8 research outputs found


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    Alepski bor (Pinus halepensis Mill.) se koristio u pošumljavanju krša šibenske regije od sredine 19. stoljeća, te se zbog toga ova vrsta često javlja u ranije zasnovanim parkovima. Upravo zbog poznatih dekorativnih karakteristika, te kulturološke vrijednosti, cilj rada je izvršiti inventarizaciju i predočiti estetsku ocjenu zelenih površina s alepskim borom. U tu svrhu provedena je taksonomska analiza vrsta na zelenim površinama s alepskim borom. Florističko i anketno istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2013. godine na području grada Šibenika. S obzirom na tip habitusa po Erhardtu i sur., 2002. dominiraju grmolike forme i alohtone dendrološke svojte. Temeljem rezultata istraživanja vizualnog dojma „geštalta”, putem anketnog ispitivanja, zaključak je da ispitanici ugodno doživljavaju parkovne prostore s alepskim borom.Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) has been used for the purpose of afforestation of karst throughout the Šibenik region since the mid-19th century, hence this species can frequently be found in previously established parks. Primarily due to its well-known decorative features and the cultural value, the aim of this work is to evaluate landscape, inventory and present the aesthetic evaluation of green areas with Aleppo pine. For this purpose taxonomic analysis of the species in the green areas with Aleppo pine was conducted. Floristic and survey study was conducted during 2013 in the city of Sibenik. Consequently a taxonomic analysis of green spaces covered by Aleppo pine has been conducted. Concerning the habitus type according to Erhardt et al., 2002, shrub-like growth forms and allochthonous dendrological species are predominant. Based on the results of research on the visual gestalt, as well as following a survey conducted, the conclusion has been reached that the respondents\u27 experience of park areas with Aleppo pine is extremely pleasant

    Biological, ecological and landscape characteristics of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) used in green spaces of the city of Knin

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    Bagrem (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) je brzorastuće, listopadno drvo iz Sjeverne Amerike, a u Europu je uvezen početkom 17. stoljeća. Cijenjen je u pčelarstvu, drvnoj industriji, šumarstvu te je vrlo invazivna vrsta. Najrasprostranjeniji je u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Hrvatske. Vrsta posjeduje i dekorativne osobine pa se koristi i u ukrasnoj hortikulturi. Metodom promatranja tijekom travnja i svibnja 2016. godine na području grada Knina zamijećena je slaba zastupljenost ove vrste u vrtovima, okučnicama i zelenim površinama. U pogledu održavanja nužno je posvetiti više njege kako bi stabla dobila na većoj estetskoj vrijednosti, koja je sada na razini prosječnosti. Uviđa se i invazivno ponašanje vrste što se ogleda u zastupljenosti na određenim nepejsažnim površinama (slobodno rastuća vegetacija uz cestu, rubove šume, željezničku prugu itd.). Najgora aktivnost bagremove invazivnosti je potiskivanje autohtonih vrsta. Metodom anketnog ispitivanja ispitanici s područja grada Knina i okolice s vrlo dobrim ocjenama vrednuju atraktivnost, ugodnost i utjecaj bagrema na duševno zdravlje čovjeka. S nešto slabijim ocjenama vrednuju primjenu bagrema u gospodarstvu, krajobraznoj slikovitosti postojećim gradskim drvoredima (3,40-3,58). Više od 80 % ispitanika zna da je bagrem vrlo medonosna vrsta i da se koristi u drvnoj industriji.The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is a fast-growing deciduous tree originating from North America that was imported to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. It is highly valued in beekeeping, wood industry, forestry and is a highly invasive species. It is most widespread in Northeast Croatia. The species has ornamental features and it is also used in ornamental horticulture. During April and May of 2016 in the territory of the city of Knin a low representation of this species was observed on gardens, yards and green areas. Concerning the maintenance, more care is needed to increase the aesthetic value of this tree species, as it currently ranks as mediocre. The invasiveness of the species also needs to be highlighted and it is reflected in its presence in specific non-landscape areas (freely growing vegetation by the road, forest edges, the railways, etc.). The worst activity of black locust invasiveness is suppression of autochthonous species. Using the survey method the respondents from the territory of the city of Knin and its outskirts evaluated the attractiveness, the agreeableness and the impact of black locust on human mental health with very good grades. They evaluated the use of black locust in economy, landscape picturesqueness and the existing city tree avenues and trees with slightly lower grades (3.40-3.58). Over 80 % of those surveyed are aware that black locust is a highly melliferous species and that it is also used in wood industr

    The perception and opinions of citizens regarding the application and maintenance of floral species on terraces and balconies of the city of Knin

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    Oduvijek je poznato kako se uređenju terasa i balkona poklanjala velika pažnja, ali prije svega i znanje o pojedinim vrstama cvijeća, kako ih uzgajati, njegovati i održavati. Njega o cvjetnim lončanicama ovisi o mjestu na kojem se uzgajaju, supstratu te vremenskim uvjetima koji djeluju na njihov rast i razvoj. Biljke koje se uzgajaju na balkonima i terasama najčešće dolaze iz Sredozemlja, tropskih ili suptropskih područja. Grad Knin ima submediteransku klimu, koju karakteriziraju duge zime s velikom količinom kiše te vruća ljeta s malo oborina. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi percepciju nabave, uporabe, primjene i održavanja cvjetnih vrsta na balkonima i terasama grada Knina metodom anketnog istraživanja. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom mjeseca lipnja 2016. godine. Na temelju anketnog istraživanja provedenog na građanima Knina i okolice utvrđeni su njihovi stavovi i mišljenja o nabavi, uporabi i primjeni cvjetnih lončanica na terasama i balkonima. Građani su ocjenom vrlo dobar (4,37) među ostalim ocijenili važnost dekoriranja balkona ili terasa cvjetnim lončanicama kako bi se unaprijedila ukupna estetska slika grada. 47,5 % građana grada Knina navodi kako za ukrašavanje svojih balkona i terasa koristi kombinaciju trajnica, jedno i dvogodišnjih cvjetnih vrsta te lukovičastih vrsta. Boravak na balkonu ili terasi ukrašenim cvjetnim lončanicama kao zamjenu za boravak u prirodi ocijenili su ocjenom 4,12. Najmanje preferiraju uporabu cvjetnih lončanica u visećim žardinjerama (3,42).The arrangement of terraces and balconies has always been a topic of great interest, but first and foremost,much regard was taken regarding the growth, care and maintenance of various species of flowers. The care of potted plants depends on the place where they are grown, the substrate and weather conditions which affect their growth and development. Plants cultivated on balconies and terraces most often are of Mediterranean, tropic or subtropic origin. The city of Knin enjoys a submediterranean climate, characterised by long winters with large amounts of rain and hot summers with very little percipitation. The aim of the paper was to investigate the perception of acquisition, usage, application and maintenance of floral species on the balconies and terraces of the city of Knin using the method of survey research. The research was undertaken during the month of June in 2016. Survey research conducted on the citizens of Knin and its surrounding areas revealed the citizens\u27 views and opinions regarding the acquisiton, usage and application of flowering potted plants on terraces and balconies. The citizens judged as \u27very good\u27 (grade 4,37) the importance of the decoration of balconies or terraces with flower pots in the effort to enhance the aestethic image of the city. 47,5% of the citizens of Knin stated that they use a combination of perennial, annual and biennial floral species as well as bulbuos plant species. Staying at balconies or terraces decorated with flowering pot plants as substitution for nature sojourns was judged by citizens with a grade of 4,12. The least preferred method of decoration was the use of flowering pot plants in hanging flower boxes (graded 3,42)


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    Javor negundovac (Acer negundo L.) je listopadno drvo iz Sjeverne Amerike, a u Hrvatsku je uvezen početkom 20. stoljeća. Cijenjen je u pčelarstvu, šumarstvu, krajobraznom uređenju te je vrlo invazivna vrsta. Najrasprostranjeniji je u kontinentalnom i submediteranskom dijelu Hrvatske. Javor negundovac (Acer negundo L.) slabo je zastupljena dendrološka vrsta na javnim gradskim krajobraznim površinama Knina, kao soliter, u drvoredu ili u skupinama. Metodom promatranja je uočeno da je u pogledu održavanja i njege stabala negundovca (A. negundo) na krajobraznim površinama nužno posvetiti više pažnje. Nisu uočena njegova stabla izvan gradskih krajobraznih površina. Temeljem anketnog istraživanja ispitanici su dodijelili vrlo dobre ocjene ukrasnim karakteristikama i ugodnosti javora negundovca (A. negundo) na krajobraznim površinama Knina. Ponešto su lošije ocijenili njegovu ulogu u pčelarstvu, šumskim melioracijama i urbanom šumarstvu. Veći broj ispitanika ne zna da je javor negundovac (A. negundo) vrlo invazivna vrsta.Ash-leaf maple or boxelder (Acer negundo L.) is a deciduous tree that originates from North America. It was imported into Croatia at the beginning of the 20th century. It is highly valued in bee-keeping, forestry and landscape architecture and is a highly invasive species. Amongst the ornamental characteristics it is important to highlight its tree trunk, tree bark, habitus, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. Due to its high adaptability it tolerates very poor soils and positions exposed to the sunlight, drought, cold and shade. It is most widespread in the continental and sub-Mediterranean parts of Croatia. In time A. negundo became considerably widespread and hence it was considered an invasive alien species in Croatia. According to the references provided in professional literature, the previously mentioned tree species does not currently do any serious damage to the autochthonous vegetation. Ash-leaf maple (Acer negundo L.) is a sparsely distributed woody species in urban landscape of Knin, as a solitary tree, in tree lines or in groups of trees. Moreover, using the observation method, it was noted that concerning maintenance and care of A. negundo in landscape more attention needs to be paid to the formation of the tree top. The tree have not been found outside the urban landscape. The survey was conducted in the second half of 2017 on a sample comprising 50 respondents originating from the city of Knin and its outskirts. Based on the findings of the survey the respondents gave very good grades to ornamental characteristics and the comfort of the presence of A. negundo in the landscape surfaces of Knin. The role of the tree species received slightly lower grades in bee-keeping, forest meliorations and urban forestry. A considerable number of those surveyed was unaware of the fact that A. negundo is a highly invasive tree species

    Survey of stancesregarding the application of aromatic species in the gardens of Drniš and surrounding areas

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    U vrtovima i okućnicama Drniša i okolice prisutne su različite vrste aromatičnog i ljekovitog bilja. Oduvijek je svrha oblikovanja vrtova s istim bila u cilju ljudske ishrane i dekorativnosti. Uglavnom su takvi vrtovi amaterski oblikovani te su osim aromatičnih biljnih vrsta u njima korištene različite ukrasne vrste, voćke i povrće. Aromatično bilje ide u sastav vrtnog oblikovanja: kamenjara, ukrasnih gredica, grupa, pojedinačno, živica itd. Cilj ovog rada bilo je istražiti percepciju primjene i dekorativnosti najzastupljenijih odabranih aromatičnih vrsta Drniša i okolice metodom ankete. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitanici uglavnom s ocjenom vrlo dobar, vrednuju ukrasne karakteristike i mogućnosti primjene odabranog aromatičnog bilja.Different kinds of aromatic and medicinal herbs are present in the gardens and yards of Drniš and its surrounding area. The purpose of forming gardens containing these plants has always been decorative as well as for human consumption. Mostly these kinds of gardens were amateurishly designed and used different kinds of decorative species, fruits and vegetables in addition to the aromatic plant species. Aromatic herbs may be used in the following garden designs: rock gardens, decorative planter beds, as a group, individually, as a hedge, etc. The goal of this paper was to examine the perception regarding the use and decorative qualities of the most abundant aromatic species of Drniš and its surrounding area via the survey method. The resluts show that the decorative characteristics of aromatic herbs and the possiblity of the application of chosen aromatic herbs are valued by the participants mostly with the grade „very good“

    Researching preferences in selecting interior decorating plants on the example of Polytechnic ˝Marko Marulić˝ in Knin

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    Upotreba sobnog bilja potječe još iz davne povijesti čovječanstva. Većina sobnog bilja koja se koristi u ukrašavanju interijera dolazi iz tropskih i suptropskih područja, dok ih manji broj dolazi iz umjerene klime. Prilikom odabira biljke za ukrašavanje interijera, važno je imati na umu da neke biljke nisu uvijek „moderne“ te također da ljudi imaju različita mišljenja vezano uz takav odabir. Cilj ovog rada je odrediti odgovarajuće sobno bilje za interijer jedne institucije visokog obrazovanja te utvrditi cjelokupni vizualni dojam (vizualni „geštalt“) putem ankete vezane uz određene odabrane lončanice u interijeru prostorija Veleučilišta „Marko Marulić“ u Kninu. Istraživanje je provedeno putem ankete tijekom studenog i prosinca 2014. godine na uzorku od 43 ispitanika (studenata i zaposlenika). Ustanovljeno je da su različite palme i lončanice dobile najbolje ocjene i najbolje su prihvaćene za upotrebu u interijeru Veleučilišta.The usage of house plants has its roots in the far history of humanity. Most house plants used in decorating interiors come from tropicaland sub-tropical areas, while a smaller number comes from moderate climates. When choosing plants for interior decoration, it is important to note that some species aren\u27t always „fashionable“, and also that the populace has differing opinions regarding the choice. The goal of this paper is to determine the appropriate house plants for the interior of an institution of highly education and to examine the visual impression of the whole (visual „gestalt“) via a survey regarding specific chosenpotted plants intheinterior rooms of the Polytechnic of Marko Marulić in Knin. Survey research was conducted during November and December 2014 on a sample of 43 respondents (students and employees). Different palm trees and potted plants are best evaluated and accepted for use in the interior of the polytechnic

    With food to health : proceedings of 11th International symposium

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value

    Ožiljavanje reznica indijske lagerstremije (Lagestroemia indica L.) tretiranjem vrbinom vodom, hormonom i vodom

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    Indijska lagestremija (Lagerstroemia indica L.) je ukrasni grm ili drvo visine do 8 m. Cvjetovi joj mogu biti: bijele, crvene, ljubičaste ili ružičaste boje. Prednost ove vrste leži i u njezinoj univerzalnoj primjeni u gradskim krajobrazima. Komercijalno se razmnožava reznicama, zrelim ili zelenim. U novije vrijeme sve se više upotrebljavaju različiti botanički pripravci u cilju ožiljavanja reznica. Tako npr. pripravak od vrbe (Salix. spp.) (vrbina voda) obiluje auksinima, indol-3-maslačnom kiselinom (IBA) i salicilnom kiselinom. Cilj rada je bio utvrđivanje postotka ožiljavanja drvenastih reznica vrste Lagestroemia indica. U svrhu ožiljavanja upotrebljeni su: Rhizopon II i vrbin hormon. Zrele reznice indijske langestremije, 120 komada uzete su s matične biljke početkom ožujka te su obavljena četiri različita tretiranja s biljnim hormonima. Tijekom uzgoja, na reznicama su mjerene sljedeće karakteristike: broj listova, broj izdanaka i ukorjenjivanje. Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se za uspješno ožiljavanje Lagestroemia indica iz netrapljenih reznica preporučuje aplikacija hormona Rhizopona II ili vrbinog hormona u trajanju namakanja od 24 sata