2,333 research outputs found

    Studying Reactivity Relationships of Copolymers N-naphthylacrylamide with (Acrylicacid and Methylacrylate)

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                The organation ⁄monomer N-naphthylacrylamide (NAA) was prepared; subsequently the synthesized monomer was successfully copolymerized with acrylicacid (AA) and methylacrylate (MA) by free radical technique using dry benzene as solvent and benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as initiator. The overall conversion was kept low (≤ 10% wt/wt) for all studies copolymers samples. The synthesized monomer and copolymers were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and their thermal properties were studied by DSC and TGA. The copolymers compositions were determined by elemental analysis. Kelen-Tudes and Finmman-Ross graphical procedures were employed to determine the monomers reactivity ratios. The derived reactivity ratios (r1, r2) are: (0.048, 0.687) for (NAA-co-AA) and (0.066, 0.346) for (NAA-co-MA). Based on the average reactivity ratios, sequence distribution of monomers in the copolymers and the microstructure of copolymers were calculated by statistical method and found that these values are in agreement with the derived reactivity ratios

    An investigation of RNR regulation in fission yeast by confocal laser scanning FRET and near-TIRF microscopy

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    For genome integrity, adequate levels of deoxyribonucleotide (dNTPs) are essential to maintain faithful DNA replication and repair via the regulation of ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). In the fission yeast, RNR is composed of two subunits: Cdc22 and Suc22. The importance of Spd1 (RNR inhibitor) in Cdc22-Suc22 complex formation has been demonstrated by imaging of S. pombe containing fluorescent protein (FP) modified RNR subunit proteins in the presence of Spd1 and absence of Spd1 cells using confocal laser scanning microscopy. To investigate further the significant role of Spd1 in the regulation of RNR, 41 mutants created by Nestoras group. We used fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) by acceptor photobleaching to investigate the RNR subunit interaction and provide evidence for a new model for the role of Spd1 in RNR regulation. Different treatments such as HU, 4NQO and heat shock have been used to investigate the effect of radical scavenging on the inhibition of RNR activity and induced DNA damage on S. pombe cell viability to elucidate further the role of Spd1 in the regulation of RNR. Finally a novel imaging technique, near-total internal reflection microscopy has been developed and applied with dual-view detection. The technique has been applied to image, simultaneously, the donor CFP and acceptor YFP channels of the FP-tagged RNR complex in the wild-type S. pombe cells and perform FRET measurements that are consistent with the confocal fluorescence results. In conclusion, a new hypothesis for the role of Spd1 has been drawn from the results, which is that the inhibitory role of Spd1 mediates the Suc22-Cdc22 (R1-R2) interaction to form a FRET competent but immature and inactive RNR complex, while with Spd1 deleted RNR is clearly active in a conformation that lacks FRET

    Preparation of Nano-thin films of ZnO by Sol – Gel method and applications of solar cells Hetrojunction

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    In this research was to prepare ZnO by sol – gel method and then deposited on the( ITO - glass, Silicon wafer and glass) substrates by spin- coating  2000 rpm and then thermally treated in a furnace heat. Then the samples were examined by X-Ray, as well as UV and then was PMMA deposition at different spin sped by using spin- coating (1000, 2000 and 3000) rpm for Nano-thin film (67, 91, 182) nm respectively. Then the samples were examined to feature current and voltages darkness and light extraction efficiency of the solar cell where they were getting the best efficiency is when the thickness of the oxide42 nm and 91 nm where the polymer was 2.1%. Keywords: Zinc oxide (ZnO), sol-gel, PMMA polymer, Nano-thin fil

    The Adequacy of the Rehabilitation External Auditor’s Using Analytical Procedures in Identifying and Evaluating Banking Risks: a Field Study on a Sample of Auditing Companies and Offices in Iraq

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    Purpose: The purpose of the research is to provide information about the Adequacy of the scientific and practical qualifications as well as the significance of the fact that the external auditor (auditor of accounts) should have such qualifications to enable him to carry out the audit process effectively and efficiently. This enables him to use the analytical techniques and their varied ways to recognize and assess the significant banking risks that must be focused on, as well as to pinpoint the areas that require more research and audit tests.   Theoretical framework: The research is based on a main hypothesis that meeting the qualification requirements (scientifically and practically) for the external auditor would enable him to employ analytical procedures during the various stages of the audit process to identify and evaluate the banking risks).   Methodology: The research is based on the descriptive method to cover the theoretical and analytical part in the practical side by creating a questionnaire that was given to a sample of auditors and those working with them in businesses and audit offices in Iraq of the first class using (70) questionnaires. The statistical program (SPSS v.18) (AMOS V.24) was relied upon to analyze the data and test the hypotheses.   Results: The research arrived at the conclusion that the availability of the external auditor's scientific and practical qualifications contributes to employing analytical procedures and using them in the audit process, enabling him to assess banking risks, increase the chance of finding and reporting violations, and prevent deficiencies in the performance of audit duties.   The impact of the study on community: Emphasizing that bodies and organizations should prepare programs and training courses to increase the auditor’s scientific and practical qualification, especially in areas that contribute to acquiring the knowledge and skill necessary to apply analytical procedures and areas that work to improve and enhance their capabilities in the field of auditing.   Scientific value: One of the motives of the study is to draw the attention of the external auditor to the importance of being sufficiently qualified from a scientific and practical point of view in the field of applying analytical procedures and their various methods and their impact on increasing the results obtained and access to key facts in the banking sector

    Tragedian tragedia : Kriittinen realistinen kritiikki Mearsheimerin hyökkäävälle realismille

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    The U.S.-China relation is said to be the “most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century.” Therefore, many theoretical frameworks have been developed and devoted to the framing, exploration, and prediction of the evolution of U.S.-Chinese relations. Among these, offensive realism remains as one of the most eminent theoretical frameworks that have attempted to offer some predictions regarding the future of the bilateral relation between the United States and China. Offensive realism, a broadly debated controversial theory of international relations that has recently gained even further controversy due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, argues for a tragic outcome of the interaction between these two great powers. These predictions, moreover, are built upon a certain implicit ontology that affects the way in which the world is conceived and interpreted. The purpose of this thesis, thus, is to explicate this ontology, arguing for its inadequacy and problematic implications. This thesis, in other words, seeks to demonstrate how implicit, uncritically adopted ontologies can affect: the way in which the world is comprehended, the purpose of our scientific explanations, and the impact of this on the potential sustainment of certain social structures, relations, and practices. In order to fulfill this purpose, critical realism is used to conduct the critical evaluation of the implicit ontology embedded within Mearsheimer’s offensive realism. Critical realism is a philosophy of science perspective that offers important insights into the nature of the social world. Thus, the main questions that guide this thesis (What kind of ontology does Mearsheimer implicitly use in his theory of offensive realism? What impacts does the ontological position that Mearsheimer adopts have on the manner in which the world is understood and the way in which it concretely evolves?) are answered with the help of a critical realist framework

    Acrylic Composite Biomaterials for Dental Applications: A Review of Recent Progress

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    Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is regarded as one of the most widely used and prominent biomaterials for biomedical applications, particularly in dental technology. The unique properties of PMMA regarding its aesthetics, price-affordable availability, easy manipulation, low density, and tailorable mechanical behaviours, make it an eminently suitable biomaterial for such applications. Despite its beneficial properties, PMMA has also some shortcomings in terms of susceptibility to hydrolytic degradation and having insufficient mechanical properties that could prevent this material to be able to handle the various applied forces during its use, which in turn make it vulnerable to fracture. Furthermore, PMMA could serve as a substrate to growth of harmful bacteria and fungi such as Candida glabrata that can cause agents of oral cavity infection and could seriously affect the stamina and person’s health in general. A wide range of approaches have been developed in order to enhance not only the mechanical and thermal behaviours but also water sorption, solubility and the biological activities of PMMA. Incorporating of reinforcement additives into PMMA matrix can improve these properties of PMMA. Several methods and materials have been utilised to reinforce acrylic resin denture base. One of these methods is the reinforcement by using particles whether from natural or synthetic sources including metals and ceramics. Apart from their sources, the particles surface characteristics, quantity and level of dispersion play an essential role in overall behaviour of the composites. Other types of reinforcements are natural and human-made fibers. Each of such has merits and disadvantages; while the synthetic fibers can provide better mechanical properties, natural fibers promote creating better composites in terms of biocompatibility and affordability. Nanotubes are the other spectacular kind of materials being utilised in some studies as a reinforcing phase for PMMA composites. This review will highlight the recent studies that have been conducted for the last decade regarding the development of PMMA-based composite biomaterials for dental applications

    A Cutaneous Case of Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Sarcoidosis

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    Introduction: Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous T-cell-mediated disease with an incidence of 10.0 cases per 100,000 citizens per year in the U.S. Cutaneous involvement is seen in at least 33% of cases. The earliest case of tattoo-induced sarcoidosis was described in 1939. Now, predilection for tattoos is seen in primary Sarcoidosis and drug-induced sarcoidosis (DIS). DIS can occur in response to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), highly active antiretroviral therapy, Interferon therapy, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha antagonists and BRAF inhibitors. Nivolumab and Pembrolizumab are ICIs that inhibit programmed death protein 1 (PD-1), thus enhancing anti-tumor immunity, but also leaving patients susceptible to immune-related adverse events (irAEs) such as the development of autoimmune conditions. Case Presentation: A 78-year-old African American, non-smoking female with history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and osteopenia presented with 2-month history of dry cough and 8 pound weight loss. She was not on ACE inhibitor for hypertension. CT chest showed a 4.0 x 3.1 cm right upper lobe mass with irregular borders and numerous enlarged intrathoracic lymph nodes. After tissue biopsy, she was diagnosed with stage IIIB lung adenocarcinoma. She harbored an exon 21 L858R EGFR mutation and was PD-1 negative. She had disease progression on separate Tarceva, Osimertinib and 6-cycle platinum-based regimens, so 4th-line Nivolumab was started. After 2 infusions of Nivolumab, 2 weeks apart, she developed a blue-green, non-erythematous induration at the site of her black-pigmented tattoo located on left lateral neck, inferior and posterior to left ear. She denied associated pain, scaling, bug bites, injections and trauma at the site. She received 3rd cycle of Nivolumab and the induration worsened. Dermatology obtained a biopsy of the tattoo lesion which showed non-caseating granulomas in the dermis, consistent with Sarcoid-type granulomatous dermatitis. She was not treated with steroids because her Indurated lesion resolved after discontinuation of Nivolumab. Discussion: Diagnosing DIS remains difficult in oncology patients, as secondary causes must be ruled out. Solid organ and lymphoproliferative malignancies themselves can cause sarcoidosis but these cases involve B lymphocytes & histiocytes and are usually confined to the involved site, draining lymph nodes or metastatic sites5. Of the ICIs, DIS is least likely to be caused by PD-1 inhibitors and it is more common in melanoma malignancy4. This patient\u27s onset after 2 weeks, is the earliest noted onset of Nivolumab-induced DIS ever reported. Previously, the earliest case reported was after 3 weeks. This is also the first tattoo-induced sarcoidosis in a patient with lung malignancy. Clinically, it is important to discern between DIS and progression of disease. In our patient, the onset of sarcoidosis after treatment, and resolution after discontinuing Nivolumab strongly suggests DIS. Hilar adenopathy in patients with suspected DIS should prompt bronchoscopy with biopsy and AFB smear to differentiate progression, sarcoidosis or other granuloma-causing conditions. Biopsy results can dictate changes in regimen versus continuation with current therapy.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019caserpt/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Stable Semisimple Modules, Stable t- Semisimple Modules and Strongly Stable t-Semisimple Modules

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            في هذا البحث , قُدمتْ ثلاث مفاهيم والتي أُطلقَ عليها : المقاسات شبه البسيطة المستقرة , المقاسات شبه البسيطة المستقرة من النمط - t - والمقاسات شبه البسيطة المستقرة من النمط - t – القوية. العديد من النتائج حول هذه  الالمفاهيم قد قُدمت كذلك العديد من العلاقات بين هذه المفاهيم قد أُعطيت. بالإضافة الى هذا عدة علاقات بين هذه الاصناف من هذه الموديلات واصناف واخرى من المقاسات قد قُدمت.        Throughout this paper, three concepts are introduced namely stable semisimple modules, stable t-semisimple modules and strongly stable t-semisimple. Many features co-related with these concepts are presented. Also many connections between these concepts are given. Moreover several relationships between these classes of modules and other co-related classes and other related concepts are introduced

    An Atypical Case of Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT)

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    Introduction: Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid tumors are rare pediatric tumors that usually occur at age \u3c3 years. These tumors are scarcely seen in adults, with the first adult case appearing in 1992. Since then, about 64 cases have been reported in the literature. As such, much what has been learned about adultATRT cases has come from case reports and extrapolation frompediatric cases. The loss of INI1 (SMARCB1) or BRG1 (SMARCA4) genes are implicated in pathogenesis of ATRT3. Specifically, the INI1/SMARCB1 gene is classified as a tumor-suppressor gene that encodes a core subunit protein of the ATP-dependent SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex. Case Presentation: A 62-year-old Caucasian right-handed female with history of hypertension and sinusitis presented with 2-month history of bilateral, frontal headaches reaching 5/10 in severity with associated nausea, emesis, polydipsia and polyuria. Polyuria occurred every hour while polydipsia included drinking (15-20) 16 oz. bottles per day.She presented to a local hospital and was found to have hypernatremia (Sodium 154 mEq/mL). Non-contrast brain computerized tomorgraphy (CT) revealed a 1.2cm x 1.1cm x 1.7 cm sellar mass with suprasellar extension. Urine studies diagnosed central diabetes insipidus, responsive toD-amino D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP). However, she developed seizures and Abducen’s nerve palsy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain demonstrated intraventricular and subarachnoid hemorrhage along with optic nerve edema. Prior to surgery,she was found on the floor of her room in pool of urine with incoherent speech and a sluggish pupillary reflex on right side. STAT non-contrast head CT revealed 2.7 x 1.8 x 2.5 cm extension of hemorrhage into interpeduncular cisterns and ventricles with associated 3rd ventricle & lateral ventricle. There was no midline shift or impending herniation. She received bi-coronal craniotomy with excision of sellar mass and right frontal external ventricular drain placement. Hydrocephalus and hemorrhage improved on subsequentMRI a few days later. The pathology report came back positive for a malignant epithelioid neoplasm, specifically sellar ATRT, WHO grade V. Tumor was shown to be SMARCB1/INI1 deficient and no metastatic lesions were found. Recommendations were made for craniospinal radiation and chemotherapy afterward. Discussion: ATRTs remain rare and aggressive brain tumors seen in both the pediatric and adult population. The management of ATRT remains a difficult challenge with multimodal approaches to treatment remaining the mainstay. Resection followed by radiation and chemotherapy has been shown to significantly increase 5-year overall survival rate, yet median time to progression remains in the range of 6-10 months. Much more standardization is required in the treatment of disease, since patients continue to get variable approaches to treatment. Additionally, radiation doses and optimal chemotherapy regimens have yet to be determined. A promising step towards these answers have been in-vitro studies of Insulin-growth factor receptor (IGF-1R) inhibition in sensitizingthe tumor to chemotherapy and radiation.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2019caserpt/1050/thumbnail.jp