11 research outputs found

    Assessing Social Capital Indicators in Public Spaces in Central streets of the City of Sanandaj, Iran

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    The social capital concept has been proposed alongside other capitals such as human capital, financial capital and economic capital. The aim of this research was to evaluate the social capital in streets, which are among the most dynamic urban public spaces. They provide physical connections for social interactions and consequently can enhance social capital. To this aim, four central crossroads of the city of Sanandaj, Iran were selected as a case study. This study is a descriptive analysis conducted by questioning 400 participants. The collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software at the inferential and statistical levels. The findings showed that effective elements of streets to improve social capital include the promotion of environmental qualities and mixed land use related to social trust, the feeling of belonging, identity and place related to social norms, face-to-face relationships, and social participation related to social networks

    Assessing Social Capital Indicators in Public Spaces in Central streets of the City of Sanandaj, Iran

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    The social capital concept has been proposed alongside other capitals such as human capital, financial capital and economic capital. The aim of this research was to evaluate the social capital in streets, which are among the most dynamic urban public spaces. They provide physical connections for social interactions and consequently can enhance social capital. To this aim, four central crossroads of the city of Sanandaj, Iran were selected as a case study. This study is a descriptive analysis conducted by questioning 400 participants. The collected data were analyzed by using the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) software at the inferential and statistical levels. The findings showed that effective elements of streets to improve social capital include the promotion of environmental qualities and mixed land use related to social trust, the feeling of belonging, identity and place related to social norms, face-to-face relationships, and social participation related to social networks

    Earthquake risk in urban street network : an example from region 6 of Tehran, Iran

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Purpose – Zone 6 of Tehran, with a populations of 220,000 people (3.6 per cent of the city population) and 20 km2 area (3 per cent of the city area), is one of the main municipal zones of Tehran. Major land-uses, like ministries, embassies, universities, general hospitals and medical centers, big financial firms, and so on, manifest the high importance of this region on a local and national scale. Thus, it is necessary to pay close attention to issues concerning crisis management in this area. Design/methodology/approach – In this paper, by using indexes such as access to medical centers, street inclusion, building and population density, land-use, peak ground acceleration and building quality, vulnerability degree of street networks in zone 6 against the earthquake is calculated through overlaying maps and data in combination with inversion hierarchical weight process method and geographic information systems. Findings – This article concludes that buildings alongside the streets with high population and building density, low building quality, far to rescue centers and high level of inclusion represent high rate of vulnerability, compared with other buildings. Also, by moving from north to south of the zone, the vulnerability increases. Likewise, highways and streets with substantial width and low building and population density hold little values of vulnerability. Thus, streets with high level of inclusion, building and population density present further vulnerability. Originality/value – It is expected that the results of this paper be used by the urban decision-makers. Due to high vulnerability of most parts of the urban textures of Tehran, similar researches will have importance for preparation for the future possible earthquakes

    Citizens-based Assessment of a Renovation Facilitating Policy in Urban Deteriorated Areas: An Ordinal Logistic Regression Model

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    This study tested which latent factors exist that could significantly impact the citizens-based performance assessment of the Neighborhood Renovation Service Office (NRSO) which is a renovation facilitating policy. Two hundred residents of Urban Deteriorated Areas (UDAs) in Fallah & Yaftabad neighborhoods, were interviewed by questionnaires. To analyze the outcomes of the questionnaires, first, an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for identifying underlying factors for assessment of the mentioned policy and subsequently Ordinal Logistic Regression (OLR) for modeling the factors concerning performance assessment were employed. The residents who had more familiarity with the plans and policies evaluated the renovation office performance more positively. Also if NRSOs want to be assessed as more effective in their intervention they need to empower their interacting community’s socioeconomic factor. The OLR model showed that the sense of place is another significant underlying factor in this regard. However, residency duration despite converging as a factor in EFA did not show any significant impact based on the OLR model

    Reproduction of urban informality in Iran: Its key factors, tools and challenges

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    Due partly to neoliberal policies-especially in developing countries-and as a result of globalization, urban informality has become an indisputable part of urbanization since the 1970s. As a developing country, Iran has also dealt with the onset of this type of urbanism since the 1920s. The majority of global studies recognize the status of informal settlements and explain relevant approaches and actions. However, less emphasis is placed on informal reproduction factors; This study critically examines the factors that culminate in the reproduction of informality in Iran, namely the ominous triangle of power (government), the state economy, and knowledge-based on instrumental rationality (Technocracy) and its social, physical and environmental effects. This study seeks to evaluate the influential factors of urban informality in Iran with a critical and comprehensive view of the social, economic, political, physical dimensions and avoids an uni-dimensional tunnel vision. Findings show that the government policies and the economic sector monopoly play significant roles in the reproduction of poverty and informal settings in Iran. Furthermore, managerial and technical tools will act as government tools, the output of which manifests in its physical, social, and environmental factors

    Evaluación ciudadana de una política de facilitación de la renovación en áreas urbanas deterioradas: un modelo de regresión logística ordinal

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    Aquest estudi va provar quins factors latents existeixen que podrien afectar significativament l’avaluació d’acompliment basada en els ciutadans de l’Oficina de Serveis de Renovació de Veïnats (NRSO), que és una política que facilita la renovació urbana. Dos-cents residents d’àrees urbanes deteriorades (UDA) en els veïnats de Fallah i Yaftabad van ser entrevistatsmitjançant qüestionaris. Per analitzar els resultats dels qüestionaris, primer es va emprar una Anàlisi Factorial Explorador (EFA) per identificar els factors subjacents per a l’avaluació de la política esmentada i, posteriorment, la Regressió Logística Ordinal (OLR) per modelar els factors relacionats amb l’avaluació de l’ acompliment.Els residents que estaven més familiaritzats amb els plans i polítiques van avaluar l’acompliment de l’oficina de renovació de manera més positiva. A més, si les NRSO volen ser avaluades com més efectives en la seva intervenció, necessiten potenciar el factor socioeconòmic dela seva comunitat interactiva. El model OLR va mostrar que el sentit de lloc és un altre factor subjacent significatiu en aquest sentit. No obstant això, la durada de la residència malgrat convergir com a factor en l’EFA no va mostrar cap impacte significatiu segons el model OLR. This study tested which latent factors exist that could significantly impact the citizens-based performance assessment of the Neighborhood Renovation Service Office (NRSO) which is a renovation facilitating policy. Two hundred residents of Urban Deteriorated Areas (UDAs) inFallah & Yaftabad neighborhoods, were interviewed by questionnaires. To analyze the outcomes of the questionnaires, first, an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) for identifying underlying factors for assessment of the mentioned policy and subsequently Ordinal Logistic Regression(OLR) for modeling the factors concerning performance assessment were employed.The residents who had more familiarity with the plans and policies evaluated the renovation office performance more positively. Also if NRSOs want to be assessed as more effective in their intervention they need to empower their interacting community’s socioeconomic factor.The OLR model showed that the sense of place is another significant underlying factor in this regard. However, residency duration despite converging as a factor in EFA did not show any significant impact based on the OLR model.Este estudio probó qué factores latentes existen que podrían afectar significativamente la evaluación de desempeño basada en los ciudadanos de la Oficina de Servicios de Renovación de Vecindarios (NRSO), que es una política que facilita la renovación urbana. Doscientos residentes de áreas urbanas deterioradas (UDA) en los vecindarios de Fallah y Yaftabad fueronentrevistados mediante cuestionarios. Para analizar los resultados de los cuestionarios, primero se empleó un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (EFA) para identificar los factores subyacentes para la evaluación de la política mencionada y, posteriormente, la Regresión Logística Ordinal (OLR) para modelar los factores relacionados con la evaluación del desempeño.Los residentes que estaban más familiarizados con los planes y políticas evaluaron el desempeño de la oficina de renovación de manera más positiva. Además, si las NRSO quieren ser evaluadas como más efectivas en su intervención, necesitan potenciar el factor socioeconómico de su comunidad interactiva. El modelo OLR mostró que el sentido de lugar esotro factor subyacente significativo en este sentido. Sin embargo, la duración de la residencia a pesar de converger como factor en la EFA no mostró ningún impacto significativo según el modelo OLR

    Heat Mapping, a Method for Enhancing the Sustainability of the Smart District Heat Networks

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    District heating (DH) has a major potential to increase the efficiency, security, and sustainability of energy management at the community scale. However, there is a huge challenge for decision makers due to the lack of knowledge about thermal energy demand during a year. Thermal energy demand is strongly dependent on the outdoor temperature, building area, and activities. In this context, this paper presents an innovative monthly thermal energy mapping method to calculate and visualize heat demand accurately for various types of buildings. The method includes three consecutive phases: (i) calculating energy loss, (ii) completing a dataset that includes energy and building information, and (iii) generating the monthly heat demand maps for the community. Determining the amount of demand and the best location for energy generators from the perspective of energy efficiency in a DH system in an urban context is one of the important applications of heat maps. Exploring heat demand characteristics and visualizing them on maps is the foundation of smart DHs.Building Service

    Heat Mapping, a Method for Enhancing the Sustainability of the Smart District Heat Networks

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    District heating (DH) has a major potential to increase the efficiency, security, and sustainability of energy management at the community scale. However, there is a huge challenge for decision makers due to the lack of knowledge about thermal energy demand during a year.  https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/17/546

    The Impact of Natural Elements on Environmental Comfort in the Iranian-Islamic Historical City of Isfahan

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    Cities directly influence microclimates. As the urbanization expands, and the green spaces diminish, the heat islands begin to emerge. An old technique used during the past centuries—in both hot and dry climates of the central cities of Iran—was the moderation of microclimates via water and plants. With a diachronic approach to the study of the historical Chahar Bagh Street in Isfahan, this paper investigates the impact of the structural changes on its microclimate in three different scenarios, i.e., the street with its features during the Safavid Era (from 1501 to 1736); the street in its current status; and finally a probable critical condition resulting from complete elimination of natural elements from the environment. The mixed strategy used in this study relies on logical reasoning and software-assisted evaluation for comparing the three scenarios. The predicted mean vote (PMV) model was used for measuring thermal comfort. The results indicate that the evaluated comfort-providing area in the Safavid scenario is 7–17 times more favorable than the others. Moreover, the temperature in the contemporary era was found to be 1.5 degrees Celsius cooler than that of the critical status scenario