26 research outputs found

    isomiRdb : microRNA expression at isoform resolution

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    A significant fraction of mature miRNA transcripts carries sequence and/or length variations, termed isomiRs. IsomiRs are differentially abundant in cell types, tissues, body fluids or patients’ samples. Not surprisingly, multiple studies describe a physiological and pathophysiological role. Despite their importance, systematically collected and annotated isomiR information available in databases remains limited. We thus developed isomiRdb, a comprehensive resource that compiles miRNA expression data at isomiR resolution from various sources. We processed 42 499 human miRNA-seq datasets (5.9 × 1011 sequencing reads) and consistently analyzed them using miRMaster and sRNAbench. Our database provides online access to the 90 483 most abundant isomiRs (>1 RPM in at least 1% of the samples) from 52 tissues and 188 cell types. Additionally, the full set of over 3 million detected isomiRs is available for download. Our resource can be queried at the sample, miRNA or isomiR level so users can quickly answer common questions about the presence/absence of a particular miRNA/isomiR in tissues of interest. Further, the database facilitates to identify whether a potentially interesting new isoform has been detected before and its frequency. In addition to expression tables, isomiRdb can generate multiple interactive visualisations including violin plots and heatmaps. isomiRdb is free to use and publicly available at: https://www.ccb.uni-saarland.de/isomirdb

    Handreichung fĂĽr Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder im Einzelhandel

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    Die Handreichung enthält didaktisch-methodische Instrumente für die Vermittlung des Themas "Nachhaltigkeit" in der Ausbildung. Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder im Einzelhandel lernen, wie sie Felder für nachhaltiges Handeln im Ausbildungsberuf sowie im eigenen Betrieb erkennen und in entsprechende betriebliche Lernziele umwandeln. Jedes Kapitel der Handreichung endet mit einer Zusammenfassung von Lernaktivitäten und Kontrollfragen, ob das Lernziel erreicht wurde. Eine zusätzliche Lern-App unterstützt die Vermittlung der Inhalte

    Shedding Light on Realized Sustainable Consumption Behavior and Perceived Barriers of Young Adults for Creating Stimulating Teaching–Learning Situations

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    Sustainable consumption behavior has a central impact on climate balance. Research on sustainable consumption behavior of young adults is still in its infancy. To boost sustainable consumption behavior for young adults in vocational education training, it is necessary to reveal insights on their behavior during their sustainable consumption processes and in its barriers. To get insights of young adults’ sustainable consumption intention, we used a questionnaire (N = 60). To identify young adults’ consumption behavior as well as the perceived barriers, we also conducted a semi-structured interview (N = 14). Results show that young adults primarily consider the acquisition and bear less in mind the phases of use and disposal during their realized sustainable consumption behavior. The main barriers identified are high price, lack of information, as well as knowledge and abilities. They do not want to spend time for housekeeping and are not ready to disclaim from fashion or habits. Based on that, stimulating teaching−learning situations can be constructed to broaden the view on all consumption phases. Strategies of already realized behavior can be assured

    Investigation on Ciliary Functionality of Different Airway Epithelial Cell Lines in Three-Dimensional Cell Culture

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    Three-dimensional respiratory tissue models have been generated using, for example, human primary airway epithelial cells (hAEC) or respective cell lines. To investigate ciliopathies, such as primary ciliary dyskinesia, the presence of functional kinocilia in vitro is an essential prerequisite. Since access to hAEC of healthy donors is limited, we aimed to identify a respiratory epithelial cell line that is capable to display functional kinocilia on at least 60% of the apical surface. Thus, we cultured four different human respiratory cell lines with human primary airway fibroblasts under airlift conditions, characterized the morphology, and analyzed ciliary function. Only one of the tested cell lines showed beating kinocilia; however, <10% of the whole surface was covered and ciliary beating was undirected. Positive control tissue models using hAEC and fibroblasts displayed expected directed ciliary beating pattern around 11 Hz. Our data show that the available cell lines are not suitable for basic and applied research questions whenever functional kinocilia are required and that, rather, hAEC- or human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived tissue models need to be generated