1,059 research outputs found

    Higher cyclic operads

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    We introduce a convenient definition for weak cyclic operads, which is based on unrooted trees and Segal conditions. More specifically, we introduce a category Ξ\Xi of trees, which carries a tight relationship to the Moerdijk-Weiss category of rooted trees Ω\Omega. We prove a nerve theorem exhibiting colored cyclic operads as presheaves on Ξ\Xi which satisfy a Segal condition. Finally, we produce a Quillen model category whose fibrant objects satisfy a weak Segal condition, and we consider these objects as an up-to-homotopy generalization of the concept of cyclic operad

    Dynamic concentration of motors in microtubule arrays

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    We present experimental and theoretical studies of the dynamics of molecular motors in microtubule arrays and asters. By solving a convection-diffusion equation we find that the density profile of motors in a two-dimensional aster is characterized by continuously varying exponents. Simulations are used to verify the assumptions of the continuum model. We observe the concentration profiles of kinesin moving in quasi two-dimensional artificial asters by fluorescent microscopy and compare with our theoretical results.Comment: 4pages, 4 figures revte

    Airship economics

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    Projected operating and manufacturing costs of a large airship design which are considered practical with today's technology and environment are discussed. Data and information developed during an 18-month study on the question of feasibility, engineering, economics and production problems related to a large metalclad type airship are considered. An overview of other classic airship designs are provided, and why metalclad was selected as the most prudent and most economic design to be considered in the 1970-80 era is explained. Crew operation, ATC and enroute requirements are covered along with the question of handling, maintenance and application of systems to the large airship

    Hormony tarczycy a wzajemne relacje między stężeniem kortyzolu i prolaktyny: wpływ długotrwałego, wyczerpującego wysiłku fizycznego

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    Background: This study examined how prolonged, exhaustive exercise affects: (1) thyroid hormones, and (2) the interrelationship of cortisol and prolactin responses to such exercise on thyroid hormones. Material and methods: Male subjects performed a treadmill run at their individual ventilatory threshold until exhaustion. Blood samples were taken before exercise at rest, baseline (BL), at exhaustion (EXH), 30-60-90-minutes into recovery (30 mR, 60 mR, 90 mR), and 24-hours into recovery from exercise (24 hR). Blood was analyzed for free T3 (fT3), free T4 (fT4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), cortisol and prolactin. Results: ANOVA analysis revealed that at EXH all hormones were increased (p < 0.01) from BL levels. At 30 mR and 60 mR the thyroid hormones had decreased and returned to BL levels; however, cortisol and prolactin remained significantly increased (p < 0.05). At 90 mR all hormones were not different from BL levels. By 24 hR, cortisol, fT3 and TSH were decreased from BL (p < 0.05). Correlations revealed EXH cortisol responses were related to the 24 hR TSH responses (rs = -0.69, p < 0.01). In addition, EXH cortisol and 24 hR fT3 responses were related (rs = -0.51, p < 0.02). Furthermore, the EXH prolactin and TSH responses were related (rs = +0.56, p < 0.01), and the 30 mR prolactin responses were related to the EXH TSH responses (rs = +0.43, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Exhaustive exercise; (1) decreases select thyroid hormones by 24 hours into recovery, (2) cortisol responses are inversely related to these thyroid reductions, and (3) prolactin responses (increases) are directly related to TSH changes.Wstęp: Celem niniejszego badania było określenie wpływu długotrwałego, wyczerpującego wysiłku fizycznego na: (1) stężenia wybranych hormonów tarczycy i (2) współzależności między wydzielaniem kortyzolu i prolaktyny w odpowiedzi na ćwiczenia a stężeniami hormonów tarczycy. Materiał i metody: Zdrowe, wytrenowane osoby (n = 22) ćwiczyły na bieżni pochyłej ze zwykłą dla siebie intensywnością określona na podstawie progu wentylacyjnego do momentu, kiedy poczuły zmęczenie (84,8 &#177; 3,8 min). Próbki krwi pobrano przed rozpoczęciem ćwiczeń, kiedy badane osoby były wypoczęte (BL, baseline), a następnie w momencie, gdy nastąpiło wyczerpanie po wysiłku (EXH, exhanstion), po 30-, 60-, i 90-minutowym odpoczynku i 24 godziny po zakończeniu ćwiczeń (24 hR). Oznaczono stężenia wolnej T3 (fT3), wolnej T4 (fT4), hormonu tyreotropowego (TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone), prolaktyny i kortyzolu. Wyniki: W analizie ANOVA dla powtarzalnych pomiarów wykazano, że stężenia wszystkich hormonów były podwyższone w fazie EXH (p < 0,01) w stosunku do wartości wyjściowych (BL, baseline). Po 30- i 60-minutowym odpoczynku stężenia hormonów tarczycy zmniejszyły się do wartości wyjściowych (p > 0,05); jednak stężenia kortyzolu i prolaktyny nadal były wyższe niż przed wysiłkiem (BL) (p < 0,05). Po upływie 90 minut stężenia żadnego z hormonów nie różniły się istotnie (p > 0,05) od poziomu BL. Po 24 godzinach odpoczynku (24 hR) stężenia kortyzolu, fT3 i TSH były niższe niż wartości BL (p < 0,05). Ocena korelacji wykazała zależność między stężeniem kortyzolu w fazie zmęczenia po wysiłku a stężeniem TSH 24 po wysiłku (rs = -0,69, p < 0,01). Stężenie kortyzolu w fazie EXH i stężenie fT3 po 24 godzinach były związane w sposób statystycznie istotny (rs = -0,51, p < 0,02). Ponadto stwierdzono wzajemną zależność między stężeniem prolaktyny i TSH w fazie EXH (rs = 0,56, p < 0,01), a stężenie prolaktyny po 30 minutach odpoczynku było związane ze stężeniem TSH w fazie EXH (rs = 0,43, p < 0,05). Wnioski: Wyniki uzyskane w niniejszym badaniu sugerują, że po wyczerpujących ćwiczeniach (1) następuje zmniejszenie wydzielania wybranych hormonów tarczycy po 24 godzinach wypoczynku, a zmiany te są zależne od stężenia kortyzolu, (2) zwiększenie stężenia prolaktyny spowodowane wysiłkiem jest proporcjonalne do wzrostu wydzielania TSH

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumer Bankruptcies

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    This manuscript conducts a simple, exploratory analysis to test whether the use of the consumer bankruptcy process fundamentally differed during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to previous years. Data were drawn from the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) database maintained by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court’s Eastern District of Washington for the years 2007, 2011, 2016, and 2020. KruskalWallis tests indicate that filers in 2020 had lower average real monthly incomes than in previous years. However, household incomes were not statistically different from previous years. Filers in 2020 has significantly more debt in collections compared to 2007, but no more or less debt than in 2011 or 2016. Chi-square tests report a significantly greater proportion of filings with debts owed to collections agencies in 2020 compared to previous years. Overall, the findings suggest that the pandemic did significantly alter the use, and intensity of use, of the consumer bankruptcy process

    Quasi-simultaneous observations of the BL Lac object MK 501 in X-ray, UV, visible, IR and radio frequencies

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    Quasi-simultaneous observations of the BL Lacertae (Lac) objects MK 501 were performed for the first time at X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, and radio frequencies. The observed spectral slope from the X-ray to UV regions is positive and continuous, but that from the mid UV to visible light region becomes gradually flat and possibly turns down toward lower frequencies; the optical radio emission can not be accounted for by a single power law. Several theoretical models were considered for the emission mechanism. A quantitative comparison was performed with the synchrotron-self-Compton model; the total spectrum is found consistent with this model. The spectrum from visible light to X-ray is consistent with synchrotron radiation or with inverse-Compton scattering by a hot thermal cloud of electrons. The continuity of the spectral slope from X-ray to UV implied by the current data suggests that the previous estimates of the total luminosity of this BL Lac object is underestimated by a factor of about three or four

    The homotopy theory of simplicial props

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    The category of (colored) props is an enhancement of the category of colored operads, and thus of the category of small categories. In this paper, the second in a series on "higher props," we show that the category of all small colored simplicial props admits a cofibrantly generated model category structure. With this model structure, the forgetful functor from props to operads is a right Quillen functor.Comment: Final version, to appear in Israel J. Mat

    Challenges for ‘Green IT’ in the Scottish ADM industry

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    Our research reports specifically on the challenges and behaviours towards ‘Green IT’ experienced within one complex industry. We adopt a theoretical stance based upon Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to formulate an outline ‘Green IT’ agenda. We draw on historical thinking which underpins UTAUT, which can be traced back to the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the frequently adopted technology acceptance model (TAM). Recent research on the business case for a green IT strategy identifies benefits to an enterprise’s revenue and/or cost rather than just its image making. In this respect, empirical evidence was collected and analysed from the Aerospace, Defence and Marine (ADM) industry in Scotland which includes over 800 companies employing nearly 40,000 staff which creates Gross Value Adding to the Scottish economy of around £2 billion. Data collection involved an on-line based semi structured questionnaire to all 180 Aerospace and Defence organisations using the Scottish Enterprise Database. Our findings suggest a need to develop unified measurements to evaluate green IT progress. Specifically, these should include a metric capable of measuring IT companies’ net environmental activism, assessing not only the impact of changes but also on the operations and products of their clients