5 research outputs found


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    Sebagai salah satu bentuk peningkatan kualitas pada program studi/ jurusan, dapat dilihat dari kualitas tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan yang terdapat pada program studi/ jurusan pada universitas tersebut. Dalam pengimplementasiannya, bentuk peningkatan kualitas tersebut dapat dilihat pada akreditasi institusi tersebut. Proses peningkatan untuk kinerja tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan ini tentu saja disebabkan banyak faktor yang sebagai bahan penilaiannya, maka perlu dibangun suatu sistem yang mampu melakukan penilaian kinerja tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan untuk mengolah banyak faktor penilaian tersebut. Sistem penilaian kinerja tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan ini menggunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) mengukur tingkat efisiensi dari Decision Making Unit (DMU) relatif terhadap Decision Making Unit (DMU) sejenis. Metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) menghasilkan suatu indeks kinerja tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan yang menunjukkan tingkat efisiensi yang dimiliki oleh program studi/ jurusan. Dikatakan efisien jika tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan telah optimal sesuai potensi yang dimiliki. Efisiensi dapat dilihat dari nilai yang berkisar antara 0 sampai 1. Semakin mendekati nilai 1 maka tenaga kependidikan dan non kependidikan dapat dikatakan semakin efisien. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan terdapat 3 Decision Making Unit (DMU). Terdapat 10 inputs dan 6 outputs sebagai bahan penilaian. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan nilai efisiensi Decision Making Unit (DMU) ke 3 terhadap Decision Making Unit ke 1 adalah rata-rata kenaikan nilai input dan rata-rata kenaikan nilai output

    Zakat as a Deduction from Taxable Income (Effectiveness Study of Article 22 of Law on Zakat Management Number 23 of 2011 Banjarmasin City)

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    This study aims to analyze Article 22 of Law on Zakat Management Number 23 of 2011, in which zakat paid to agencies/institutions authorized by the government can be deducted from taxable income in the city of Banjarmasin. The research method used is the sociology of law (socio-legal research) using an interdisciplinary approach between normative research aspects and a sociological approach that uses qualitative analysis. The result of the research is that in the practice of zakat as a deduction from taxable income, of course, zakat must be paid to an official body or institution that the government has approved. On this basis, the payment of zakat made by the taxpayer must be made to the agency or institution. Effectiveness of Article 22 of Law on Zakat Management Number 23 of 2011 concerning Zakat Management, there are several factors that do not affect and there are also several factors that do. There are 3 factors that do not affect the effectiveness of the regulation, namely the rule of law factor, the law enforcement factor, and the facility or facility factor. While the factors that affect the effectiveness of these regulations are community factors and cultural factors

    Prinsip Komunikasi Islam Sebagai Etika Bermedia Sosial

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    In the era of globalization, the process of delivering a message and receiving it is so fast and easy. This is evidenced by the existence of social networking applications that are present on smartphones. The use of social media is very diverse, so that many people, ranging from ordinary people to journalists, can spread what they want. However, unfortunately, sometimes there are those who spread information on social media who do not pay attention to communication ethics, causing untrue news such as hoaxes, defamation, denunciation, etc. all of which are out of the realm of ethics. Whereas in Islam really uphold ethics in communication and prioritize ethics. And in principle, it leads people to experience a peaceful and comfortable life. So as media users must apply ethics, one of these ethics is the principle of Islamic communication, in which this communication has four main points, namely; honest, positive message, tabayyun and silm. Which Islamic communication has two main sources, namely the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah

    Perancangan Game OTW SARJANA Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining

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    Perancangan game ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran perkuliahan kepada siapapun yang memainkannya. Data yang digunakan pada game ini berdasar pada pengalaman penulis yang secara langsung terlibat perkuliahan di Informatika Universitas Mulawarman. Tahapan-tahapan dalam pembuatan game ini adalah Konsep,Desain,Pembuatan Game dan pengujian. Konsep dasar dalam pembuatan game ini adalah tentang siswa Sekolah Menegah Atas yang akan melanjutkan pendidikannya ke tingkat perkuliahan, oleh karena itu game ini didesain memiliki mekanisme yang semirip mungkin dengan syarat-syarat perkuliahan pada Informatika Universitas Mulawarman. Metode yang digunakan pada game ini adalah metode Forward Chaining yang digunakan pada saat pemain akan naik ke semester(level) selanjutnya dan untuk menentukan nilai pada setiap semester(level) tersebut. Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengujian Black Box adalah semua sistem berjalan dengan baik dari sisi tampilan, desain, permainan, dan metode Forward Chaining

    Why do female athletes face harassment and bullying? A mixed-methods study

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    The phenomenon of escalating harassment and bullying of female athletes in sports demonstrates that there is a gap and urgency for further scrutiny. This study aims to reveal harassment and bullying cases against female athletes in sports. This study applied a mixed method. Participants in this study were athletes in several sports organizations at the University of Islam 45 Bekasi (n = 30). A questionnaire was used as the quantitative research instrument to measure harassment and bullying in athletes, while in-depth interviews were used as the qualitative research instrument. Quantitative statistical analysis used IBM SPSS to find frequency and percentage, and qualitative analysis used thematic analysis. The quantitative research results significantly proved that all participants often experience harassment and bullying, with the highest rate occurring in gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, and soccer. While the results of the qualitative research showed that all participants had experiences or stories about harassment and bullying, the causal factors included the conditions of the training environment, athletes' clothes, attitudes, and the knowledge of coaches and athletes. In addition, participants stated that harassment and bullying negatively impact their health and psychological aspects. As a result, we emphasize that incidents of harassment and bullying occur frequently in female athletes while they are participating in sports. It is expected that this research could provide information and understanding to all sports practitioners in Indonesia and all countries in the world that harassment and bullying are very dangerous and immoral and must be handled as soon as possible by providing strict rules