4 research outputs found

    Imperfect competition in the fresh tomato industry

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    In this paper, we analyse the market power of the retail industry in the French tomato market. Following the methods developed in the New Empirical Industrial Organization, we develop a structural model of this industry. The analysis is based on detailed data on final consumption and prices at both shipper and consumer levels for two types of tomatoes in France. The structural model is composed of a system of demand equation and supply equation. Supply equation includes a term that represents the market power of the retail sector. We use different models of demand in order to test the robustness of our results. We show that i) elasticity of demand varies during the year ii) the retail sector exercise only a "moderate" market power iii) the estimated mark-up of the retail sector varies from 0 to about 0.13 €/kg depending on the period iv) the mark-up is thus small (3% in average) as compared to the consumer price which is mainly explained by cost of production. We conclude to a moderate exercise of market power of the retail sector in this sector.Market power, Imperfect competition, Fresh products, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Marketing, L13, Q13, L66, L81,

    Home ownership and social housing : An econometric analysis on French data

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    La thèse, en économie appliquée, s'intéresse à l'accès au logement en France. Deux types d'accès ont été considérés : l'obtention d'un logement social et la décision de devenir propriétaire. Concernant le logement social l'objectif est de déterminer les variables qui ont une influence sur la durée d'accès à ces logements. Il apparaît que cette durée est significativement plus longue pour les ménages ayant des revenus faibles, pour ceux connaissant des situations précaires sur le marché du travail (emploi sur contrat à durée déterminée par exemple) ou encore pour les ménages d'origine étrangère et les parents isolés. Les bailleurs sociaux semblent prudents et favoriseraient l'attribution des logements sociaux aux ménages les plus solvables. Concernant l'accession à la propriété, il apparaît que la probabilité d'accès augmente avec le niveau permanent, l'âge du chef de ménage, la situation professionnelle (occupé un emploi) et la situation maritale (préférence pour les coupes mariés). Cette probabilité décroit pour les ménages souhaitant résider dans la région parisienne et pour ceux dont le chef de ménage est d'origine immigrée. Des méthodes de décomposition permettent de montrer que la différence de probabilité d'accès à la propriété entre les natifs et les immigrés est expliquée par les caractéristiques des ménages à près de 90 pour cent.The thesis, in applied economics, focuses on access to housing in France. Two types of access were considered: obtaining social housing and the decision to become a homeowner. Concerning social housing, the objective is to determine the variables that have an influence on the duration of access to this housing. It appears that this duration is significantly longer for households with low incomes, for those in precarious situations on the labor market (employment on a fixed-term contract, for example) or for households of foreign origin and single parents. Social landlords seem to be cautious and would favor the allocation of social housing to the most solvent households. Regarding home ownership, it appears that the probability of access increases with the permanent income the age of the head of household, the professional situation (employed) and the marital situation (preference for married couples). This probability decreases for households wishing to reside in the Paris region and for those whose head of household is of immigrant origin. Decomposition methods make it possible to show that the difference in the probability of access to homeownership between natives and immigrants is explained by household characteristics to almost 90 percent

    Imperfect competition in the fresh tomato industry

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    In this paper, we analyse the market power of the retail industry in the French tomato market. Following the methods developed in the New Empirical Industrial Organization, we develop a structural model of this industry. The analysis is based on detailed data on final consumption and prices at both shipper and consumer levels for two types of tomatoes in France. The structural model is composed of a system of demand equation and supply equation. Supply equation includes a term that represents the market power of the retail sector. We use different models of demand in order to test the robustness of our results. We show that i) elasticity of demand varies during the year ii) the retail sector exercise only a "moderate" market power iii) the estimated mark-up of the retail sector varies from 0 to about 0.13 €/kg depending on the period iv) the mark-up is thus small (3% in average) as compared to the consumer price which is mainly explained by cost of production. We conclude to a moderate exercise of market power of the retail sector in this sector

    Abstracts of 1st International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics (ICCAP’2021) Organized by the Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria, held on 26–28 September 2021. The Conference had a variety of Plenary Lectures, Oral sessions, and E-Poster Presentations. Conference Title: 1st International Conference on Computational & Applied PhysicsConference Acronym: ICCAP’2021Conference Date: 26–28 September 2021Conference Location: Online (Virtual Conference)Conference Organizer: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria