1,735 research outputs found

    Hassan Hanafi's Response to Western Hegemony in Muqaddimah Fī ‘Ilmi Al-istighrāb Through Hegemony Theory of Gramsci

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    This is a literature study on Hassan Hanafi's response to the hegemony of Western civilization by using hegemony theory of Gramsci. One of the responses discussed in this research is the discussion of Occidentalism. Hanafi introduced the notion of Occidentalism as a study of the West from the eyes of the East. He acknowledges that the West is a major entrant and also a source of scientific knowledge in our consciousness. Therefore, the West occupies a very important position. Such an important position according to Hanafi received less serious response by Muslim intellectuals. Hanafi's Occidentalism was intended to confront Western civilization's hegemony of the East consciousness. With Occidentalism it is expected that the Eastern position which has been used as the object of the study may change, that is to be an observer or researcher. In addition, Hanafi's Occidentalism wants to end the Western myth as a representation and the holder of world civilization supremacy. Western studies of the East have so far led to a stereotype that the rise and fall of a civilization can be measured by the benchmarks of Western civilization. Such an attitude, eventually foster inferiority to other civilizations. The main source of this study is Hanafi's book entiteled Muqaddimah fī ‘Ilmi al-Istighrāb. The paper found that Hanafi's Occidentalism is not as a counterpart of Orientalism, not as a tool in fighting against Western civilization, nor as anti-Western, but the Occidentalism used as a means to position the West as one of civilizations without narrow fanaticism, without blind thought, while enhancing local wisdom and Eastern tradition amid advances in technology and science

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Integreted Reading and Composition Terhadap Kemampuan Menemukan Gagasan Utama Siswa Kelas IX SMP Swasta Al-ulum Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran CIRC terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam menemukan gagasan utama pada artikel di kelas IX SMP Swasta Al-Ulum Medan. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes essay dalam bentuk penugasan menemukan gagasan utama pada sebuah artikel. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji beda atau uji-t pada taraf α = 0,05. Hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa kemampuan siswa kelas eksperimen dalam menemukan gagasan utama pada artikel setelah diajarkan dengan model pembelajaran CRIC diperoleh nilai rata-rata sebesar 81,50 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 6,37 dan hasil uji normalitas data diperoleh Lhitung ttabel yaitu 3,99 > 1,67 sehingga Ho ditolak atau terima Ha. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan penerapan model pembelajaran CIRC terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam menemukan gagasan utama pada artikel atau dengan kata lain model pembelajaran CIRC lebih efektif digunakan dalam menemukan gagasan artikel dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah

    Peluang Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Perikanan Laut Di Dusun Payangan Desa Sumberejo Kecamatan Ambulu Kabupaten Jember

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    The development of agro-industries through the development of domestic industry based fisheries in the Payangan hamlet Sumberejo District of Ambulu Jember faced with various problems that started from the central issue is the level of knowledge and skills is relatively low, the ownership of venture capital is relatively limited, the production activities as individuals not groups, access difficult commercial lending and access to technology is also difficult. These conditions resulted in labor productivity and production quality is low. The purpose of this study were: 1) Knowing the agro-industry development opportunities based marine fisheries; 2) Analyze the added value of the fish catch if processed further; and 3) to analyze the socio-economic factors that affect the chances of developing agro-industries based marine fisheries. The method used is descriptive quantitative and qualitative survey techniques. Types of populations in this study were fishermen and craftsmen, artisans and fishermen of each sampl e taken as many as 10, 11 and 9 of the techniques of simple random sampling and quota sampling, while the data collection techniques used depth Interview. Analysis of the data used to answer the purpose of the first, second and third use analysis tools respective R / C Ratio, Value-added models Hayami and probability cumulative logit model. The results of this study concluded: 1) Opportunities-based agro-industrial development of marine fish in the study area is wide open (R / C = 4.61); 2) Activity based agro-industry marine fish that includes pemindangan, fogging and making shrimp paste provide added value as much as Rp 43,672.02 per kg per production process; and 3) Simultaneously five independent variables significantly affect the chances of developing agroindustry and the partial factor significant business experience, whereas other estimators factors had no significant effect

    Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Pengembangan Karier Terhadap Komitmen Kerja (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan Patra Jasa Convention Hotel Semarang)

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    Low employee commitment causes negative effect to a company. With a low commitment, the employee is not dedicated, has the potential to make mistakes, disappoint customers and intending to leave the company. Work commitment of the employee in Patra Jasa Convention Hotel Semarang has fluctuated, it can be seen from the data of performance appraisal employee.This purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variable compensation and career development on the employees work commitment on Patra Jasa Convention Hotel Semarang. This type of research is explanatory research. The sample used 60 respondents who are permanent employees and contract employees. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. Methods of data analysis using correlation, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and f with IBM SPSS program 20. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the compensation and career development positively affects the work commitment through testing simple linear regression produce regression value of 0.969 and 0.776. The advice given to the company are to evaluate the compensation system and to provide greater career opportunities to employees, especially in providing promotions and job rotation

    Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser Dan Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Sabun Mandi Lux Pada Mahasiswa S-1 FISIP UNDIP Semarang

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    The development of information technology can lead consumers to quickly find out information about the existence of a product. Companies are required to provide information about their products correctly so it gets a positive response from consumers. Marketing strategies do companies is to provide information to consumers through advertising. By using celebrity endorsers in advertising is expected to attract the attention of consumers and increase and can form brand image. The main problem in this research is about target that is never reached in 2011-2013 that is not optimal. This research aims to identify that the influence of celebrity endorser and the brand image of the decision the purchase of bath soap Lux.This study aims to determine the influence of service quality. Whith survey approach, which requires sample of population and questioner as a means of data collection. This research is conducted to 100 responders which buy “Lux” soap. Technique of sample is purposive sampling. The analysis method used is a correlation coefficient, the coefficients determined, linear regression simple, linear regression double, T test and F test with program SPSS version 20.Based on the result analysis, celebrity endorser and brand image are able to explain the variables of buying decision. Kontribution celebrity endorser of the buying decision as 36,4% and kontribution brand image of the buying decision as 18,5%. Celebrity endorser have value dominant as 0,528.The conclusion of this research indicated that celebrity endorserand brand image partially and simultaneously has an influence on the making decision “Lux” soap. Based on the result, PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk has to choose credible celebrity, maintan and improve the brand image of the company. Advice for PT. Unilever Indonesia, Tbk is retaining a celebrity who has the credibility of good and doing innovation to improve the brand image of a bath soap Lux

    Pemberdayaan UMKM Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Kabupaten Kendal Menuju Pasar Global

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    Free trade can not be dammed again, so the impact on local businesses in particular products SME have to be able to compete with foreign products because it is supported by information and communication technology (ICT), which consists of the online market. KKN-PPM FTI UKSW was carried out to community groups businesses incorporated in the SME Kabupaten Kendal, Central Java, was carried out with methods of mentoring and development applications online market. The purpose of this program is to provide ICT field for the empowerment of the perpetrators of the SME. KKN-PPM program results are the SME capable of using ICT in particular basic creative multimedia designer label to product packaging, design content market online, and can make your business, as well as brend is able to manage the online market site independently, so the product SME Kabupaten Kendal as a potential area capable of leading to the global market

    Efficiency Analysis of Inorganic Rice Production in Rakit Kulim Subdistrict Indragiri Hulu Regency

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    Rice is an important commodity because  it is a staple food source for almost all Indonesian people. One way to increase rice production is by using available resources more efficiently. The use of production factors such as land, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and labor will affect the total production of rice produced. This study aims to determine the technicality of inorganic rice cultivation, calculate production costs and analyze the efficiency of inorganic rice farming production in the District of Rakit Kulim. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, farming cost analysis and DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) analysis. The number of samples is 40 inorganic rice farmers. The results showed that the inorganic rice cultivation technique in the District of Rakit Kulim was not in accordance with the recommendations. Incompatibility is caused by the unavailability of technical books for inorganic rice cultivation from the localita specific crop study center. The total cost of producing inorganic rice farming in the District of Rakit Kulim is Rp. 23,622,481, - / Ha. While the average income is Rp. 24,230,168, - / Ha with a net income of 607,687, - / Ha with an RCR value of 1.07. The results of the analysis of production efficiency using DEA show that the proportion of technically efficient farmers is 50% with an average value of 0.946. The proportion of efficient farmers is allocatively relatively small at 32.5% with an average value of 0.975. Economic efficiency is relatively small at 32.5% with an average value of 0.927