18 research outputs found

    The Body as a New Media or Transhumanism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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    The philosophy of transhumanism is a theory close to artificial intelligence, which is mostly seen in the form of science fiction movies, and based on it, with the help of artificial intelligence, human intelligence and physiology have been modified and increased, and as a result, we will see a new advanced human. This theory looks at the future of artificial intelligence from the perspective of threats and presents a picture of the future of man that has been more influential in sciences such as biomedical technology, sociology, psychology, art and philosophy more than other sciences. This theory has also been named as "the most dangerous idea in the world" by theorists such as "Francis Fukuyama". For this reason, considering that transhumanism covers a wide range of ideas, it was necessary to address this issue. Based on this, using available scientific data and theorists' opinions, we investigated this meta-technology based on artificial intelligence from the approach of cognitive and philosophical sciences. In this article, inspired by the hypotheses of Le Breton (2008) and using the descriptive-analytical method, this theory has been examined. It also answers the question of what is the position of man in the era of transhumanism and how the combination of the two will be in the future. This article also discusses technological determinism and social ethics at the time of the emergence of robots with human capabilities

    Breast cancer prevention information seeking behavior and interest on cell phone and text use: a cross-sectional study in Malaysia

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    Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second principal cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide, including Malaysia. This study focused on media choice and attempted to determine the communication channels mostly used and preferred by women in seeking information and knowledge about breast cancer. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was carried out to examine the breast cancer prevention information seeking behavior among 450 students at one private university in Malaysia. Results: The mean age of respondents was 25±4.3 years. Common interpersonal information sources were doctors, friends, and nurses and common channel information sources were television, brochure, and internet. Overall, 89.9% used cell phones, 46.1% had an interest in receiving cell phone breast cancer prevention messages, 73.9% used text messaging, and 36.7% had an interest in receiving text breast cancer prevention messages. Bivariate analysis revealed significant differences among age, education, nationality and use of cell phones. Conclusions: Assessment of health information seeking behavior is important for community health educators to target populations for program development

    Science and technology diplomacy and the power of students: the case of Iranian student in Malaysia

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    The world is witnessing a paradigm shift in international relations. Due to rapid changes in science and technology, “Science and Technology Diplomacy” (scientific diplomacy) has emerged as a new strategy for developing, shaping, and reshaping international relations across the world. In this paper, a scientometric approach is applied to study the trend and progress of “Scientific Diplomacy” in Iran’s relationship with Malaysia during the last few years. The results of the study show that, with 5569 joint publications and as part of the 10,239 authors from both countries, Iranian students in Malaysia have contributed to 10.13% of Iran’s international joint publications between 2012 and 2017. Additionally, Iranian students in Malaysia have contributed to 9.8% of all Malaysian international joint publications during the same period. This is equal to 2.06% and 3.6% of all scientific publications in Iran and Malaysia, respectively. Using Malaysia as a specific case, the study shows a significant relationship between the presence of Iranian students in Malaysia and the growth of scientific and academic collaboration between the two countries. The results of the study have many scientific, political, cultural, and social implications. Considering this study and applying its results to similar cases, “Scientific Diplomacy” seems to work successfully worldwide and plays a key role in future relations among nations. “Scientific Diplomacy” has great potential for furthering the development of relations between nations in very intelligent ways, and may help their states avoid possible disputes and conflicts

    A Crisis in “Open Access”: Should Communication Scholarly Outputs Take 77 Years to Become Open Access?

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    This study diachronically investigates the trend of the “open access” in the Web of Science (WoS) category of “communication.” To evaluate the trend, data were collected from 184 categories of WoS from 1980 to 2017. A total of 87,997,893 documents were obtained, of which 95,304 (0.10%) were in the category of “communication.” In average, 4.24% of the documents in all 184 categories were open access. While in communication, it was 3.29%, which ranked communication 116 out of 184. An Open Access Index (OAI) was developed to predict the trend of open access in communication. Based on the OAI, communication needs 77 years to fully reach open access, which undeniably can be considered as “crisis in scientific publishing” in this field. Given this stunning information, it is the time for a global call for “open access” by communication scholars across the world. Future research should investigate whether the current business models of publications in communication scholarships are encouraging open access or pose unnecessary restrictions on knowledge development

    Science In The Media; Reconstruction Of Science In Media Frames

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    Medialization of science could be defined as “an increasing media attention for scientific issues and an increasing orientation of science towards the media.” There are three key actor include scientists, journalists and public which their interactions in this Process shape Media frames. In this Paper we tried to answer three main questions about “meaning of medicalization of science”, “characteristics of science communication key actors and their interactions” and “ how media frames are reconstructed during the Interactions between these Key role Players.” Finally, we provide a conceptual model to explain how media frames are reconstructed in this proces

    Environmental health assessment of primary schools in Norabad Mamasani City (Fars Province) in 2012 Environmental health assessment of primary schools

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    Abstract Background and purpose: School, as a reliable place in educating students, has an important role in training. The aim of this study was the assessment of environmental health of primary schools in Norabad Mamasani city of Fars Province. Materials and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive and cross-sectional study, all of 26 primary schools in Norabad Mamasani city were surveyed by using census methodology. For data collection, it was used an approved form of safety and health school status by Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The obtained data was statistically analyzed by means of SPSS software using chi-square statistical test at the significant level with p=0.05. Results: Results showed that 19(73.7%) and7 (26.93%) of the 26 schools were public and private schools, respectively. 15 (57.7%) schools have the building of the new build. The results of the research indicated that there is not a significant difference between the health status of hand washing services, water fountain system, toilet and classrooms in the position of the old building and new building according the Chi-square test (p>0.05). Also, there was no significant difference between the per capita health service (hand washing services, water fountain system and toilet) in public and private schools (p>0.05). Conclusion: The most schools had to favorable and hygiene situation of environmental health situation regarding the Health Instruction Guide for Environment of Schools. But, it should be improved the classroom, water fountain system and closets per capita and the distance of some schools from annoying centers. The authorities of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health should pay more attention and interest in this regard and dedicate proper budgets to solve health problems

    Women Representation in Iranian News Sites: A Case Study of Four News Sites

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    Abstract This paper aims to provide an analysis of the content and topic of four Iranian news sites. The framework of this research is based on agenda setting theory and it is used to analyse the effect of this theory on defining and choosing news that are related to women. Based on theoretical framework, effective features and indexes in media in the women's topics are collected as: news orientation, mentioned request orientation, news content, news makers attributes, dominant news dimension on women's juridical subjects and socio-cultural subjects. According to this features, reflected subjects in four cyber news-Iranian Labor New

    Analysis of Development Plans from Communications Perspective

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    The movement towards the goals of "Vision plan 1404" needs the perception of the requirements to prepare plans for achieving the favorite objectives of development. With the advent of the information age, the rules of development policy-making strongly have changed in the world and also unique opportunities areprovided by variables of communications for countries that have been in early stages of development. Based on this, considering the communications in macro-level and in the political, social, economic and cultural development plans is important and necessary. This requires a review and pathology of previous plans and evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses for preparing of more comprehensive future plans. Themain question of this study is: what is the approach of development plans to communications section after Islamic revolution?  Which aspects of communications are considered, and what aspects are ignored?  This study analyzes five development plans after the revolution, by using of qualitative content analysis. Results show that in all five-year plans the focus was on hardware and quantitative dimensions of communication development and media, but qualitative and content aspects, such as the right to universal access to information, freedom to obtain and disseminate information within the constitution, freedom of speech and press, a move towards the information society and knowledge-based, also other dimensions of communications such as human, traditional and social communication has been less considered. In the fourth development plan that is "knowledge" – centered, new fields of communications has been studied comprehensively in comparison to other plans. According to these approaches and new scientific and experimental perspectives, this paper suggests further engagement in communications necessity for development policy-making

    A Study on Women’s Reading of TV Shows on Gem TV, Case Study: The City of Kamyaran

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    This article studies women’s reading of TV shows aired on Gem satellite channel. This is a qualitative research using unstructured interviews. The statistical society is all the female audiences of GEM TV-shows in the city of Kamyaran. To select the sample, the non-probability sampling technique of snowball sampling was used and the sample size for the interviews was 26. For analyze the data, they were coded and the resulting codes were interpreted.The results show that the interviewees tend to compare the lives of the women in the TV shows with their own lives. More over most of the women believe that the TV shows do not really affect them. It seems that the subconscious effects on their thoughts are being ignored. In general, it can be said that the women want to change their relations with men, as well as share of power and gain independency

    Environmental Health Assessment of Primary Schools in Norabad Mamasani City (Fars Province) in 2012

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    Background and purpose: School, as a reliable place in educating students, has an important role in training. The aim of this study was the assessment of environmental health of primary schools in Norabad Mamasani city of Fars Province. Materials and Methods: In this analytical-descriptive and cross-sectional study, all of 26 primary schools in Norabad Mamasani city were surveyed by using census methodology. For data collection, it was used an approved form of safety and health school status by Ministry of Health and Medical Education. The obtained data was statistically analyzed by means of SPSS software using chi-square statistical test at the significant level with p=0.05. Results: Results showed that 19(73.7%) and7 (26.93%) of the 26 schools were public and private schools, respectively. 15 (57.7%) schools have the building of the new build. The results of the research indicated that there is not a significant difference between the health status of hand washing services, water fountain system, toilet and classrooms in the position of the old building and new building according the Chi-square test (p>0.05). Also, there was no significant difference between the per capita health service (hand washing services, water fountain system and toilet) in public and private schools (p>0.05). Conclusion: The most schools had to favorable and hygiene situation of environmental health situation regarding the Health Instruction Guide for Environment of Schools. But, it should be improved the classroom, water fountain system and closets per capita and the distance of some schools from annoying centers. The authorities of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health should pay more attention and interest in this regard and dedicate proper budgets to solve health problems