34 research outputs found

    Assessing the Value of Coordinated Sire Genetics in a Synchronized AI Program

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    Synchronized artificial insemination was used to inseminate cows using different types of sire genetics, including low-accuracy, calving-ease, and high-accuracy. These three calf sire groups were compared to calves born to cows bred using natural service. We found substantial production efficiency grains, carcass merit improvement, and economic value to calves born to cows following a synchronized artificial insemination program with high-accuracy semen included. The economic advantage to the high-accuracy calf sire group was computed to be in the neighborhood of 40to40 to 80/head, relative to the natural service calf sire group.artificial insemination, beef, cow, carcass, feed-out, genetics, pre-conditioning, sire synchronization., Agricultural Finance,

    Generation of ultrafast electron bunch trains via trapping into multiple periods of plasma wakefields

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    We demonstrate a novel approach to the generation of femtosecond electron bunch trains via laser-driven wakefield acceleration. We use two independent high-intensity laser pulses, a drive, and injector, each creating their own plasma wakes. The interaction of the laser pulses and their wakes results in a periodic injection of free electrons in the drive plasma wake via several mechanisms, including ponderomotive drift, wake-wake interference, and pre-acceleration of electrons directly by strong laser fields. Electron trains were generated with up to 4 quasi-monoenergetic bunches, each separated in time by a plasma period. The time profile of the generated trains is deduced from an analysis of beam loading and confirmed using 2D Particle-in-Cell simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Physics of Plasma

    Transverse oscillating bubble enhanced laser‑driven betatron X‑ray radiation generation

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    Ultrafast high-brightness X-ray pulses have proven invaluable for a broad range of research. Such pulses are typically generated via synchrotron emission from relativistic electron bunches using large-scale facilities. Recently, significantly more compact X-ray sources based on laser-wakefield accelerated (LWFA) electron beams have been demonstrated. In particular, laser-driven sources, where the radiation is generated by transverse oscillations of electrons within the plasma accelerator structure (so-called betatron oscillations) can generate highly-brilliant ultrashort X-ray pulses using a comparably simple setup. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a method to markedly enhance the parameters of LWFA-driven betatron X-ray emission in a proof-of-principle experiment. We show a significant increase in the number of generated photons by specifically manipulating the amplitude of the betatron oscillations by using our novel Transverse Oscillating Bubble Enhanced Betatron Radiation scheme. We realize this through an orchestrated evolution of the temporal laser pulse shape and the accelerating plasma structure. This leads to controlled off-axis injection of electrons that perform large-amplitude collective transverse betatron oscillations, resulting in increased radiation emission. Our concept holds the promise for a method to optimize the X-ray parameters for specific applications, such as time-resolved investigations with spatial and temporal atomic resolution or advanced high-resolution imaging modalities, and the generation of X-ray beams with even higher peak and average brightness

    Agricultural mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Yolo County, CA

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    This place‐based case study in an agricultural county in California’s Central Valley focused on the period of 2010–2050, and dealt with biophysical and socioeconomic issues related to both mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to adaptation to an uncertain climate. In the past 100 years, changes in crop acreage has been more related to crop price and availability of irrigation water than to growing degree days during summer, and in fact, summer temperatures have increased less than winter temperatures. Econometric analysis indicated that warmer winters, as projected by Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory‐Bias Corrected Constructed Analog during 2035–2050, could result in less wheat acreage, more alfalfa and tomato acreage, and slight effects on tree and vine crops. The Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model showed that these econometric projections did not reduce irrigation demand under either the B1 or A2 scenarios, but a diverse, water‐efficient cropping pattern combined with improved irrigation technology reduced demand to 12 percent below the historic mean. Collaboration during development of Yolo County’s Climate Action Plan showed that nitrous oxide (mainly from nitrogen fertilizers) was the main source (≅40 percent) of agricultural emissions. Emissions from cropland and rangeland were several orders of magnitude lower than urbanized land per unit area. A survey distributed to 570 farmers and ranchers achieved a 34 percent response rate. Farmers concerned about climate change were more likely to implement water conservation practices, and adopt voluntary GHG mitigation practices. Use of the urban growth model (UPlan) showed that channeling much or all future urban development into existing urban areas will increase ecosystem services by preserving agricultural land and open space, immensely reducing the Yolo County’s GHG emissions, and greatly enhancing agricultural sustainability

    Compact source of narrowband and tunable X-rays for radiography

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    We discuss the development of a compact X-ray source based on inverse-Compton scattering with a laser-driven electron beam. This source produces a beam of high-energy X-rays in a narrow cone angle (5–10 mrad), at a rate of 108 photons-s_1. Tunable operation of the source over a large energy range, with energy spread of ~50%, has also been demonstrated. Photon energies \u3e10 MeV have been obtained. The narrowband nature of the source is advantageous for radiography with low dose, low noise, and minimal shielding

    The Speed of Sound in Methane under Conditions of the Thermal Boundary Layer of Uranus

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    We present the first direct observations of acoustic waves in warm dense matter. We analyze wavenumber- and energy-resolved X-ray spectra taken from warm dense methane created by laser-heating a cryogenic liquid jet. X-ray diffraction and inelastic free electron scattering yield sample conditions of 0.3±\pm0.1 eV and 0.8±\pm0.1 g/cm3^3, corresponding to a pressure of \sim13 GPa and matching the conditions predicted in the thermal boundary layer between the inner and outer envelope of Uranus. Inelastic X-ray scattering was used to observe the collective oscillations of the ions. With a highly improved energy resolution of \sim50 meV, we could clearly distinguish the Brillouin peaks from the quasi-elastic Rayleigh feature. Data at different wavenumbers were used to obtain a sound speed of 5.9±\pm0.5 km/s, which enabled us to validate the use of Birch's law in this new parameter regime.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures with supplementary informatio

    The Power of Schadenfreude: Predicting Behaviors and Perceptions of Trolling Among Reddit Users

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    Trolling is an uncivil behavior that is increasingly prevalent in online social interactions. This study sought to understand trolling by examining the psychological predictors that motivate trolling behaviors, as well as perceptions of trolling among 438 Reddit users. A path analysis indicated the motivation of schadenfreude mediates the relationship between personality traits (i.e., the dark triad) and trolling. Outspokenness neither directly nor indirectly predicted trolling. Results also showed that Reddit users motivated by schadenfreude and users who exhibit trolling behaviors view trolling as not being a dysfunctional or undesirable response to online discourse. In addition, those with schadenfreude considered the practice of trolling to be functional/comprehensible. Those who merely observe trolling on Reddit did not consider trolling to be a functional part of online discourse. Age, time spent on Reddit, and the dark triad did not predict functional or dysfunctional perceptions of trolling, but gender played a role

    Generation of 9 MeV γ-rays by all-laser-driven Compton scattering with second-harmonic laser light

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    Gamma-ray photons with energy \u3e9 MeV were produced when second-harmonic-generated laser light (3 eV) inverse-Compton-scattered from a counterpropagating relativistic (∼450 MeV) laser-wakefield-accelerated electron beam. Two laser pulses from the same laser system were used: one to accelerate electrons and one to scatter. Since the two pulses play very different roles in the γ-ray generation process, and thus have different requirements, a novel laser system was developed. It separately and independently optimized the optical properties of the two pulses. This approach also mitigated the deleterious effects on beam focusing that generally accompany nonlinear optics at high peak-power levels

    Electron Trapping from Interactions between Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasma Waves

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    Interactions of large-amplitude relativistic plasma waves were investigated experimentally by propagating two synchronized ultraintense femtosecond laser pulses in plasma at oblique crossing angles to each other. The electrostatic and electromagnetic fields of the colliding waves acted to preaccelerate and trap electrons via previously predicted, but untested injection mechanisms of ponderomotive drift and wakewake interference. High-quality energetic electron beams were produced, also revealing valuable new information about plasma-wave dynamics