484 research outputs found

    An Anthology of European Neo-Latin Literature

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    Compiled by a team of international experts, this volume showcases the best of the huge abundance of literature written in Latin in Europe from about 1500 to 1800

    A game-theoretic approach for reliability evaluation of public transportation transfers with stochastic features

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    A game-theoretic approach based on the framework of transferable-utility cooperative games is developed to assess the reliability of transfer nodes in public transportation networks in the case of stochastic transfer times. A cooperative game is defined, whose model takes into account the public transportation system, the travel times, the transfers and the associated stochastic transfer times, and the users’ demand. The transfer stops are modeled as the players of such a game, and the Shapley value – a solution concept in cooperative game theory – is used to identify their centrality and relative importance. Theoretical properties of the model are analyzed. A two-level Monte Carlo approximation of the vector of Shapley values associated with the nodes is introduced, which is efficient and able to take into account the stochastic features of the transportation network. The performance of the algorithm is investigated, together with that of its distributed computing variation. The usefulness of the proposed approach for planners and policy makers is shown with a simple example and on a case study from the public transportation network of Auckland, New Zealand

    Pseudospin-Resolved Transport Spectroscopy of the Kondo Effect in a Double Quantum Dot

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    We report measurements of the Kondo effect in a double quantum dot (DQD), where the orbital states act as pseudospin states whose degeneracy contributes to Kondo screening. Standard transport spectroscopy as a function of the bias voltage on both dots shows a zero-bias peak in conductance, analogous to that observed for spin Kondo in single dots. Breaking the orbital degeneracy splits the Kondo resonance in the tunneling density of states above and below the Fermi energy of the leads, with the resonances having different pseudospin character. Using pseudospin-resolved spectroscopy, we demonstrate the pseudospin character by observing a Kondo peak at only one sign of the bias voltage. We show that even when the pseudospin states have very different tunnel rates to the leads, a Kondo temperature can be consistently defined for the DQD system.Comment: Text and supplementary information. Text: 4 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Minimal recipes for global cloudiness

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    Clouds are primary modulators of Earth’s energy balance. It is thus important to understand the links connecting variabilities in cloudiness to variabilities in other state variables of the climate system, and also describe how these links would change in a changing climate. A conceptual model of global cloudiness can help elucidate these points. In this work we derive simple representations of cloudiness, that can be useful in creating a theory of global cloudiness. These representations illustrate how both spatial and temporal variability of cloudiness can be expressed in terms of basic state variables. Specifically, cloud albedo is captured by a nonlinear combination of pressure velocity and a measure of the low-level stability, and cloud longwave effect is captured by surface temperature, pressure velocity, and standard deviation of pressure velocity. We conclude with a short discussion on the usefulness of this work in the context of global warming response studies

    Singlet-triplet transition in a single-electron transistor at zero magnetic field

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    We report sharp peaks in the differential conductance of a single-electron transistor (SET) at low temperature, for gate voltages at which charge fluctuations are suppressed. For odd numbers of electrons we observe the expected Kondo peak at zero bias. For even numbers of electrons we generally observe Kondo-like features corresponding to excited states. For the latter, the excitation energy often decreases with gate voltage until a new zero-bias Kondo peak results. We ascribe this behavior to a singlet-triplet transition in zero magnetic field driven by the change of shape of the potential that confines the electrons in the SET.Comment: 4 p., 4 fig., 5 new ref. Rewrote 1st paragr. on p. 4. Revised author list. More detailed fit results on page 3. A plotting error in the horizontal axis of Fig. 1b and 3 was corrected, and so were the numbers in the text read from those fig. Fig. 4 was modified with a better temperature calibration (changes are a few percent). The inset of this fig. was removed as it is unnecessary here. Added remarks in the conclusion. Typos are correcte