934 research outputs found

    Eccentricities of Double Neutron Star Binaries

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    Recent pulsar surveys have increased the number of observed double neutron stars (DNS) in our galaxy enough so that observable trends in their properties are starting to emerge. In particular, it has been noted that the majority of DNS have eccentricities less than 0.3, which are surprisingly low for binaries that survive a supernova explosion that we believe imparts a significant kick to the neutron star. To investigate this trend, we generate many different theoretical distributions of DNS eccentricities using Monte Carlo population synthesis methods. We determine which eccentricity distributions are most consistent with the observed sample of DNS binaries. In agreement with Chaurasia & Bailes (2005), assuming all double neutron stars are equally as probable to be discovered as binary pulsars, we find that highly eccentric, coalescing DNS are less likely to be observed because of their accelerated orbital evolution due to gravitational wave emission and possible early mergers. Based on our results for coalescing DNS, we also find that models with vanishingly or moderately small kicks (sigma < about 50 km/s) are inconsistent with the current observed sample of such DNS. We discuss the implications of our conclusions for DNS merger rate estimates of interest to ground-based gravitational-wave interferometers. We find that, although orbital evolution due to gravitational radiation affects the eccentricity distribution of the observed sample, the associated upwards correction factor to merger rate estimates is rather small (typically 10-40%).Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted by ApJ. Figures reduced and some content changed, references adde

    Neurophysiological correlates of linearization in language production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>During speech production the planning of a description of several events requires, among other things, a verbal sequencing of these events. During this process, referred to as linearization during conceptualization, the speaker can choose between different types of temporal connectives such as 'Before' X did A, Y did B' or 'After' Y did B, X did A'. To capture the neural events of such linearization processes, event-related potentials (ERP) were measured in native speakers of German. Utterances were elicited by presenting a sequence of two pictures on a video screen. Each picture consists of an object that is associated with a particular action (e.g. book = reading). A coloured vocalization cue indicated to describe the sequence of two actions associated with the objects in chronological (e.g. red cue: 'After' I drove the car, I read a book) or reversed order (yellow cue).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Brain potentials showed reliable differences between the two conditions from 180 ms after the onset of the vocalization prompt, with ERPs from the 'After' condition being more negative. This 'Before/After' difference showed a fronto-central distribution between 180 and 230 ms. From 300 ms onwards, a parietal distribution was observed. The latter effect is interpreted as an instance of the P300 response, which is known to be modulated by task difficulty.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ERPs preceding overt sentence production are sensitive to conceptual linearization. The observed early, more fronto-centrally distributed variation could be interpreted as involvement of working memory needed to order the events according to the instruction. The later parietal distributed variation relates to the complexity in linearization, with the non-chronological order being more demanding during the updating of the concepts in working memory.</p

    A New Way to Detect Massive Black Holes in Galaxies: The Stellar Remnants of Tidal Disruption

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    We point out that the tidal disruption of a giant may leave a luminous (10^35-10^39 ergs/s), hot (10-100 eV) stellar core. The ``supersoft'' source detected by Chandra at the center of M31 may be such a core; whether or not it is, the observations have shown that such a core is detectable, even in the center of a galaxy. We therefore explore the range of expected observational signatures and how they may be used to (1) test the hypothesis that the M31 source is a remnant of tidal stripping and (2) discover evidence of black holes and disruption events in other galaxies.Comment: Four pages with 1 figure. Appeared in ApJL (2001, 551, L37

    The Galactic Population of Low- and Intermediate-Mass X-ray Binaries

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    (abridged) We present the first study that combines binary population synthesis in the Galactic disk and detailed evolutionary calculations of low- and intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (L/IMXBs). We show that the formation probability of IMXBs with initial donor masses of 1.5--4 Msun is typically >~5 times higher than that of standard LMXBs, and suggest that the majority of the observed systems may have descended from IMXBs. Distributions at the current epoch of the orbital periods, donor masses, and mass accretion rates have been computed, as have orbital-period distributions of BMPs. Several significant discrepancies between the theoretical and observed distributions are discussed. The orbital-period distribution of observed BMPs strongly favors cases where the envelope of the neutron-star progenitor is more easily ejected during the common-envelope phase. However, this leads to a >~100-fold overproduction of the theoretical number of luminous X-ray sources relative to the total observed number of LMXBs. X-ray irradiation of the donor star may result in a dramatic reduction in the X-ray active lifetime of L/IMXBs, thus possibly resolving the overproduction problem, as well as the long-standing BMP/LMXB birthrate problem.Comment: 12 pages, emulateapj, submitted to Ap

    The Search for Stellar Companions to Exoplanet Host Stars Using the CHARA Array

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    Most exoplanets have been discovered via radial velocity studies, which are inherently insensitive to orbital inclination. Interferometric observations will show evidence of a stellar companion if it sufficiently bright, regardless of the inclination. Using the CHARA Array, we observed 22 exoplanet host stars to search for stellar companions in low-inclination orbits that may be masquerading as planetary systems. While no definitive stellar companions were discovered, it was possible to rule out certain secondary spectral types for each exoplanet system observed by studying the errors in the diameter fit to calibrated visibilities and by searching for separated fringe packets.Comment: 26 pages, 5 tables, 8 figure

    Multilevel and multiscale drought reanalysis over France with the Safran-Isba-Modcou hydrometeorological suite

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    Physically-based droughts can be defined as a water deficit in at least one component of the land surface hydrological cycle. The reliance of different activity domains (water supply, irrigation, hydropower, etc.) on specific components of this cycle requires drought monitoring to be based on indices related to meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts. This paper describes a high-resolution retrospective analysis of such droughts in France over the last fifty years, based on the Safran-Isba-Modcou (SIM) hydrometeorological suite. The high-resolution 1958–2008 Safran atmospheric reanalysis was used to force the Isba land surface scheme and the hydrogeological model Modcou. Meteorological droughts are characterized with the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at time scales varying from 1 to 24 months. Similar standardizing methods were applied to soil moisture and streamflow for identifying multiscale agricultural droughts – through the Standardized Soil Wetness Index (SSWI) – and multiscale hydrological droughts, through the Standardized Flow Index (SFI). Based on a common threshold level for all indices, drought event statistics over the 50-yr period – number of events, duration, severity and magnitude – have been derived locally in order to highlight regional differences at multiple time scales and at multiple levels of the hydrological cycle (precipitation, soil moisture, streamflow). Results show a substantial variety of temporal drought patterns over the country that are highly dependent on both the variable and time scale considered. Independent spatio-temporal drought events have then been identified and described by combining local characteristics with the evolution of area under drought. Summary statistics have finally been used to compare past severe drought events, from multi-year precipitation deficits (1989–1990) to short hot and dry periods (2003). Results show that the ranking of drought events depends highly on both the time scale and the variable considered. This multilevel and multiscale drought climatology will serve as a basis for assessing the impacts of climate change on droughts in France

    Marking of substrates

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