270 research outputs found

    Overview of US AID-World Bank-NASA Collaboration to Address Water Management Issues in the MENA Region

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    The World Bank, USAID and NASA have recently established a joint project to study multiple issues pertaining to water related applications in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. The main concentration of the project is on utilization of remote sensing data and hydrological models to address crop irrigation and mapping, flood mapping and forecasting, evapotranspiration and drought problems prevalent in this large geographic area. Additional emphases are placed on understanding the climate impact on these areas as well. Per IPCC 2007 report, by the end of this century MENA region is projected to experience an increase of 3 C to 5 C rise in mean temperatures and a 20% decline in precipitation. This poses a serious problem for this geographic zone especially when majority of the hydrological consumption is for the agriculture sector and the remaining amount is for domestic consumption. The remote sensing data from space is one of the best ways to study such complex issues and further feed into the decision support systems. NASA's fleet of Earth Observing satellites offer a great vantage point from space to look at the globe and provide vital signs necessary to maintain healthy and sustainable ecosystem. These observations generate multiple products such as soil moisture, global precipitation, aerosols, cloud cover, normalized difference vegetation index, land cover/use, ocean altimetry, ocean salinity, sea surface winds, sea surface temperature, ozone and atmospheric gases, ice and snow measurements, and many more. All of the data products, models and research results are distributed-via the Internet freely through out the world. This project will utilize several NASA models such as global Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) to generate hydrological states and fluxes in near real time. These LDAS products will then be further compared with other NASA satellite observations (MODIS, VIIRS, TRMM, etc.) and other discrete models to compare and optimize evapotranspiration, soil moisture and crop irrigation, droUght assessment and water balance. The floods being a critical disaster in many of the MENA countries, NASA's global flood mapping and modeling framework (CREST) will be customized for country specific needs and delivered to the remote sensing organizations for their future use. Finally, capacity building is a critical part of this project and NASA will assist in this effort as well

    Customizing NASA's Earth Science Research Products for addressing MENA Water Challenges

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    As projected by IPCC 2007 report, by the end of this century the Middle East North Mrica (MENA) region is projected to experience an increase of 3 C to 5 C rise in mean temperatures and a 20% decline in precipitation. This poses a serious problem for this geographic zone especially when majority of the hydrological consumption is for the agriculture sector and the remaining amount is for domestic consumption. In late 2011, the World Bank, USAID and NASA have joined hands to establishing integrated, modem, up to date NASA developed capabilities for various countries in the MENA region for addressing water resource issues and adapting to climate change impacts for improved decision making for societal benefits. The main focus of this undertaking is to address the most pressing societal issues which can be modeled and solved by utilizing NASA Earth Science remote sensing data products and hydrological models. The remote sensing data from space is one of the best ways to study such complex issues and further feed into the decision support systems. NASA's fleet of Earth Observing satellites offer a great vantage point from space to look at the globe and provide vital signs necessary to maintain healthy and sustainable ecosystem. NASA has over fifteen satellites and thirty instruments operating on these space borne platforms and generating over 2000 different science products on a daily basis. Some of these products are soil moisture, global precipitation, aerosols, cloud cover, normalized difference vegetation index, land cover/use, ocean altimetry, ocean salinity, sea surface winds, sea surface temperature, ozone and atmospheric gasses, ice and snow measurements, and many more. All of the data products, models and research results are distributed via the Internet freely through out the world. This project will utilize several NASA models such as global Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) to generate hydrological states and fluxes in near real time. These LDAS products will then be further compared with other NASA satellite observations (MODIS, VIIRS, TRMM, etc.) and other discrete models to compare and optimize evapotranspiration, soil moisture and crop irrigation, drought assessment and water balance. The floods being a critical disaster in many of the MENA countries, NASA's global flood mapping and modeling framework (CREST) will be customized for country specific needs and delivered to the remote sensing organizations for their future use. Training is an important component under this activity and adequate level of training will be offered to build basic capacity to work with NASA provided data products, models for their future use. This paper provides a comprehensive introduction to NASA's Earth Science mission for understanding the behavior of our home Planet, projecting its health for future generations and applying research results solving societal issues

    Aerospace applications of batteries

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    NASA has developed battery technology to meet the demanding requirements for aerospace applications; specifically, the space vacuum, launch loads, and high duty cycles. Because of unique requirements and operating environments associated with space applications, NASA has written its own standards and specifications for batteries


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    The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is generallybuilt around the notion of welfare and ‘giving back’ to society. Thisnotion needs to be investigated and researched with the perspectivethat CSR are strategic investments by corporations aimed at buildingtheir corporate image; which in the long run has a positive impact onboth financial and non-finance related aspects of organizations. Basedon this premise, this paper argues that CSR helps in building andcreating a Corporate Identity (CI) in a competitive society. Findingsthat CSR and CI have a deeper connection with each other aresubstantiated by employing the correlation and SEM tests. Two typesof non-probability sampling techniques were used for collecting data;self-selection and quota sampling. Findings of the study show thatCSR helps the projection of CI and this contributes to the financialhealth of a corporation in the long term, thus qualifying the notion thatCSR is a strategic investment that has a trickledown effect over aperiod of time

    Water Information System Platforms Addressing Critical Societal Needs in the Mena Region

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    The MENA region includes 18 countries, the occupied Palestinian territories and Western Sahara. However, the region of interest for this study has a strategic interest in countries adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. The 90% of the water in the MENA region is used for the agriculture use. By the end of this century. this region is projected to experience an increase of 3 C to 5 C in mean temperatures and a 20% decline in precipitation (lPCC, 2007). Due to lower precipitation, water run-off is projected to drop by 20% to 30% in most of MENA by 2050 Reduced stream flow and groundwater recharge might lead to a reduction in water supply of 10% or greater by 2050. Therefore, per IPCC projections in temperature rise and precipitation decline in the region, the scarcity of water will become more acute with population growth, and rising demand of food in the region. Additionally, the trans boundary water issues will continue to plague the region in terms of sharing data for better management of water resources. Such pressing issues have brought The World Bank, USAID and NASA to jointly collaborate for establishing integrated, modern, up to date NASA developed capabilities for countries in the MENA region for addressing water resource issues and adapting to climate change impacts for improved decision making and societal benefit. This initiative was launched in October 2011 and is schedule to be completed by the end of2015

    Procjena spolnih razlika u tjelesnom sastavu i kondicijskom bodovanju u Odrasloj populaciji Saudijske Arabije pomoću analize bioelektrične impedancije

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    Obesity is a global problem that is reaching epidemic proportions. Body composition is an important parameter for humans because previous studies indicate high values of body fat as a predictor of mortality. The aim of the study was to assess gender differences in body composition and physical fitness in Saudi adult population. This epidemiological cross sectional study included 411 healthy adult Saudi subjects aged 18-72 years (mean } SD, 36.91}15.22). All participants underwent body composition analysis. Body composition was assessed by bioelectrical impedance analysis, with a commercially available body analyzer (InBody 3.0, Biospace, Seoul, Korea). Measurements included body weight, body mass index (BMI ), percent body fat, target weight, fat control, muscle control and fitness scoring based on target values. The mean BMI of the whole study population was 27.22}5.65 (median=26.80, range=15.6-55.4). The mean fitness score was 69.3}8.48 (median=71.0, range=29-99). Significant gender differences were observed in BMI,fitness score, percent body fat, and other parameters of body composition. In conclusion, the prevalence of obesity, percent body fat (%BF) and poor fitness is high in Saudi population with significant gender differences. In this regard, public awareness programs including exercise and diet teaching are required at large scale to cope up with the growing burden of obesity.Pretilost je globalni problem koji poprima epidemijske razmjere. Tjelesni sastav je važan parametar kod ljudi, jer prijašnja ispitivanja pokazuju da su visoke vrijednosti tjelesne masti predkazatelji smrtnosti. Cilj ove studije bio je procijeniti spolne razlike u tjelesnom sastavu i kondiciji u odrasloj saudijskoj populaciji. Ova epidemiološka poprečna studija obuhvatila je 411 odraslih osoba u dobi od 18 do 72 godine (srednja dob } SD, 36,91}15,22). Procjena tjelesnog sastava provedena je u svih ispitanika analizom bioelektrične impedancije pomoću tjelesnog analizatora dostupnog na tržištu (InBody 3.0, Biospace, Seoul, Koreja). Mjerila se tjelesna težina, indeks tjelesne mase, postotak tjelesne masti, ciljna težina, regulacija masti, regulacija mišića i bodovanje kondicije na osnovi ciljnih vrijednosti. Srednja vrijednost indeksa tjelesne mase za cijelu populaciju ispitanika bila je 27,22}5,65 (medijan=26,80, raspon=15,6-55,4), a srednja vrijednost kondicijskih bodova 69,3}8,48 (medijan=71,0, raspon=29-99). Značajne razlike prema spolu zabilježene su za indeks tjelesne mase, kondicijske bodove, postotak tjelesne masti i ostale parametre tjelesnog sastava. Ovi rezultati upućuju na visoku učestalost pretilosti, visokog postotka tjelesne masti i loše kondicije u saudijskoj populaciji, uza značajne razlike prema spolu. Zato su potrebni sveobuhvatni programi osvješćivanja populacije u tom smislu, uključujući izobrazbu u tjelovježbi i primjerenoj prehrani kako bismo se mogli nositi s rastućim teretom pretilosti

    A Study of Abrar-ul- Haq's Punjabi Bhangra Songs in Pragmatics

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    The study of language and culture is known as linguistic anthropology. Etymological human sciences have become an interdisciplinary subject of study by utilizing the theoretical underpinnings of numerous disciplines. The current study investigated Punjabi songs using a qualitative analytical approach. The Relevance Theory of Pragmatics, proposed by Deirdre Wilson and Dan Sperber (2004), explained how Abrar-ul-Haq appeared on the horizon to promote Punjabi culture through his energetic Punjabi Bhangra songs. For this study, only two songs were chosen: Billo Day Ghar and Beh Ja Sakal Tay. The study’s findings revealed that Abrar ul Haq used singing as a medium of language to transport cultural norms in general and Punjabi culture in particular. Because he was a famous and world-famous singer, his message spread worldwide, and he became known not only as the Bhangra singer but also as the anthropologist who invented and promoted Punjabi culture through his singing. It is concluded that Punjabi Culture is rich in norms and values. MPhil scholars will expand the scope of the study to include a full-length version of these to promote Punjabi culture. It is suggested that other linguists investigate Punjabi culture to revive and preserve it

    Space Technology and Earth System Science

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    Science must continue to drive the technology development. Partnering and Data Sharing among nations is very important to maximize the cost benefits of such investments Climate changes and adaptability will be a big challenge for the next several decades (1) Natural disasters frequency and locations (2) Economic and social impact can be global and (3) Water resources and management

    An Integrated Hydrological and Water Management Study of the Entire Nile River System - Lake Victoria to Nile Delta

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    The Nile basin River system spans 3 million km(exp 2) distributed over ten nations. The eight upstream riparian nations, Ethiopia, Eretria, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Tanzania and Kenya are the source of approximately 86% of the water inputs to the Nile, while the two downstream riparian countries Sudan and Egypt, presently rely on the river's flow for most of the their needs. Both climate and agriculture contribute to the complicated nature of Nile River management: precipitation in the headwaters regions of Ethiopia and Lake Victoria is variable on a seasonal and inter-annual basis, while demand for irrigation water in the arid downstream region is consistently high. The Nile is, perhaps, one of the most difficult trans-boundary water issue in the world, and this study would be the first initiative to combine NASA satellite observations with the hydrologic models study the overall water balance in a to comprehensive manner. The cornerstone application of NASA's Earth Science Research Results under this project are the NASA Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) and the USDA Atmosphere-land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) model. These two complementary research results are methodologically independent methods for using NASA observations to support water resource analysis in data poor regions. Where an LDAS uses multiple sources of satellite data to inform prognostic simulations of hydrological process, ALEXI diagnoses evapotranspiration and water stress on the basis of thermal infrared satellite imagery. Specifically, this work integrates NASA Land Data Assimilation systems into the water management decision support systems that member countries of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) and Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD, located in Nairobi, Kenya) use in water resource analysis, agricultural planning, and acute drought response to support sustainable development of Nile Basin water resources. The project is motivated by the recognition that accurate, frequent, and spatially distributed estimates of the water balance are necessary for effective water management. This creates a challenge for watersheds that are large, include data poor regions, and/or span multiple nations. All of these descriptors apply to the Nile River basin, yet successful management of the Nile is critical for development and political stability in the region. For this reason, improved hydrological data to support cooperative water management in the Nile basin is a priority for USAID, the US State Department, the World Bank and other international organizations. In this project, the U.S. based research team is working with partners at RCMRD, Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), and their member national-level agencies to develop satellite-based land cover maps, satellite-derived evapotranspiration estimates (using the ALEXI algorithm), and NASA's Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS) customized to match identified information needs. The cornerstone applied sciences product of the project is the development of a customized "Nile LDAS" that will produce optimal estimates of hydrological states and fluxes, as vetted against the in situ observations of NBI and RCMRD member organizations and independent satellite-derived hydrological estimates. Nile LDAS will be applied to improve the reliability of emerging Decision Support Systems in applications that include drought monitoring, reservoir management, and irrigation planning. The end-users such as RCMRD, NBI, Ethiopian and Kenya Meteorological and Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWSNet) will be the eventual benefactors of this work. There will be a capacity building process involving the above end-user organizations and transfer the models and the results for these organizations to execute for future use. The team has already initiated this study and the early results of first years' work are shown. The plan is to complete this work by late 2013