29 research outputs found

    Identification of Dimethyldioctadecylammonium Ion (m/z 550.6) and Related Species (m/z 522.6, 494.6) as a Source of Contamination in Mass Spectrometry

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    Chemical contamination can be one of the more common problems encountered when performing trace-level analysis regardless of the analytical technique. Minimizing or eliminating background interferences can be a difficult task, so knowledge of the chemical composition of these contaminants can prove invaluable when it comes to identifying the source. Once the source is identified, proper steps may be taken to reduce or eliminate it. In this study, we report the identity of some commonly seen contaminants (m/z 550.6, 522.6, and 494.6) in electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS). Through MS, tandem MS, accurate-mass, and high-resolution measurements we have identified these background contaminants as being quaternary ammonium species that contain long-chain hydrocarbon groups, where m/z 550.6 is a dimethyldioctadecylammonium ion (C18, C18) and m/z 522.6 and 494.6 are similar in nature but have shorter alkyl-chain groups. The lipophilic nature of these compounds and the fact that they have molecular weights similar to lysophospholipids make them a frequent contaminant in lipidomic studies. The likely sources of these compounds are commonly used personal and household products

    Acyl-coenzyme a:Cholesterol Acyltransferase Promotes Oxidized LDL/Oxysterol-Induced Apoptosis in Macrophages

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    7-Ketocholesterol (7KC) is a cytotoxic component of oxidized low density lipoproteins (OxLDLs) and induces apoptosis in macrophages by a mechanism involving the activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA 2). In the current study, we examined the role of ACAT in 7KC-induced and OxLDL-induced apoptosis in murine macrophages. An ACAT inhibitor, Sandoz 58-035, suppressed 7KC-induced apoptosis in P388D1 cells and both 7KC-induced and OxLDL-induced apoptosis in mouse peritoneal macrophages (MPMs). Furthermore, compared with wild-type MPMs, ACAT-1-deficient MPMs demonstrated significant resistance to both 7KC-induced and OxLDL-induced apoptosis. Macrophages treated with 7KC accumulated ACAT-derived [14C]cholesteryl and [ 3H]7-ketocholesteryl esters. Tandem LC-MS revealed that the 7KC esters contained primarily saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. An inhibitor of CPLA2, arachidonyl trifluoromethyl ketone, prevented the accumulation of 7KC esters and inhibited 7KC-induced apoptosis in P388B1 cells. The decrease in 7KC ester accumulation produced by the inhibition of cPLA 2 was reversed by supplementing with either oleic or arachidonic acid (AA); however, only AA supplementation restored the induction of apoptosis by 7KC. These results suggest that 7KC not only initiates the apoptosis pathway by activating cPLA2, as we have reported previously, but also participates in the downstream signaling pathway when esterified by ACAT to form 7KC-arachidonate

    Mice with altered serotonin 2C receptor RNA editing display characteristics of Prader–Willi syndrome

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    RNA transcripts encoding the 2C-subtype of serotonin (5HT2C) receptor undergo up to five adenosine-to-inosine editing events to encode twenty-four protein isoforms. To examine the effects of altered 5HT2C editing in vivo, we generated mutant mice solely expressing the fully-edited (VGV) isoform of the receptor. Mutant animals present phenotypic characteristics of Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) including a failure to thrive, decreased somatic growth, neonatal muscular hypotonia, and reduced food consumption followed by post-weaning hyperphagia. Though previous studies have identified alterations in both 5HT2C receptor expression and 5HT2C-mediated behaviors in both PWS patients and mouse models of this disorder, to our knowledge the 5HT2C gene is the first locus outside the PWS imprinted region in which mutations can phenocopy numerous aspects of this syndrome. These results not only strengthen the link between the molecular etiology of PWS and altered 5HT2C expression, but also demonstrate the importance of normal patterns of 5HT2C RNA editing in vivo

    Obesity and altered glucose metabolism impact HDL composition in CETP transgenic mice: a role for ovarian hormones

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    Mechanisms underlying changes in HDL composition caused by obesity are poorly defined, partly because mice lack expression of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), which shuttles triglyceride and cholesteryl ester between lipoproteins. Because menopause is associated with weight gain, altered glucose metabolism, and changes in HDL, we tested the effect of feeding a high-fat diet (HFD) and ovariectomy (OVX) on glucose metabolism and HDL composition in CETP transgenic mice. After OVX, female CETP-expressing mice had accelerated weight gain with HFD-feeding and impaired glucose tolerance by hyperglycemic clamp techniques, compared with OVX mice fed a low-fat diet (LFD). Sham-operated mice (SHAM) did not show HFD-induced weight gain and had less glucose intolerance than OVX mice. Using shotgun HDL proteomics, HFD-feeding in OVX mice had a large effect on HDL composition, including increased levels of apoA2, apoA4, apoC2, and apoC3, proteins involved in TG metabolism. These changes were associated with decreased hepatic expression of SR-B1, ABCA1, and LDL receptor, proteins involved in modulating the lipid content of HDL. In SHAM mice, there were minimal changes in HDL composition with HFD feeding. These studies suggest that the absence of ovarian hormones negatively influences the response to high-fat feeding in terms of glucose tolerance and HDL composition. CETP-expressing mice may represent a useful model to define how metabolic changes affect HDL composition and function

    Coordination (Ag +

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