26 research outputs found

    Core Concepts for Incomplete Market Economies

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    We examine the notion of the core when cooperation takes place in a setting with time and uncertainty. We do so in a two-period general equilibrium setting with incomplete markets. Market incompleteness implies that players cannot make all possible binding commitments regarding their actions at different date-events. We unify various treatments of dynamic core concepts existing in the literature. This results in definitions of the Classical Core, the Segregated Core, the Two-stage Core, the Strong Sequential Core, and the Weak Sequential Core. Except for the Classical Core, all these concepts can be defined by requiring absence of blocking in period 0 and at any date-event in period 1. The concepts only differ with respect to the notion of blocking in period 0. To evaluate these concepts, we study three market structures in detail: strongly complete markets, incomplete markets in finance economies, and incomplete markets in settings with multiple commodities. Even when markets are strongly complete, the Classical Core is argued not to be an appropriate concept. For the general case of incomplete markets, the Weak Sequential Core is the only concept that does not suffer from major defects.Incomplete Markets, Dynamic Core Concepts, Time and uncertainty

    Sztochasztikus csődjátékok - avagy hogyan osszunk szét egy bizonytalan méretű tortát? = Stochastic bankruptcy games. How can a cake of uncertain dimensions be divided?

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    A kooperatív játékelmélet egyik legjelentősebb eredménye, hogy számos konfliktushelyzetben stabil megoldást nyújt. Ez azonban csak statikus és determinisztikus környezetben alkalmazható jól. Most megmutatjuk a mag egy olyan kiterjesztését - a gyenge szekvenciális magot -, amely képes valós, dinamikus, bizonytalan környezetben is eligazítást nyújtani. A megoldást a csődjátékok példájára alkalmazzuk, és segítségével megvizsgáljuk, hogy a pénzügyi irodalom ismert elosztási szabályai közül melyek vezetnek stabil, fenntartható eredményre. _______ One of the most important achievements of cooperative game theory is to provide a stable solution to numerous conflicts. The solutions it presents, on the other hand, have been limited to situations in a static, deterministic environment. The paper examines how the core can be extended to a more realistic, dynamic and uncertain scenario. The bankruptcy games studied are ones where the value of the estate and of the claims are stochastic, and a Weak Sequential Core is used as the solution concept for them. The author tests the stability of a number of well known division rules in this stochastic setting and finds that most are unstable, except for the Constrained Equal Awards rule, which is the only one belonging to the Weak Sequential Core

    Cooperation under incomplete contracting

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    We examine the notion of the core when cooperation takes place in a setting with time and uncertainty. We do so in a two-period general equilibrium setting with incomplete markets. Market incompleteness implies that players cannot make all possible binding commitments regarding their actions at different date-events. We unify various treatments of dynamic core concepts existing in the literature. This results in definitions of the Classical Core, the Segregated Core, the Two-stage Core, the Strong Sequential Core, and the Weak Sequential Core. Except for the Classical Core, all these concepts can be defined by requiring absence of blocking in period 0 and at any date-event in period 1. The concepts only differ with respect to the notion of blocking in period 0. To evaluate these concepts, we study three market structures in detail: strongly complete markets, incomplete markets in finance economies, and incomplete markets in settings with multiple commodities

    Cooperation Under Incomplete Contracting

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    We examine the notion of the core when cooperation takes place in a setting with time and uncertainty. We do so in a two-period general equilibrium setting with incomplete markets. Market incompleteness implies that players cannot make all possible binding commitments regarding their actions at different date-events. We unify various treatments of dynamic core concepts existing in the literature. This results in definitions of the Classical Core, the Segregated Core, the Two-stage Core, the Strong Sequential Core, and the Weak Sequential Core. Except for the Classical Core, all these concepts can be defined by requiring absence of blocking in period 0 and at any date-event in period 1. The concepts only differ with respect to the notion of blocking in period 0. To evaluate these concepts, we study three market structures in detail: strongly complete markets, incomplete markets in finance economies, and incomplete markets in settings with multiple commodities.mathematical economics;

    A Note on The Weak Sequential Core of Dynamic TU Games

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    This paper addresses a problem with an argument in Kranich, Perea, and Peters (2005) supporting their definition of the Weak Sequential Core and their characterization result. We also provide the remedy, a modification of the definition, to rescue the characterization

    A Note on The Weak Sequential Core of Dynamic TU Games

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    This paper addresses a problem with an argument in Kranich, Perea, and Peters (2005) supporting their definition of the Weak Sequential Core and their characterization result. We also provide the remedy, a modification of the definition, to rescue the characterization.microeconomics ;

    Transferable Utility Games with Uncertainty

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    We introduce the concept of a TUU-game, a transferable utility game with uncertainty. In a TUU-game there is uncertainty regarding the payoffs of coalitions. One out of a finite number of states of nature materializes and conditional on the state, the players are involved in a particular transferable utility game. We consider the case without ex ante commitment possibilities and propose the Weak Sequential Core as a solution concept. We characterize the Weak Sequential Core and show that it is non-empty if all ex post TUgames are convex.transferable utility games, uncertainty, Weak Sequential Core

    Assignment Games with Externalities

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    We examine assignment games, wherematched pairs of firms and workers create some monetary value to distribute among themselves and the agents aim to maximize their payoff. In the majority of this literature, externalities - in the sense that a pair’s value depends on the pairing of the others - have been neglected. However, inmost applications a firm’s success depends on, say, the success of its rivals and suppliers. Thus, it is natural to ask how the classical results on assignment games are affected by the introduction of externalities? The answer is – dramatically. We find that (i) a problem may have no stable outcome, (ii) stable outcomes can be inefficient (not maximize total value), (iii) efficient outcomes can be unstable, and (iv) the set of stable outcomes may not form a lattice. We show that stable outcomes always exist if agents are "pessimistic." This is a knife-edge result: there are problems in which the slightest optimism by a single pair erases all stable outcomes

    Cooperation with externalities and uncertainty

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    We introduce a new solution concept to problems with externalities, which is the first in the literature to take into account economic, regulatory and physical stability aspects of network problems in the very same model. A new class of cooperative games is defined where the worth of a coalition depends on the behavior of other players and on the state of nature as well. We allow for coalitions to form both before and after the resolution of uncertainty, hence agreements must be stable against both types of deviations. The appropriate extension of the classical core concept, the Sustainable Core, is defined for this new setup to test the stability of allocations in such a complex environment. A prominent application, a game of consumers and generators on an electrical energy transmission network is examined in details, where the power in- and outlets of the nodes have to be determined in a way, that if any line instantaneously fails, none of the remaining lines may be overloaded. We show that fulfilling this safety requirement in a mutually acceptable way can be achieved by choosing an element in the Sustainable Core

    Procrastination and intertemporal consumption : a three-period extension of the CAPM with irrational agents

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    In this paper, we investigate the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) derived from a three-period general equilibrium model incorporating time-inconsistent preferences. We define and consider two types of agents, i.e. they can be either sophisticated or naive. Sophisticated agents take into account their potentially changing future preferences when making a decision. Naive agents, on the other hand, do not anticipate this issue and their related self-control problems when they plan the consumption path. We demonstrate that the derivation of the CAPM equation can be achieved even if the agents in the financial economy have time-inconsistent preferences