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    Corners are a segment of the game from which goals are not often scored, but they may be a decisive factor in the outcome of the match between the two teams. The aim of this research is to determine the characteristics of performing a corner kick and to examine whether there are differences between different competitions of professional football players. The sample of respondents represents the matches of the International Champions Cup in the 2018 season and the matches of the Spanish league (La Liga) in the 2017/2018 season. A total of 23 matches (13 matches of the International Champions Cup and 10 matches of the Spanish league) were analyzed. To describe the tactics of corner kicks, variables were observed that indicate the way the kicks are performed from the corner. The methodology of observing several teams, monitoring all matches and monitoring both teams in each match with the analysis of given variables was used. Corner kicks that had more than three passes, which means starting a new, organized attack, were excluded from the analysis. A total of 209 of the 253 corners were included. The results show that there is no statistically significant difference in most of the observed parameters, but in the type of defense that the teams apply, play and lateral performance, there are statistically significant differences. Zone defense (.012) is used more by teams that competed in the International Champions Cup and combined (.036) by teams in the Spanish league. There are also differences in the playoffs (.047) in favor of the International Champions Cup. Corners from the same side (.031) were used more in the International Champions Cup than in the Spanish league. These results show that the teams do not differ much in the way they set up in the defensive phase and the attack phase, but that there are certain common criteria. Article visualizations

    Bazične i specifične motoričke sposobnosti košarkaša u kolicima različitog takmičarskog nivoa

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    Introduction: Success in wheelchair basketball as an intermittent sport largely depends on the athletes' physical performance (basic and specific motor skills), therefore adequate knowledge of the coach about the abilities and individual characteristics of each player on the basketball court is necessary. In the available literature on the subject of wheelchair basketball, there is a lack of research aimed at examining the differences in the basic and specific motor skills of players of different competitive levels (divisions), as well as differences in relation to the classification points, that is, the functional trunk stability of wheelchair basketball players. Accordingly, the aim of this research was to determine the differences in the basic and specific motor skills of basketball players in wheelchairs B and C divisions, as well as the differences in relation to the classification of players into high (from 3.0 to 4.5) and low (from 1.0 to 2.5 ) classification classes within the same competition division. Method: The total number of participants included in this research is 52 male wheelchair basketball players, members of the national teams of Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, aged between 16 and 54, who compete in the B and C divisions. The distribution of respondents into four groups was made based on the level of competition in which they compete (B and C divisions), as well as classification points and functional trunk stability within same competition division. Fourteen different wheelchair basketball tests were used to assess the basic and specific motor skills of basketball players (nine tests of basic and five specific motor skills). The data were processed in the statistical package SPSS and were presented with the parameters of descriptive statistics. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to assess the normality of the distribution of results. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine differences between groups of respondents at the univariate level, and multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used at the multivariate level. The p<0.05 level of significance was used for the statistical significance of differences in results between groups. Results: Using multivariate analysis of variants, statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were determined in the tested area of basic motor skills between the total sample of wheelchair basketball players in B and C division, as well as between groups of B and C division players with low classification points. A significant difference in basic motor skills at the multivariate level was not found between players with high classification points B and C divisions, as well as between wheelchair basketball players who belong to different groups based on functional stability of the trunk and compete within the same divisions. At the univariate level, statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found in speed and agility tests in favor of B division players compared to C division players both in the total sample and when the results are considered individually by group based on the functional stability of the trunk, while no significant differences were found in the applied strength tests. Within the B division, there is a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) in speed and strength in favor of basketball players with high classification points compared to players with low points, while significant differences in agility were not determined. There was no significant difference in most of the applied tests of basic motor skills between the groups of wheelchair basketball players within the C division, and significant differences (p<0.05) were found only in the strength tests (throwing a basketball and medicine ball), as well as one of the agility tests. At the multivariate level, statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in specific motor abilities were found between the groups of wheelchair basketball players of the B and C divisions and between the subsamples after division based on functional classification scores. The results of the one-way ANOVA at the univariate level in specific motor abilities indicate significant differences (p<0.05) in favor of players in the B division compared to players with identical classification points in the C division. There are no significant differences between players in the same competition divisions in the performance of most tests of specific motor skills, and statistically significant differences were found only in the two test, 20m sprint with a ball and lay-ups test. Conclusion: Finally, the results of this research indicate that there are evident differences between wheelchair basketball players on different competitive levels in most of the parameters of basic motor skills (primarily speed and agility) and specific motor skills. The differences that exist between basketball players who belong to different classification categories, with different functional stability of the trunk and who compete within the same division, are not as obvious as compared to wheelchair basketball players who compete in higher quality divisions


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    Changes and deformities to the feet are frequent among athletes. The aim of this review paper is to determine the prevalence of foot deformities among athletes with various backgrounds, as well as to determine the influence of the deformities on motor task performance. The compiled studies were published between 2002 and 2018. The following electronic databases were used for the search: PubMed, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, EBSCO. The identified studies had to satisfy the following criteria: that they included athletes and that the subject of analysis were the differences in foot deformities in relation to performing motor tasks. Research papers on this topic were reviewed and analyzed. They are clearly organized in tabular form, with a clear outline of the details of the research. The results of 16 research papers are summed up. The most prevalent deformity among athletes is flat feet (pes planus). The studies indicate the various deformities which are prevalent in particular sports, and determine the changes in the feet of the athletes, in particular for the foot which plays a decisive role in certain sports. Individuals with flat feet scored lower results compared to individuals with normal arches in terms of time and reaction speed when performing motor tasks.Promene i deformiteti stopala učestala su pojava kod sportista. Cilj ovog preglednog rada je utvrđivanje rasprostranjenosti deformiteta stopala kod različitih sportista, kao i utvrđivanje uticaja deformiteta na izvođenje motoričkih zadataka. Prikupljanje radova obuhvatalo je period izdavanja između 2002. i 2018. godine. Za pretraživanje literature korišćene su sledeće elektronske baze: PubMed, MEDLINE, Google Scholar, EBSCO. Pronađena istraživanja moraju da zadovolje zadate kriterijume: da su istraživanja vršena na sportistima i da su analizirane razlike kod deformiteta stopala u rezultatima izvođenja motoričkih zadataka. Pregledani i obrađeni su istraživački radovi koji se tiču ove teme i problema rada. Uredno su razvrstani u tabeli koja i prikazuje detalje radova. Sumirani su rezultati iz 16 naučno istraživačka rada. Najzastupljeniji deformitet kod sportista je ravno stopalo (pes planus). Istraživanja pokazuju različite deformitete koji su zastupljeni u određenim sportovima, takođe su ustanovnjene promene na stopalu na nozi sportiste koja ima dominirajuću ulogu u određeneim sportovima. Ravno stopalo ima najslabije vrednosti rezultata u odnosu na normalan tip stopala za vreme i brzinu reakcije pri izvođenju motoričkih zadataka


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    elf-efficacy is an assessment of an individual's own ability to organize and perform certain actions necessary to achieve the desired outcomes, and its development is very important. The research aimed to determine whether participation in sports and success in playing sports are associated with more pronounced self-efficacy in people with disabilities, and included two studies. The aim of the first study was to examine the differences in self-efficacy between those who play sports (goalball) and those who do not play sports on a sample of people with visual impairment, as well as whether this difference exists between goalball players of different levels of performance. The aim of the second study was to examine the existence of differences in self-efficacy between wheelchair basketball players and non-wheelchair basketball players. The Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale consisting of ten statements was used as the measuring instrument and the respondents stated how much each item refers to them on a five-point Likert-type scale (from 0 to 4). In data processing the statistical method of the t-test, univariate analysis of variance (One way ANOVA), as well as the Post-Hoc test, were used. The results show that people with disabilities who play sports have more pronounced self-efficacy compared to those who do not play sports, as well as compared to athletes without disabilities. Statistical differences in self-efficacy between athletes with disabilities of different levels of performance have not been identified.Samoefikasnost, čiji je razvoj izuzetno značajan, predstavlja procenu sopstvenih sposobnosti organizovanja i preduzimanja određenih radnji koje su neophodne za postizanje željenih ishoda. Da bi se utvrdilo da li su bavljenje sportom i uspeh u sportu povezani sa izraženijom samoefikasnošću kod osoba sa invaliditetom, sprovedene su dve studije. Cilj prve studije, koja je izvedena na uzorku osoba sa oštećenjem vida, bio je da ispita razlike u izraženosti samoefikasnosti između onih koji se bave sportom (golbalom) i onih koji se ne bave sportom, kao i da utvrdi da li postoji razlika između golbalista različitih nivoa uspešnosti. Cilj druge studije bio je da ispita postojanje razlika u samoefikasnosti između košarkaša u kolicima i košarkaša bez invaliditeta. Kao merni instrument korišćena je Generalizovana Skala Samoefikasnosti koja sačinjena od deset tvrdnji. Ispitanici su putem petostepene skale Likertovog tipa (od 0 do 4), odgovarali na svaku od stavki. U obradi podataka korišćena su statističke metode t-test, univarijantna analiza varijanse (One way ANOVA), kao i Post-Hoc test. Rezultati pokazuju da osobe sa invaliditetom koje se bave sportom imaju izraženiju samoefikasnost u odnosu ne samo na osobe sa invaliditetom koje se ne bave sportom, već i u odnosu na sportiste bez invaliditeta. Statističke razlike u samoefikasnosti među sportistima sa invaliditetom različitih nivoa uspešnosti nisu identifikovane


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    Due to its appeal, sport has always been in the service of various social fields, both in a negative and a positive sense. A sedentary lifestyle has become noticeably dominant among students. The most frequent external barrier for taking part in physical activities among the student population is a lack of time due to their schedules or due to familial or other obligations. The aim of the research was to use a critical analysis of existing studies and a generalization of the results of all the analysed papers which studied the effectiveness of sport to show the effects of sport and physical activity (PA) on the improvement of the mental hygiene among the student population. The literature was compiled by searching the following databases:  Medline, Google Scholar, Web of Science and PubMed. The database search resulted in 198 papers of which 15 were included in the systematic review. The participants included in the systematic review were adults who attended class and were university students. An awareness of health and the positive effects of PA can be a decisive factor for motivating people to become physically more active. PA can help in the prevention and continuation of psychological wellbeing.Sport je zbog svoje atraktivnosti uvek bio u službi raznih društvenih područja kako u pozitivnom tako i u negativnom smislu. Zapaža se da je sedentarni način života postao dominantan među studentima. Najčešća spoljašnja barijera za bavljenje fizičkim aktivnostima kod studenata je nedostatak vremena zbog rasporeda predavanja i nedostatak vremena zbog porodičnih i društvenih obaveza. Cilj istraživanja je da se kritičkom analizom dosadašnjih istraživanja i generalizacijom rezultata svih analiziranih istraživanja koja su proučavala efikasnost sporta, prikažu efekti sporta i fizičke aktivnosti na unapređenje mentalne higijene studentske populacije. Literatura je sakupljena pretraživanjem sledećih naučnih baza podataka: Medline, Google Scholar, Web of Science i PubMed. Pretraživanjem naučnih baza prikupljeno je 198 radova od kojih je 15 radova uključeno u sistematski pregled. Ispitanici koji su uključeni u pregledno istraživanje bile su punoletne osobe koje su pohađale nastavu i pripadale nekom Univerzitetu. Svest o zdravlju i pozitivnim efektima fizičke aktivnosti mogu biti presudni za motivisanje ljudi i tako postati fizički aktivniji. Redovna fizička aktivnost može pomoći u prevenciji i očuvanju psihičkog zdravlja


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    The aim of this of systematic review paper was to determine whether there is a correlation between the level of nutrition and cardiorespiratory fitness in the student population. The collected papers date from the period between 2000 and 2018. The sample included both male and female students with different levels of nutrition. The analyzed studies determined the differences and changes in BMI in relation to cardiorespiratory fitness. The studies had a criterion that showed differences in nutritional level and cardiorespiratory fitness and changes in BMI and cardiorespiratory fitness. Research has shown that there are significant differences in the level of nutrition of students and their physical fitness. Students with higher BMI had poorer results on cardiorespiratory fitness tests. With the increase in BMI, the VO2max values (maximal oxygen consumption values) are reduced. Higher BMI also adversely affects other physiological parameters. Moreover, there is a high correlation between BMI levels and cardiorespiratory endurance. Students included in the systematization, with their lower body composition values, showed better results on cardiorespiratory endurance tests. Increased body mass can lead to poorer results on physical fitness tests


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    The primary aim of this study was to quantify the relationship between body composition variables and explosive power performance in female adolescent football players. A secondary aim was mesure the influence of body composition on explosive power in female adolescent football players. A cross-sectional study included sixteen female adolescent football players (age: 14.5 ± 0.97 years; height: 170.06 ± 4.39 cm; weight: 61.35 ± 11.25 kg) competing as part of  the Serbia Development League. The body composition parameters were: muscle mass in percentage (MM), body fat mass in kg (BFM), body fat mass in percentage (PBF), while explosive power parameters were: CMJ Jump Height in cm (CMJHeight), CMJ Relative maximal F (CMJF), CMJ Relative maximal P (CMJP), SJ Jump Height in cm (SJHeight), SJ Relative maximal F (SJF), SJ Relative maximal P (SJP). Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between all tests and a simple linear regression analysis was applied to determine the influence between body composition and explosive power performance. Significant regressions were found between MM and CMJHeight (r = 0.50, p ≤ 0.05, R2 = 0.25) and MM and SJHeight (r = 0.69, p ≤ 0.003, R2 = 0.47). Also, regression analyses were found between PBF and CMJHeight (r = 0.58, p ≤ 0.02, R2 = 0.33) and PBF and SJHeight (r = 0.72, p ≤ 0.002, R2 = 0.51). Lower values of body fat mass and body fat mass in percentage and higher values of muscle mass lead to better results in explosive power performance.Cilj ove studije bio je da se kvantifikuje odnos između varijabli telesne kompozicije i eksplozivne snage kod fudbalerki u period adolescencije. Sekundarni cilj je bio uticaj telesne kompozicije na eksplozivnu snagu kod kod fudbalerki u period adolescencije. Transverzalna studija obuhvatila je šesnaest fudbalerki (godine: 14,5 ± 0,97; visina: 170,06 ± 4,39; težina: 61,35 ± 11,25) koje su se takmičile u okviru Razvojne lige Srbije. Parametri telesne kompozicije su bili: mišićna masa u procentima (MM), masa telesne masti u kg (BFM), masa telesne masti u procentima (PBF), dok su parametar eksplozivne snage bili: CMJ Visina skoka u cm (CMJHeight), CMJ Relativni maksimalni sila (CMJF), CMJ Relativni maksimalni snaga (CMJP), SJ Visina skoka u cm (SJHeight), SJ Relativna maksimalna sila (SJF), SJ Relativna maksimalna snaga (SJP). Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije je korišćen za određivanje korelacije između svih testova, a analiza linearne regresije su primenjene da bi se utvrdio uticaj između sastava tela i performansi eksplozivne snage. Pronađene su značajne regresije između MM i CMJHeight (r = 0,50, p ≤ 0,05, R2 = 0,25) i MM i SJHeight (r = 0,69, p ≤ 0,003, R2 = 0,47). Takođe, pronađene su regresione analize između PBF i CMJHeight (r = 0,58, p ≤ 0,02, R2 = 0,33) i PBF i SJHeight (r = 0,72, p ≤ 0,002, R2 = 0,51). Manje vrednosti mase telesne masti i mase telesne masti u procentima i veće vrednosti mišićne mase utiču na bolje rezultate u performansama eksplozivne snage


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    This paper aims to determine the impact of plyometric training programs of short duration (6 weeks) and high frequency (3 times a week) on the motor skills and body composition of female football players. The total number of participants was 24 female football players, four of whom were excluded due to absence from the final testing (mean value of height 167.53 ± 6.09; and mean value of weight 58.32 ± 8.87). The sample of variables used in the study, to which all the participants were subjected, represents the assessment of body composition, explosive power of the lower extremities, speed, agility, and endurance assessment. The results of the research showed that the six-week program of specific plyometric training for Serbian Super League football players in the basic preparatory period of the season did not affect statistically significant changes in the monitored body composition parameters. Also, the statistically significant changes did not occur in the parameters of explosive power and speed, which was expected according to the age category and level of competition of the participants, which was confirmed by previous research. The changes that occurred with high statistical significance are changes in agility tests with and without a ball as well as in the parameters of cardiorespiratory endurance.Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi efekte kratkotrajnog (6 nedelja) i visoko frekventnog (3 puta nedeljno) pliometrijskog treninga na motoričke sposobnosti i telesnu kompoziciju fudbalerki. Ukupan broj ispitanica u ovoj studiji bio je 24, od kojih su četiri isključene zbog izostanka sa finalnog testiranja (srednja vrednost visine 167.53 ± 6.09; srednja vrednost težine 58.32 ± 8.87). Uzorak varijabli korišćenih u istraživanju, kom si pristupile sve ispitanice, predstavlja procenu telesne građe, eksplozivne snage donjih ekstremiteta, brzine, agilnosti i izdržljivosti. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da šestonedeljni program specifičnog pliometrijskog treninga za fudbalerke Superlige Srbije u pripremnom periodu sezone nije uticao na statistički značajne promene praćenih parametara telesne kompozicije. Takođe, nisu se desile statistički značajne promene u parametrima eksplozivne snage i brzine, što je bilo očekivano prema starosnoj kategoriji i stepenu takmičenja ispitanica, što je potvrđeno prethodnim istraživanjem. Promene koje su se desile sa visokim statističkim značajem su promene u testovima agilnosti sa i bez lopte, kao i u parametrima kardiorespiratorne izdržljivosti


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    The aim of this review research was to determine the effects of the physical activity (PA) on obesity among the elderly. To compile existing studies on the effects of PA on obese elderly individuals, PubMed, SCIndeks, PEDro, J-GATE, DOAJ and Google Scholar electronic databases were searched. By analyzing and applying the set criteria, the final analysis included 20 studies, and the positive influence of the PA on the obesity of the elderly was confirmed. The greatest effect on the decrease in body mass was achieved by the simultaneous application of a combination of exercise programs and dietary regimen for a period of 6 months. It was concluded that combined programs of aerobics, weight training, flexibility and balance exercises for a period of at least 12 weeks lead to a mild decrease in body mass and the amount of fat mass, while maintaining and increasing lean body mass mostly in the form of muscle tissue. PA is an effective mean in reducing obesity, and thus its use among the elderly is recommended.Cilj ovog preglednog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde efekti fizičke aktivnosti (PA) na gojaznost starih osoba. Za pregled postojećih istraživanja o efektima PA na gojazne stare osobe, pretraživane su elektronske baze PubMed, SCIndeks, PEDro, J-GATE, DOAJ i Google Scholar. Analizom i primenom zadatih kriterijuma, konačna analiza obuhvatila je 20 studija i potvrđen je pozitivan uticaj PA na gojaznost starih osoba. Najveći efekat na smanjenje telesne mase postignut je istovremenom primenom kombinacije programa vežbanja i režima ishrane u trajanju od 6 meseci. Zaključeno je da kombinovani programi aerobika, treninga sa opterećenjem, vežbi fleksibilnosti i ravnoteže tokom perioda od najmanje 12 nedelja dovode do blagog smanjenja telesne mase i količine masne mase, istovremeno održavajući i povećavajući bezmasnu telesnu masu, uglavnom u formi mišićnog tkiva. PA je efikasno sredstvo za smanjenje gojaznosti, pa se stoga preporučuje njena upotreba među starim osobama


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    The student population is one of the most sensitive populations today, whereby it is necessary to consider the relationship between health and physical activity in order to improve students’ quality of life. In addition to physical inactivity, health status is adversely affected by constant technological innovations and excessive socializing, consumption of alcohol, tobacco and narcotics. The aim of this study was to determine the differences between the communication approach and attitudes of first- and fourth-year students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education on the impact of sports on health and improvement of mental hygiene. Using a 60-item questionnaire, the study included 70 healthy respondents of both genders (Mean ± SD: 20.86±1.76 years). The respondents were divided into two subsamples, i.e. a group of first-year students (IG; n=34; F=15, M=19) and a group of fourth-year students (IVG; n=36; F=18, M=18). All obtained data are presented by descriptive parameters. The reliability of the survey in terms of internal compliance was tested by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. The manifest space of attitudes was processed by the scaling technique. The Mann-Whitney U Test was used to determine differences in attitudes between first- and fourth-year students. For statistical significance of the differences in results between groups, the p<0.05 level of significance was used. The data were processed in the SPSS statistical package. The results of the study unequivocally confirmed the existence of a positive attitude among the student population about the impact of sports on health and improvement of mental hygiene, as well as that there are no statistically significant differences in most of the variables included in the testing (eight out of ten domains), i.e. that there is no great difference in the attitudes of first- and fourth-year students on the importance of sports for their psychophysical health.Kao jedna od najosetljivijih populacija današnjice, kod koje je neohodno sagledavanje odnosa zdravlja i fizičke aktivnosti u cilju unapređenja kvaliteta života, označava se populacija studenata. Pored fizičke neaktivnosti, na zdravstveni status nepovoljno utiču i stalne tehnološke inovacije i prekomerni boravak na društvenim, konzumiranje alkohola, duvana i narkotika. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje razlika u komunikacijskom pristupu i stavovima studenata I i IV godine studija Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja o uticaju sporta na zdravlje i unapređenje mentalne higijene. Korišćenjem anketnog lista od 60 pitanja, istraživanje je obuhvatilo 70-oro zdravih ispitanika oba pola (Mean±SD: 20.86±1.76 years). Ispitanici su podeljeni na dva subuzorka, odnosno na grupu studenata prve godine (IG; n=34; Ž=15, M=19) i grupu studenata četvrte godine studija (IVG; n=36; Ž=18, M=18). Svi dobijeni podaci predstavljeni su parametrima deskriptivnivne. Pouzdanost ankete u smislu unutrašnje saglasnosti proveren je Cronbach's Alpha koeficijentom. Manifestni prostor stavova obrađen je tehnikom skaliranja. Za utvrđivanje razlika u stavovima između studenata prve i četvrte godine korišćen je Mann-Whitney U Test. Za statističku značajnost razlika u rezultatima između grupa, korišćen je nivo značajnosti od p<0.05. Podaci su bili obrađeni u statističkom paketu SPSS. Rezultati istraživanja nedvosmisleno su potvrdili postojanje pozitivnog stava kod studentske populacije o uticaju sporta na zdravlje i unapređenje mentalne higijene, kao i da ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u većini testiranjem obuhvaćenih varijabli (osam od deset domena), odnosno da ne postoji velika razlika u stavovima studenata prve i četvrte godine studija o značaju sporta za njihovo psihofizičko zdravlje