101 research outputs found

    Extraintestinal Manifestations of Coeliac Disease

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    Coeliac Disease (CD) affects at least 1% of the population. “Classical” CD refers to gastrointestinal presentations with anaemia and gastrointestinal symptoms. CD can, however, present with extraintestinal manifestations, the commonest of which are dermatitis herpetiformis and neurological presentations (e.g., ataxia, neuropathy, encephalopathy). Recognition and research into the pathophysiology of such manifestations is likely to enhance our understanding of this complex autoimmune disorder

    Pseudodominant AOA2

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    The neuroimmunology of gluten intolerance

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    Transglutaminase 6 antibodies in gluten neuropathy

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    BACKGROUND: TG6 antibodies have been shown to be a marker of gluten ataxia but their presence in the context of other neurological manifestations of gluten sensitivity has not been explored. We investigated the presence of TG6 antibodies in gluten neuropathy (GN), defined as as an otherwise idiopathic peripheral neuropathy associated with serological markers of gluten sensitivity (one or more of antigliadin IgG and/or IgA, endomysial and transglutaminase-2 antibodies). METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at the Sheffield Institute of Gluten Related Diseases, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK. Blood samples were collected whilst the patients were on a gluten containing diet. Duodenal biopsies were performed to establish the presence of enteropathy. RESULTS: Twenty-eight patients were recruited (mean age 62.5±13.7 years). Fifteen (53.6%) had sensory ganglionopathy, 12 (42.9%) had symmetrical axonal neuropathy and 1 had mononeuritis multiplex. The prevalence of TG6 antibodies was 14 of 28 (50%) compared to 4% in the healthy population. TG6 antibodies were found in 5/15 (33.3%) patients with sensory ganglionopathy and in 8/12 (66.7%) with symmetrical axonal neuropathy. Twenty-four patients underwent duodenal biopsy 11 (45.8%) of which had enteropathy. The prevalence of TG6 was not significantly different when comparing those with or without enteropathy. CONCLUSIONS: We found a high prevalence of antibodies against TG6 in patients with GN. This suggests that TG6 involvement is not confined to the central nervous system. The role of transglutaminase 6 in peripheral nerve function remains to be determined but TG6 antibodies may be helpful in the diagnosis of GN

    Can CANVAS due to RFC1 biallelic expansions present with pure ataxia?

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    BACKGROUND: Biallelic expansion of AAGGG in the replication factor complex subunit 1 (RFC1) was identified as a major cause of cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy (sensory ganglionopathy, or SG) and vestibular areflexia syndrome (CANVAS). We wanted to clarify if RFC1 expansions can present with pure ataxia and if such expansions could be responsible for some cases where an alternative diagnosis had been made. METHODS: We identified patients with a combination of ataxia and SG and no other cause found, patients where an alternative diagnosis had been made, and patients with pure ataxia. Testing for RFC1 expansions was done using established methodology. RESULTS: Among 54 patients with otherwise idiopathic sporadic ataxia without SG, none was found to have RFC1 expansions. Among 38 patients with cerebellar ataxia and SG in which all other causes were excluded, 71% had RFC1 expansions. Among 27 patients with cerebellar ataxia and SG diagnosed with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity, 15% had RFC1 expansions. CONCLUSIONS: Isolated cerebellar ataxia without SG makes the diagnosis of CANVAS due to RFC1 expansions highly improbable, but CANVAS is frequently the cause of the combination of idiopathic cerebellar ataxia with SG. It is important to screen patients diagnosed with other causes of acquired ataxia and SG as a small percentage were found to have RFC1 expansions

    Mitochondrial pathology in progressive cerebellar ataxia.

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial disease can manifest as multi-organ disorder, often with neurological dysfunction. Cerebellar ataxia in isolation or in combination with other features can result from mitochondrial disease yet genetic testing using blood DNA is not sufficient to exclude this as a cause of ataxia. Muscle biopsy is a useful diagnostic tool for patients with ataxia suspected of mitochondrial disease. Our aim was to determine specific patient selection criteria for muscle biopsy to see how frequent mitochondrial mutations are responsible for progressive ataxia. We performed a two centre retrospective review of patients with unexplained progressive ataxia who underwent muscle biopsy for suspected mitochondrial disease between 2004 and 2014 (Sheffield and Newcastle Ataxia Centres). RESULTS: A total of 126 patients were identified; 26 assessed in Newcastle and 100 in Sheffield. Twenty-four patients had pure ataxia and 102 had ataxia with additional features. The total number of patients with histologically suspected and/or genetically confirmed mitochondrial disease was 29/126 (23 %). CONCLUSIONS: A large proportion of patients (23 %) with progressive ataxia who underwent muscle biopsy were found to have features of mitochondrial dysfunction, with molecular confirmation in some. Muscle biopsy is a helpful diagnostic tool for mitochondrial disease in patients with progressive ataxia

    Cerebellar degeneration in Gluten ataxia is linked to microglial activation

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    Gluten sensitivity has long been recognised exclusively for its gastrointestinal involvement, however more recent research provides evidence for the existence of neurological manifestations that can appear in combination with, or independent of the small bowel manifestations. Amongst all neurological manifestations of gluten sensitivity, Gluten ataxia is the most commonly occurring one, accounting for up to 40% of cases of idiopathic sporadic ataxia. However, despite its prevalence, its neuropathological basis is still poorly defined. Here we provide a neuropathological characterisation of gluten ataxia and compare the presence of neuroinflammatory markers GFAP, Iba-1, MHC-II and CD68 in the central nervous system of 4 gluten ataxia cases to 5 ataxia controls and 7 neurologically healthy controls. Our results demonstrate that severe cerebellar atrophy, CD20+ and CD8+ lymphocytic infiltration in the cerebellar grey and white matter and a significant upregulation of microglial immune activation in the cerebellar granular layer, molecular layer, and cerebellar white matter are features of Gluten ataxia, providing evidence for the involvement of both cellular and humoral immune-mediated processes in gluten ataxia pathogenesis

    Alcohol Induces Sensitization to Gluten in Genetically Susceptible Individuals: A Case Control Study

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    Background: The mechanisms of cerebellar degeneration attributed to prolonged and excessive alcohol intake remain unclear. Additional or even alternative causes of cerebellar degeneration are often overlooked in suspected cases of alcohol-related ataxia. The objectives of this study were two fold: (1) to investigate the prevalence of gluten-related serological markers in patients with alcohol-related ataxia and; (2) to compare the pattern of brain involvement on magnetic resonance imaging between patients with alcohol and gluten ataxias. Materials & Methods: Patients diagnosed with alcohol and gluten ataxias were identified from a retrospective review of patients attending a tertiary clinic. HLA genotype and serological markers of gluten-related disorders were recorded. Cerebellar volumetry, MR spectroscopy and voxel-based morphometric analyses were performed on patients and compared with matched control data. Results: Of 904 registered patients, 104 had alcohol ataxia and 159 had gluten ataxia. 61% of the alcohol ataxia group and 70% of the gluten ataxia group had HLA DQ2/DQ8 genotype compared to 30% in healthy local blood donors. 44% of patients with alcohol ataxia had antigliadin antibodies compared to 12% in the healthy local population and 10% in patients with genetically confirmed ataxias. None of the patients with alcohol ataxia and antigliadin antibodies had celiac disease compared to 40% in patients with gluten ataxia. The pattern of structural brain abnormality in patients with alcohol ataxia who had antigliadin antibodies differed from gluten ataxia and was identical to that of alcohol ataxia. Conclusions: Alcohol related cerebellar degeneration may, in genetically susceptible individuals, induce sensitization to gluten. Such sensitization may result from a primary cerebellar insult, but a more systemic effect is also possible. The duration and amount of exposure to alcohol may not be the only factors responsible for the cerebellar insult
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