158 research outputs found

    HERSUS Project and Digital sharing platform [1st prize, 31. International Urban Planners' Exhibition]

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    ХЕРСУС (Јачање свести о наслеђу и одрживости грађене средине у високошколском образовању у домену архитектонског и урбанистичког пројектовања) је Еразмус+ стратешко партнерство за високо образовање које окупља пет универзитета из Србије, Италије, Кипра, Грчке и Шпаније који заједно раде на дизајну и развоју курсева уз дисеминацију знања кроз семинаре, радионице и заједнички изграђену платформу дељења. ХЕРСУС платформа дељења је дигитална платформа за истраживаче и студенте замишљена као образовно средство и архива ресурса о темама одрживости и свести о наслеђу у архитектури и урбанизму. Платформа је дизајнирана и развијена као извор референци и инспирације када се ради о истраживањима у областима које пројекат ХЕРСУС има за циљ да истражи. У платформи се стварају везе између наизглед удаљених тема, показујући основне наративе, везе и преклапања која спајају садржаје на различитим просторним и друштвеним нивоима.HERSUS (Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and SustainaЬility of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education) is Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for higher education which brings together five Universities from SerЬia, ltaly, Cyprus, Greece, and Spain working together оп the design and development of the courses while disseminating knowledge through international training courses, workshops, and а jointly built Sharing Platform. The HERSUS Sharing Platform is а digital platform for researchers and students conceived as ап educational tool and archive of resources around the topics of sustainaЬility and heritage awareness in architecture and urban design. The platform has been designed and developed as а source of reference and inspiration to refer to when doi ng research in the fields that the HERSUS project aims to investigate. ln the platform, links аге created between apparently distant subjects, showing underlying narratives, connections and overlappings that bring contents together оп different levels.ПРВА НАГРАДА 31. Међународног Салона Урбанизма у категорији Дигиталне технике, дизајн и продукција у урбанизму и архитектури / 1st prize at the 31st International Urban Planners Exhibition in category Digital techniques, design and production in architecture and urbanis

    Gap-Filling Sentinel-1 Offshore Wind Speed Image Time Series Using Multiple-Point Geostatistical Simulation and Reanalysis Data

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    Offshore wind is expected to play a key role in future energy systems. Wind energy resource studies often call for long-term and spatially consistent datasets to assess the wind potential. Despite the vast amount of available data sources, no current means can provide relevant sub-daily information at a fine spatial scale (~1 km). Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) delivers wind field estimates over the ocean at fine spatial resolution but suffers from partial coverage and irregular revisit times. Physical model outputs, which are the basis of reanalysis products, can be queried at any time step but lack fine-scale spatial variability. To combine the advantages of both, we use the framework of multiple-point geostatistics to realistically reconstruct wind speed patterns at time instances for which satellite information is absent. Synthetic fine-resolution wind speed images are generated conditioned to coregistered regional reanalysis information at a coarser scale. Available simultaneous data sources are used as training data to generate the synthetic image time series. The latter are then evaluated via cross validation and statistical comparison against reference satellite data. Multiple realizations are also generated to assess the uncertainty associated with the simulation outputs. Results show that the proposed methodology can realistically reproduce fine-scale spatiotemporal variability while honoring the wind speed patterns at the coarse scale and thus filling the satellite information gaps in space and time

    ENGINEER WP2 SS1 PhotogrammetryCloseRange CANON550D 10mm

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    This dataset was created during ENGINEER project activities and is accessible only upon user request and approval by the responsible national authority of Cyprus, namely the Department of Antiquities. The dataset pertains to close-range photogrammetry data acquired using a Canon 550D camera

    ENGINEER WP2 SS1 PhotogrammetryCloseRange NikonD780

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    This dataset was created during ENGINEER project activities and is accessible only upon user request and approval by the responsible national authority of Cyprus, namely the Department of Antiquities. The dataset pertains to close-range photogrammetry data acquired using a Nikon D780 camera


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    This dataset was created during ENGINEER project activities and is accessible only upon user request and approval by the responsible national authority of Cyprus, namely the Department of Antiquities. The dataset pertains to images acquired at the tombs of the kings using an Autel UAV