autoimmune cerebellar ataxia with mycophenolate

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    Immune-mediated ataxias account for a substantial number of sporadic otherwise idiopathic ataxias. Despite some well-characterised entities such as paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration where diagnostic markers exist, the majority of immune ataxias remained undiagnosed and untreated. We present here our experience in the treatment of suspected primary autoimmune cerebellar ataxia (PACA) using mycophenolate. All patients reported attend the Sheffield Ataxia Centre on a regular basis and had undergone extensive investigations, including genetic testing using next-generation sequencing, with other causes of ataxia excluded. The diagnosis of PACA was strongly suspected based on investigations, pattern of disease progression, and cerebellar involvement. Patients were treated with mycophenolate and monitored using MR spectroscopy of the cerebellar vermis. Thirty patients with PACA are reported here. Of these, 22 received mycophenolate (group 1). The remaining 8 were not on treatment (group 2-control group). Out of the 22 treated patients, 4 underwent serial MR spectroscopy prior to starting treatment and thus were used as controls making the total number of patients in the control group 12. The mean change of the MRS within the vermis (NAA/Cr area ratio) in the treatment group was + 0.144 ± 0.09 (improved) and in the untreated group − 0.155 ± 0.06 (deteriorated). The difference was significant. We also demonstrated a strong correlation between the spectroscopy and the SARA score. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of mycophenolate in the treatment of PACA. The results suggest that immune-mediated ataxias are potentially treatable, and that there is a need for early diagnosis to prevent permanent neurological deficit. The recently published diagnostic criteria for PACA would hopefully aid the diagnosis and treatment of this entity

    Alcohol-related cerebellar degeneration: not all down to toxicity?

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    Background: Alcohol-related cerebellar degeneration is one of the commonest acquired forms of cerebellar ataxia. The exact pathogenic mechanisms by which alcohol leads to cerebellar damage remain unknown. Possible autoreactive immune mediated mechanisms have not been explored previously. In this study, we aim to investigate the potential role of alcohol-induced immune mediated cerebellar degeneration. Methods: Patients with ataxia and a history of alcohol misuse were recruited from the Ataxia and Hepatology tertiary clinics at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. We determined the pattern of cerebellar involvement both on clinical (SARA score) and imaging (MRI volumetry and MR spectroscopy) parameters. In addition, HLA genotyping, serological markers for gluten-related disorders and serological reactivity on rat cerebellar tissue using indirect immunohistochemistry were assessed. Results: Thirty-eight patients were included in the study all of whom had ataxia. The gait (97 %), stance (89 %) and heel-shin slide (89 %) were the predominant SARA elements affected. MRI volumetric and spectroscopy techniques demonstrated significant structural, volumetric and functional deficits of the cerebellum with particular involvement of the cerebellar vermis. Circulating anti-gliadin antibodies were detected in 34 % patients vs. 12 % in healthy controls. Antibodies to transglutaminase 6 (TG6) were detected in 39 % of patients and 4 % of healthy control subjects. Using immunohistochemistry, Purkinje cell and/or granular layer reactivity was demonstrated in 71 % of patient sera. Conclusions: Alcohol induced tissue injury to the CNS leading to cerebellar degeneration may also involve immune mediated mechanisms, including sensitisation to gluten

    Feasibility and acceptability of Lee Silverman voice treatment in progressive ataxias

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    Communication difficulties have considerable impact on people with progressive ataxia, yet there are currently no evidence-based treatments. LSVT LOUD® focuses on the production of healthy vocal loudness whilst also improving breath support, vocal quality, loudness and articulation in participating patients. This study aimed to investigate whether Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT LOUD®) can improve communication effectiveness in these patients. We performed a rater-blinded, single-arm study investigating LSVT LOUD® treatment in a population of patients with progressive ataxia including Friedreich’s ataxia (n = 18), spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (n = 1), idiopathic cerebellar ataxia (n = 1), and spastic paraplegia 7 (n = 1). Twenty-one patients were recruited to the study, with 19 completing treatment. Sessions were administered via Skype in the LSVT-X format, meaning two sessions per week over a period of 8 weeks. Assessments included two baseline and two post-treatment measures and focused on outcome measures covering aspects ranging from physiological function to impact and participation. Results indicate improvements in patient-perceived outcomes for 14 of the 19 participants, in both speech and psychosocial domains. Speech data furthermore demonstrate significant improvements in prolonged vowel duration, and voice quality measures. Intelligibility and naturalness evaluations showed no change post-treatment. Patients reported high acceptability of the treatment itself, as well as administration by Skype. This is the largest treatment study for people with progressive ataxia published to date. It provides an indication that LSVT LOUD® can have a positive impact on communication in this patient group and could form the basis for larger-scale trials

    Psychiatric manifestations of coeliac disease, a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Coeliac disease (CD) is increasingly prevalent and is associated with both gastrointestinal (GI) and extra-intestinal manifestations. Psychiatric disorders are amongst extra-intestinal manifestations proposed. The relationship between CD and such psychiatric disorders is not well recognised or understood. Aim: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to provide a greater understanding of the existing evidence and theories surrounding psychiatric manifestations of CD. Methodology: An online literature search using PubMed was conducted, the prevalence data for both CD and psychiatric disorders was extracted from eligible articles. Meta analyses on odds ratios were also performed. Results: A total of 37 articles were included in this review. A significant increase in risk was detected for autistic spectrum disorder (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.24–1.88, p < 0.0001), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (OR 1.39, 95% CI 1.18–1.63, p < 0.0001), depression (OR 2.17, 95% CI 2.17–11.15, p < 0.0001), anxiety (OR 6.03, 95% CI 2.22–16.35, p < 0.0001), and eating disorders (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.37–1.91, p < 0.00001) amongst the CD population compared to healthy controls. No significant differences were found for bipolar disorder (OR 2.35, 95% CI 2.29–19.21, p = 0.43) or schizophrenia (OR 0.46, 95% CI 0.02–10.18, p = 0.62). Conclusion: CD is associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, eating disorders as well as ASD and ADHD. More research is required to investigate specific biological explanations as well as any effect of gluten free diet

    Alcohol Induces Sensitization to Gluten in Genetically Susceptible Individuals: A Case Control Study

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    Background: The mechanisms of cerebellar degeneration attributed to prolonged and excessive alcohol intake remain unclear. Additional or even alternative causes of cerebellar degeneration are often overlooked in suspected cases of alcohol-related ataxia. The objectives of this study were two fold: (1) to investigate the prevalence of gluten-related serological markers in patients with alcohol-related ataxia and; (2) to compare the pattern of brain involvement on magnetic resonance imaging between patients with alcohol and gluten ataxias. Materials & Methods: Patients diagnosed with alcohol and gluten ataxias were identified from a retrospective review of patients attending a tertiary clinic. HLA genotype and serological markers of gluten-related disorders were recorded. Cerebellar volumetry, MR spectroscopy and voxel-based morphometric analyses were performed on patients and compared with matched control data. Results: Of 904 registered patients, 104 had alcohol ataxia and 159 had gluten ataxia. 61% of the alcohol ataxia group and 70% of the gluten ataxia group had HLA DQ2/DQ8 genotype compared to 30% in healthy local blood donors. 44% of patients with alcohol ataxia had antigliadin antibodies compared to 12% in the healthy local population and 10% in patients with genetically confirmed ataxias. None of the patients with alcohol ataxia and antigliadin antibodies had celiac disease compared to 40% in patients with gluten ataxia. The pattern of structural brain abnormality in patients with alcohol ataxia who had antigliadin antibodies differed from gluten ataxia and was identical to that of alcohol ataxia. Conclusions: Alcohol related cerebellar degeneration may, in genetically susceptible individuals, induce sensitization to gluten. Such sensitization may result from a primary cerebellar insult, but a more systemic effect is also possible. The duration and amount of exposure to alcohol may not be the only factors responsible for the cerebellar insult

    Anti-transglutaminase 6 antibodies in children and young adults with cerebral palsy.

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    Objectives. We have previously reported a high prevalence of gluten-related serological markers (GRSM) in children and young adults with cerebral palsy (CP). The majority had no enteropathy to suggest coeliac disease (CD). Antibodies against transglutaminase 6 (anti-TG6) represent a new marker associated with gluten-related neurological dysfunction. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of anti-TG6 antibodies in this group of individuals with an early neurological injury resulting in CP. Materials and Methods. Sera from 96 patients with CP and 36 controls were analysed for IgA/IgG class anti-TG6 by ELISA. Results. Anti-TG6 antibodies were found in 12/96 (13%) of patients with CP compared to 2/36 (6%) in controls. The tetraplegic subgroup of CP had a significantly higher prevalence of anti-TG6 antibodies 6/17 (35%) compared to the other subgroups and controls. There was no correlation of anti-TG6 autoantibodies with seropositivity to food proteins including gliadin. Conclusions. An early brain insult and associated inflammation may predispose to future development of TG6 autoimmunity

    High Prevalence of Microvascular Complications in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes and Newly Diagnosed Celiac Disease

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    Objective: The implications of celiac disease (CD) in adult patients with type 1 diabetes are unknown, with respect to diabetes-related outcomes including glycemic control, lipids, microvascular complications, quality of life, and the effect of a gluten-free diet (GFD). We identified CD in adults with type 1 diabetes and investigated the effect of a GFD on diabetes-related complications. Research design and methods: This was a case-control study conducted at a U.K. teaching hospital. Patients with type 1 diabetes aged >16 years (n = 1,000) were assessed for CD. HbA1c, lipid profile, quality of life, retinopathy stage, nephropathy stage, and degree of neuropathy before and after 1 year on a GFD were assessed. Results: The prevalence of CD was 33 per 1,000 subjects (3.3% [95% CI 2.3–4.6]). At diagnosis of CD, adult type 1 diabetic patients had worse glycemic control (8.2 vs. 7.5%, P = 0.05), lower total cholesterol (4.1 vs. 4.9, P = 0.014), lower HDL cholesterol (1.1 vs. 1.6, P = 0.017), and a higher prevalence of retinopathy (58.3 vs. 25%, P = 0.02), nephropathy (41.6 vs. 4.2%, P = 0.009), and peripheral neuropathy (41.6 vs. 16.6%, P = 0.11). There was no difference in quality of life (P > 0.1). After 1 year on a GFD, only the lipid profile improved overall, but in adherent individuals HbA1c and markers for nephropathy improved. Conclusions: Adults with undetected CD and type 1 diabetes have worse glycemic control and a higher prevalence of retinopathy and nephropathy. Treatment with a GFD for 1 year is safe in adults with type 1 diabetes and does not have a negative impact on the quality of life. Long-term microvascular and neurologic complications are responsible for major morbidity and mortality in type 1 diabetes (1). Intensive glycemic control reduces these complications and improves quality of life (1). Even patients with good glycemic control have complications, suggesting that other factors increase the risk (2). Coexisting medical problems may be a confounding factor when managing glycemic control (2). The association between celiac disease (CD) and type 1 diabetes was recognized over 30 years ago, particularly by pediatricians. The prevalence of CD in patients with adult type 1 diabetes has been reported as 1.8–8.4% (3–6). Despite a large number of prevalence studies, other important clinical factors have not been well investigated, including glycemic control, quality of life, microvascular complications, cardiac risk factors, and bone mineral density. Investigations of the effect of CD on glycemic control have been conflicting, with some studies showing improvement (7) and some deterioration (4,8) and others showing no effect (9). The difficulty in interpreting these studies is that most involve pediatric populations and are small, retrospective, and uncontrolled, leaving this question unanswered. There have been no quality-of-life assessments before and after the diagnosis of CD to assess the impact of the diagnosis and a subsequent gluten-free diet (GFD) (3). Adapting to a GFD with the restrictions of a diabetic diet may negatively impact quality of life. Peripheral neuropathy affects up to 30% of patients with adult type 1 diabetes and is a major cause of morbidity (1). Neuropathy is associated with both type 1 diabetes and CD; therefore, patients with both conditions may have a higher prevalence (10,11). In gluten-sensitive neuropathy, the pathophysiological changes lie in the humoral immune response, and a GFD seems to be beneficial (12,13). There are no studies examining neuropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes and CD or the effect of a GFD. One study examined whether CD may contribute to autonomic neuropathy in a cohort of patients with type 1 diabetes. They found no difference in the prevalence of positive antibodies in patients with and without autonomic neuropathy (14). Two previous studies have examined the effect of CD on diabetic nephropathy but were conflicting (15,16). There are currently no studies examining the prevalence of retinopathy in individuals with both type 1 diabetes and CD. Recent data in nondiabetic CD cohorts have shown a reduced risk of ischemic heart disease, possibly attributed to lower cholesterol levels and a lower prevalence of hypertension (17). Reduced bone mineral density has been associated with both CD and type 1 diabetes, but there are little data on people with both conditions (18). The aim of our study was to identify undetected CD in adult patients with type 1 diabetes and investigate the effect on diabetes-related complications before and after a GFD

    Brain fog and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity: Proof of concept brain MRI pilot study

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    Aims Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) is poorly understood, particularly in terms of its neurological outcomes. We initially conducted a prospective postal survey to investigate its neurological presentation and symptom course. Results from this then motivated a follow-up pilot study utilising brain MRI to characterise potential diagnostic biomarkers for future research. Methods Patients with NCGS were recruited from a specialist centre and completed a prospective postal questionnaire (N = 125). This summarised symptoms experienced, their severity and their course. Onset time was compared by Chi-squared analysis to data from the same centre concerning coeliac disease patients (N = 224). Five respondents on a strict gluten-free diet who self-reported brain fog then attended a pilot study, completing MR brain imaging/questionnaires before/after a gluten challenge. “Baseline” data were assessed for abnormalities, while symptom severity and cerebral blood flow (CBF) were compared before/after challenge. Results Survey participants were aged 47 (85% female). Prevalence of neurological symptoms were: headaches (51%), brain fog (48%), balance issues (31%), tingling (19%). Median symptom resolution time was 48 hours, while onset was 90 minutes; onset pattern was not significantly different compared to CD patients (p = 0.322). Extra-intestinal symptoms worsened by 37%(±28) during a typical reaction. Predominantly non-statistical observations from the brain imaging study are discussed. Conclusions Neurological symptoms in NCGS are common, and onset time is comparable to that in CD. Brain imaging may be a useful future means of investigating physiological injury and responses to gluten in further study

    TG6 auto-antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis

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    Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is an extraintestinal manifestation of gluten sensitivity, in which an autoimmune response is directed against transglutaminase 3 (TG3), an epidermal transglutaminase. TG2 is the autoantigen in celiac disease (CD), defined by the presence of enteropathy, and TG6 is the autoantigen in neurological manifestations of gluten sensitivity. The interplay between B cell responses to these 3 transglutaminases in developing the clinical spectrum of disease manifestations is not completely understood. Also, the individual or combined diagnostic and predictive value of the respective autoantibodies is not fully explored. We examined the prevalence of TG6 antibodies in a cohort of patients with DH. TG6 positivity was found in 13/33 (39%), with IgA detected in 11 patients, IgG in 3, and both in 1. This was significantly higher compared to what is seen in the classic CD cases (14%) in a Finnish population. TG6 positive baseline samples constituted 60% of DH patients with no enteropathy (n = 10), as opposed to 17% positivity in those with overt enteropathy (n = 12; Marsh IIIB). Repeat testing after adherence to a gluten-free diet for 1 year showed reduced titers for TG6 antibodies in 11/13 (85%), whereby 7 patients were now TG6 antibody-negative. Four patients seroconverted and tested positive for TG6 antibodies at one year, due to the ongoing exposure to gluten. We report another patient who presented with neurological manifestations (encephalopathy) leading to the diagnosis of CD, who was intermittently adhering to a gluten-free diet. Serological testing at baseline showed him to be positive for antibodies to all 3 transglutaminases. Eleven years later, he developed DH. He also subsequently developed ataxia and peripheral neuropathy. Although TG3 and TG6 autoantibodies are linked to certain disease manifestations, TG2, TG3, and TG6 autoantibodies can be present across the spectrum of GRD patients and might develop years before onset of symptoms of extraintestinal manifestations. This is consistent with gluten-dependent adaptive immunity being a necessary but not sufficient pretext to organ-specific damage. TG6 antibodies appear to develop more frequently in patients where tolerance to gluten was broken but, either there was no development of the molecular state driving the tissue destruction at the level of the gut, or perhaps more likely, there was more resistance to developing this phenotype